
29-letter words containing h, a, t, i, e

  • maximum likelihood estimation — a method of estimating population characteristics from a sample by choosing the values of the parameters that will maximize the probability of getting the particular sample actually obtained from the population.
  • mechanical equivalent of heat — (in any system of physical units) the number of units of work or energy equal to one unit of heat, as 4.1858 joules, which equals one small calorie.
  • methylenedioxymethamphetamine — The psychoactive drug MDMA or Ecstasy, an amphetamine that produces entactogenic, psychedelic, and stimulant effects.
  • microelectromechanical system — (hardware)   (MEMS) The integration of mechanical structures (moving parts) with microelectronics. MEMS devices are "custom" designed for a purpose which requires a mechanical action to be controlled by a computer. Applications include sensors, medical devices, process controls. See also nanotechnology.
  • monobasic potassium phosphate — potassium diphosphate. See under potassium phosphate.
  • more trouble than it is worth — If you say that someone or something is more trouble than they are worth, you mean that they cause you a lot of problems or take a lot of time and effort and you do not achieve or gain very much in return.
  • multiprotocol label switching — (networking)   (MPLS) A packet switching protocol developed by the IETF. Initially developed to improve switching speed, other benefits are now seen as being more important. MPLS adds a 32-bit label to each packet to improve network efficiency and to enable routers to direct packets along predefined routes in accordance with the required quality of service. The label is added when the packet enters the MPLS network, and is based on an analysis of the packet header. The label contains information on the route along which the packet may travel, and the forwarding equivalence class (FEC) of the packet. Packets with the same FEC are routed through the network in the same way. Routers make forwarding decisions based purely on the contents of the label. This simplifies the work done by the router, leading to an increase in speed. At each router, the label is replaced with a new label, which tells the next router how to forward the packet. The label is removed when the packet leaves the MPLS network. Modern ASIC-based routers can look up routes fast enough to make the speed increase less important. However, MPLS still has some benefits. The use of FECs allows QoS levels to be guaranteed, and MPLS allows IP tunnels to be created through a network, so that VPNs can be implemented without encryption.
  • ningxia hui autonomous region — an administrative division in N China. 25,640 sq. mi. (66,400 sq. km). Capital: Yinchuan.
  • not to have the foggiest idea — to have no idea whatsoever
  • not with a bang but a whimper — If you say that something happens not with a bang but a whimper, you mean that it is less effective or exciting than was expected or intended.
  • operations support technician — (job)   A person who analyses and supports computer operations by controlling production applications, monitoring system resources and response time and providing first-line support for operational problems.
  • optical character recognition — the process or technology of reading data in printed form by a device (optical character reader) that scans and identifies characters. Abbreviation: OCR.
  • optimal flexible architecture — (database)   (OFA) Recommendations for logical and physical allocation of database files to disks. The OFA principles can be summarised as: isolate redo, rollback, temp, data and index files as much as possible. OFA can be combined with SAME (Stripe And Mirror Everything).
  • professional graphics adapter — (graphics, specification)   (PGA) A computer video display standard produced by IBM for early CAD applications. It had a resolution of 640x400 pixels.
  • put sb/go through their paces — If you put someone through their paces or make them go through their paces, you get them to show you how well they can do something.
  • put someone through his paces — to test the ability of someone
  • put the cat among the pigeons — to introduce some violently disturbing new element
  • run something up the flagpole — to pursue a tentative course of action in order to gauge the reaction it receives
  • shipshape and bristol fashion — in good order; efficiently arranged
  • sing from the same hymn sheet — If you say that people, especially people in the same organization, are singing from the same hymn sheet or are singing from the same song sheet, you mean that they are saying the same things in public about something and appear to agree about it.
  • sing from the same song sheet — to say the same things about a subject in order to give the impression of unity or agreement
  • someone has raised their game — If you say that someone has raised their game, you mean that they have begun to perform better, usually because they were under pressure to do so.
  • stop sth (dead) in its tracks — If someone or something stops a process or activity in its tracks, or if it stops dead in its tracks, they prevent the process or activity from continuing.
  • synchronous digital hierarchy — (communications, standard)   (SDH) An international digital telecommunications network hierarchy which standardises transmission around the bit rate of 51.84 megabits per second, which is also called STS-1. Multiples of this bit rate comprise higher bit rate streams. Thus STS-3 is 3 times STS-1, STS-12 is 12 times STS-1, and so on. STS-3 is the lowest bit rate expected to carry ATM traffic, and is also referred to as STM-1 (Synchronous Transport Module-Level 1). The SDH specifies how payload data is framed and transported synchronously across optical fibre transmission links without requiring all the links and nodes to have the same synchronized clock for data transmission and recovery (i.e. both the clock frequency and phase are allowed to have variations, or be plesiochronous). SDH offers several advantages over the current multiplexing technology, which is known as Plesiochronous Digital Hierarchy. Where PDH lacks built-in facilities for automatic management and routing, and locks users into proprietary methods, SDH can improve network reliability and performance, offers much greater flexibility and lower operating and maintenance costs, and provides for a faster provision of new services. Under SDH, incoming traffic is synchronized and enhanced with network management bits before being multiplexed into the STM-1 fixed rate frame. The fundamental clock frequency around which the SDH or SONET framing is done is 8 KHz or 125 microseconds. SONET (Synchronous Optical Network) is the American version of SDH.
  • take the law into one's hands — the principles and regulations established in a community by some authority and applicable to its people, whether in the form of legislation or of custom and policies recognized and enforced by judicial decision.
  • the five heads of predicables — five Aristotelian classes of predicates namely genus, species, difference, property, and relation
  • the northern ireland assembly — the devolved legislature of Northern Ireland, located at Stormont in Belfast
  • thinking machines corporation — (company)   The company that introduced the Connection Machine parallel computer ca 1984. Four of the world's ten most powerful supercomputers are Connection Machines. Thinking Machines is the leader in scalable computing, with software and applications running on parallel systems ranging from 16 to 1024 processors. In developing the Connection Machine system, Thinking Machines also did pioneering work in parallel software. The 1993 technical applications market for massively parallel systems was approximately $310 million, of which Thinking Machines Corporation held a 29 percent share. Thinking Machines planned to become a software provider by 1996, by which time the parallel computing market was expected to have grown to $2 billion. Thinking Machines Corporation has 200 employees and offices worldwide. Address: 245 First Street, Cambridge, MA 02142-1264, USA. Telephone: +1 (617) 234 1000. Fax: +1 (617) 234 4444.
  • throw cold water on something — to be unenthusiastic about or discourage something
  • throw one's hat into the ring — to enter a contest, esp. one for political office
  • thyrotropin-releasing hormone — a small peptide hormone, produced by the hypothalamus, that controls the release of thyrotropin by the pituitary. Abbreviation: TRH.
  • to be mentioned in dispatches — If a soldier is mentioned in dispatches, he or she is considered to have been extremely brave in a battle, and is recommended for a medal.
  • to draw a veil over something — If you draw a veil over something, you stop talking about it because it is too unpleasant to talk about.
  • to err on the side of caution — If you err on the side of caution, for example, you decide to act in a cautious way, rather than take risks.
  • to get sb in the party spirit — to make someone feel like going to a party
  • to have a learning disability — to be unable to reach the average standard of people of the same age group as regards intellectual and cognitive skills and performance
  • to have the time of your life — If you have the time of your life, you enjoy yourself very much indeed.
  • to run the gamut of something — To run the gamut of something means to include, express, or experience all the different things of that kind, or a wide variety of them.
  • training opportunities scheme — a former government scheme offering vocational training to unemployed people
  • trichloromethyl chloroformate — diphosgene.
  • trinitrophenylmethylnitramine — tetryl.
  • two wrongs don't make a right — If someone says 'Two wrongs don't make a right', they mean that you should not do harm to a person who has done harm to you, even if you think that person deserves it.
  • until one is blue in the face — to the utmost degree; indefinitely
  • variational graphics extended — (software)   (VGX) Software developed by SDRC for use in 3D CAD solid modelling.
  • virtual storage access method — (database)   (VSAM) An IBM disk file storage scheme first used in S/370 and virtual storage. VSAM comprises three access methods: Keyed Sequenced Data Set (KSDS), Relative Record Data Set (RRDS), and Entry Sequenced Data Set (ESDS). Both IMS/DB and DB2 are implemented on top of VSAM and use its underlying data structures.
  • war of the spanish succession — a war (1701–14) fought by Austria, England, the Netherlands, and Prussia against France and Spain, arising from disputes about the succession in Spain after the death of Charles II of Spain.
  • windows hardware quality labs — (body, standard)   (WHQL) A Microsoft body that produces and supports the Microsoft Hardware Compatibility Test kit for current Microsoft operating systems. Products are tested with the kit to ensure that they meet Microsoft standards for compatibility with Windows and to qualify to use the "Designed for Microsoft Windows" logos.
  • within earshot/out of earshot — If you are within earshot of someone or something, you are close enough to be able to hear them. If you are out of earshot, you are too far away to hear them.
  • yet another compiler compiler — (tool, language)   (yacc) The LALR parser generator found on most Unix systems. Also, the language used to describe the syntax of another language to yacc (the program). Implementations: ayacc, YAY, perln-byacc, SASL-Yacc - "Yacc in SASL - An Exercise in Functional Programming", Simon Peyton-Jones, Software Prac & Exp 15:807-820 (1985). Mentions also a BCPL implementation. Yacc++ - 1990. An object-oriented rewrite of yacc, supports regular expressions, produces an LR1 grammar parser. Chris Clark, Compiler Resources Inc, +1 (508) 435-5016. MLYACC - Implementation and output in SML/NJ. ftp:research.att.com/dist/ml/75.tools.tar.Z. A version, by David Poole at Montana University has been retargeted to Turbo Pascal. See also Bison, yet another, Yet Another Yacc.
  • you can't hear yourself think — If you say that you can't hear yourself think, you are complaining and emphasizing that there is a lot of noise, and that it is disturbing you or preventing you from doing something.
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