
22-letter words containing h, a, t, i, e

  • spherical trigonometry — the branch of trigonometry that deals with spherical triangles.
  • stand the test of time — last, endure
  • start the ball rolling — to open or initiate (an action, discussion, movement, etc)
  • straining at the leash — eagerly impatient to begin something
  • suffice it to say that — let us say no more than that; I shall just say that
  • surface effect vehicle — ACV (def 2).
  • sweet william catchfly — a southern European plant, Silene armeria, of the pink family, having a flat-topped cluster of pink flowers.
  • sympathetic ophthalmia — inflammation of one eye due to injury or disease of the other eye.
  • take cognizance of sth — If you take cognizance of something, you take notice of it or acknowledge it.
  • take something as read — to take something for granted as a fact; understand or presume
  • take the mickey out of — to deflate (a person)
  • tell it to the marines — of or relating to the sea; existing in or produced by the sea: marine vegetation.
  • the (great) depression — the period of economic depression which began in 1929 and lasted through most of the 1930s
  • the atlantic provinces — certain of the Canadian provinces with coasts facing the Gulf of St Lawrence or the Atlantic: New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, and Newfoundland and Labrador
  • the authorized version — an English translation of the Bible published in 1611 under James I
  • the caring professions — professions such as nursing and social work that are involved with looking after people who are ill or who need help in coping with their lives
  • the catcher in the rye — a novel (1951) by J. D. Salinger.
  • the chattering classes — the educated sections of society, considered as enjoying discussion of political, social, and cultural issues
  • the continental system — Napoleon's plan in 1806 to blockade Britain by excluding her ships from ports on the mainland of Europe
  • the edinburgh festival — an arts festival held in Edinburgh in August
  • the end of the rainbow — If you say that something is at the end of the rainbow, you mean that people want it but it is almost impossible to obtain or achieve.
  • the fat is in the fire — an irrevocable action has been taken, esp one from which dire consequences are expected
  • the golden gate bridge — a bridge crossing the strait between the Pacific and San Francisco Bay, with a central span of 1280 m (4200 ft)
  • the houston ship canal — a canal linking Houston to the Gulf of Mexico and the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway
  • the maritime provinces — another name for the Atlantic Provinces of Canada, but often excluding Newfoundland and Labrador
  • the marriage of figaro — Italian Le nozze di Figaro. an opera (1786) by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.
  • the medical profession — the occupation of working as a doctor of medicine
  • the merchant of venice — a comedy (1596?) by Shakespeare.
  • the mythical man-month — (publication)   Fred Brooks's excellent 1975 book on software engineering. See also Brooks's Law.
  • the ouachita mountains — a mountain range in the United States, located in W Arkansas, S E Oklahoma, and N E Texas
  • the pennsylvania dutch — a group of German-speaking people in E Pennsylvania, descended from 18th-century settlers from SW Germany and Switzerland
  • the straits of florida — a sea passage between the Florida Keys and Cuba, linking the Atlantic with the Gulf of Mexico
  • the-leaning-tower-pisa — a round, marble campanile in Pisa, Italy, begun in 1174 and now 17 feet (5.2 meters) out of the perpendicular in its height of 179 feet (54 meters).
  • theoretical arithmetic — arithmetic (def 2).
  • there is no comparison — If you say there is no comparison between one thing and another, you mean that you think the first thing is much better than the second, or very different from it.
  • thermal imaging camera — a camera that can make infrared radiation visible
  • thermal imaging system — equipment providing images of a target, or of a person or thing under examination
  • thermometric titration — titration in which the end point is determined by measuring the temperature of a solution.
  • thermonuclear reaction — a nuclear-fusion reaction that takes place between the nuclei of a gas, especially hydrogen, heated to a temperature of several million degrees.
  • thiamine-hydrochloride — a white, crystalline, water-soluble compound of the vitamin-B complex, containing a thiazole and a pyrimidine group, C 12 H 17 ClN 4 OS, essential for normal functioning of the nervous system, a deficiency of which results chiefly in beriberi and other nerve disorders: occurring in many natural sources, as green peas, liver, and especially the seed coats of cereal grains, the commercial product of which is chiefly synthesized in the form of its chloride (thiamine chloride or thiamine hydrochloride) for therapeutic administration, or in nitrate form (thiamine mononitrate) for enriching flour mixes.
  • three-wattled bellbird — any of several birds having a loud bell-like cry, especially Anthornis melanura, a honey eater of New Zealand, and Procnias tricarunculata (three-wattled bellbird) of Central America.
  • threespine stickleback — a widely distributed stickleback, Gasterosteus aculeatus, occurring in marine, brackish, or fresh waters throughout the northern hemisphere.
  • time-lapse photography — the photographing on motion-picture film of a slow and continuous process, as the growth of a plant, at regular intervals, especially by exposing a single frame at a time, for projection at a higher speed.
  • tip the scales/balance — If something tips the scales or tips the balance, it gives someone a slight advantage.
  • to awaken to something — to become aware of something
  • to be on the safe side — If you say you are doing something to be on the safe side, you mean that you are doing it in case something undesirable happens, even though this may be unnecessary.
  • to fall by the wayside — If a person or plan falls by the wayside, they fail or stop before they complete what they set out to do.
  • to play happy families — to spend time with your family or partner and to outwardly give the impression of being happy (although this may not be the case)
  • to preach to the choir — If you say that someone is preaching to the choir, you mean that they are presenting an argument or opinion to people who already agree with it.
  • to sell like hot cakes — If things are selling like hot cakes, a lot of people are buying them.
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