
11-letter words containing h, a, t, i

  • anti-choice — opposed to the legal right to obtain an abortion; pro-life
  • anti-church — a building for public Christian worship.
  • anti-jewish — anti-Semitic
  • antialcohol — relating to an opposition to alcoholic drink
  • anticathode — the target electrode for the stream of electrons in a vacuum tube, esp an X-ray tube
  • antichamber — Obsolete form of antechamber.
  • antichoicer — someone who opposes the granting of pregnant women the choice to have an abortion
  • antichrists — Plural form of antichrist.
  • antifashion — opposing mainstream fashion
  • antiheroine — a central female character in a novel, play, film, etc, who lacks the traditional heroic virtues
  • antiheroism — (literature) The quality of being an antihero.
  • antihunting — opposed to hunters or hunting practices
  • antihyperon — the antiparticle of the hyperon
  • antikythera — an island in the E Mediterranean, NW of Crete: archaeological site. 8½ sq. mi. (22 sq. km).
  • antipathies — Plural form of antipathy.
  • antipathise — Non-Oxford British standard spelling of antipathize.
  • antipathist — a person feeling antipathy
  • antipathize — (intransitive) To feel or show antipathy.
  • antiphonary — a bound collection of antiphons, esp for use in the divine office
  • antiphonies — Plural form of antiphony.
  • antiphrasis — the use of a word in a sense opposite to its normal one, esp for ironic effect
  • antirrhinum — any scrophulariaceous plant of the genus Antirrhinum, esp the snapdragon, which have two-lipped flowers of various colours
  • antisthenes — ?445–365 bc, Greek philosopher, founder of the Cynic school, who taught that the only good was virtue, won by self-control and independence from worldly needs
  • antistrophe — the second of two movements made by a chorus during the performance of a choral ode
  • antitarnish — resistant to or protecting against tarnishing
  • antithalian — disapproving of fun or festivity
  • antitheater — Works of theater that go against theatrical conventions.
  • antitheatre — Alternative form of antitheater.
  • antitheists — Plural form of antitheist.
  • antithesize — To create antitheses.
  • antithyroid — acting against excessive thyroid activity
  • antityphoid — preventing or acting against typhoid
  • antiwhaling — opposed to whale fishing
  • aortic arch — one member of a series of paired curved blood vessels that arise in the embryo from the ventral aorta, pass around the pharynx through the branchial arches, and join with the dorsal aorta to form the great vessels of the head and neck.
  • apathetical — having or showing little or no emotion: apathetic behavior.
  • aphetically — (linguistics) In an aphetic way: through aphesis.
  • aphlogistic — (archaic) flameless.
  • apocynthion — the point at which a spacecraft in lunar orbit is farthest from the moon
  • apophyllite — a white, colourless, pink, or green mineral consisting of a hydrated silicate of calcium, potassium, and fluorine in tetragonal crystalline form. It occurs in cracks in volcanic rocks. Formula: KCa4(Si4O10)2(OH1F).8H2O
  • apophysitis — (pathology) Inflammation of an apophysis, a bony tubercle.
  • apostleship — the position or duty of an apostle
  • apostrophic — a digression in the form of an address to someone not present, or to a personified object or idea, as “O Death, where is thy sting?”.
  • apotheosise — Alternative spelling of apotheosize.
  • apotheosize — to deify
  • apparatchik — An apparatchik is someone who works for a government or a political party and who obeys orders.
  • archenteric — Of or pertaining to an archenteron.
  • archicortex — (anatomy) Part of the allocortex, specifically three layered hippocampal cortexes necessary for hippocampus formation.
  • architected — a person who engages in the profession of architecture.
  • architector — (obsolete) An architect.
  • architraved — having an architrave or architraves
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