
13-letter words containing h, a, t, i

  • kinesitherapy — a movement-based therapy
  • kiss of death — a fatal or destructive relationship or action: The support of the outlawed group was the kiss of death to the candidate.
  • kitchen match — a wooden friction match with a large head, used especially for igniting gas ovens or burners.
  • kitchen paper — also kitchen roll
  • kitchen range — cooker with oven and hob
  • kitchen waste — bits of food that are left over from cooking, such as vegetable peelings, cheese rind, and scraps from people's plates
  • knight errant — a wandering knight; a knight who traveled widely in search of adventures, to exhibit military skill, to engage in chivalric deeds, etc.
  • knight-errant — a wandering knight; a knight who traveled widely in search of adventures, to exhibit military skill, to engage in chivalric deeds, etc.
  • kristallnacht — a Nazi pogrom throughout Germany and Austria on the night of November 9–10, 1938, during which Jews were killed and their property destroyed.
  • labyrinthical — Labyrinthine; like or relating to a labyrinth.
  • labyrinthitis — inflammation of the inner ear, or labyrinth, characterized by dizziness, nausea, and visual disturbances.
  • ladder stitch — an embroidery stitch in which crossbars at equal distances are produced between two solid ridges of raised work.
  • lateral chain — an open chain of atoms attached to an atom of a larger chain, or to a ring.
  • laughingstock — an object of ridicule; the butt of a joke or the like: His ineptness as a public official made him the laughingstock of the whole town.
  • leading light — an important or influential person: a leading light of the community.
  • leap of faith — to spring through the air from one point or position to another; jump: to leap over a ditch.
  • leptocephalic — having a narrow skull
  • lethargically — of, relating to, or affected with lethargy; drowsy; sluggish; apathetic.
  • lichenization — any complex organism of the group Lichenes, composed of a fungus in symbiotic union with an alga and having a greenish, gray, yellow, brown, or blackish thallus that grows in leaflike, crustlike, or branching forms on rocks, trees, etc.
  • life-or-death — life-and-death.
  • light mineral — any rock-forming mineral that has a specific gravity of less than 2.8 and is generally light in color.
  • light quantum — photon.
  • light railway — a transport system using small trains or trams, often serving parts of a large metropolitan area
  • light reading — reading which is not considered too demanding or intellectual
  • light therapy — therapeutic exposure to full-spectrum artificial light that simulates sunlight, used to treat various conditions, as seasonal affective disorder.
  • light-hearted — carefree; cheerful; merry: a lighthearted laugh.
  • lightfastness — The quality of being lightfast.
  • lightheadedly — In a lightheaded manner.
  • lighthouseman — a lighthouse keeper
  • like anything — of the same form, appearance, kind, character, amount, etc.: I cannot remember a like instance.
  • list enhanced — (operating system, tool)   An MS-DOS file browsing utility written by Vern Buerg in 1983. A former mainframe systems programmer, Buerg wrote DOS utilities when he began using an IBM PC and missed the file-scanning ability he had on mainframes. The software became an instant success, and his list utility was in use on an estimated 5 million PCs.
  • literacy hour — (in England and Wales) a daily reading and writing lesson that was introduced into the national primary school curriculum in 1998 to raise standards of literacy
  • lithification — the process or processes by which unconsolidated materials are converted into coherent solid rock, as by compaction or cementation.
  • lithographing — Present participle of lithograph.
  • load the dice — anything put in or on something for conveyance or transportation; freight; cargo: The truck carried a load of watermelons.
  • logarithmancy — Divination using logarithms.
  • logical shift — (programming)   (Either shift left logical or shift right logical) Machine-level operations available on nearly all processors which move each bit in a word one or more bit positions in the given direction. A left shift moves the bits to more significant positions (like multiplying by two), a right shift moves them to less significant positions (like dividing by two). The comparison with multiplication and division breaks down in certain circumstances - a logical shift may discard bits that are shifted off either end of the word and does not preserve the sign of the word (positive or negative). Logical shift is approriate when treating the word as a bit string or a sequence of bit fields, whereas arithmetic shift is appropriate when treating it as a binary number. The word to be shifted is usually stored in a register, or possibly in memory.
  • logical truth — the property of being logically tautologous
  • low-bandwidth — [communication theory] Used to indicate a talk that, although not content-free, was not terribly informative. "That was a low-bandwidth talk, but what can you expect for an audience of suits!" Compare zero-content, bandwidth, math-out.
  • lucifer match — friction match.
  • lymphadenitis — inflammation of a lymphatic gland.
  • lymphatolysis — destruction of lymphatic vessels or of lymphoid tissue.
  • lymphoblastic — (US, cytology, immunology) Of or pertaining to a lymphoblast.
  • lymphomatosis — lymphoma spread throughout the body.
  • machicolation — an opening in the floor between the corbels of a projecting gallery or parapet, as on a wall or in the vault of a passage, through which missiles, molten lead, etc., might be cast upon an enemy beneath.
  • machilipatnam — a city in E Andhra Pradesh state, in S India, on the Bay of Bengal: first British trading settlement 1611.
  • machinability — The condition of being machinable.
  • machine-steel — low-carbon steel that can be easily machined.
  • macrolecithal — megalecithal.
  • magnetic head — head (def 33).
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