
19-letter words containing h, a, t, i, e

  • programmer's switch — (hardware)   A button on the front of some Apple Macintosh computers which, when pressed, causes a command line prompt to appear. This gives access to the built-in mini-debugger, which has commands to dump memory, return to the application that was broken out, and others. A more sophisticated debugger must be installed in order to inspect breakpoints, etc.
  • protease inhibitors — a drug that inhibits the action of protease, especially any of a class of antiviral drugs that prevent the cleavage and replication of HIV proteins.
  • pseudohermaphrodite — an individual having internal reproductive organs of one sex and external sexual characteristics resembling those of the other sex or being ambiguous in nature. Compare hermaphrodite (def 1).
  • psychotechnological — of or relating to psychotechnology
  • psychrometric chart — a chart for calculating values of relative humidity, absolute humidity, and dew point from psychrometer readings.
  • put a figure on sth — When you put a figure on an amount, you say exactly how much it is.
  • quick on the uptake — You say that someone is quick on the uptake when they understand things quickly. You say that someone is slow on the uptake when they have difficulty understanding simple or obvious things.
  • quick-change artist — a person adept at changing from one thing to another, as an entertainer who changes costumes quickly during a performance.
  • radiopharmaceutical — any of a number of radioactive drugs used diagnostically or therapeutically.
  • rayleigh scattering — the scattering of light by particles that are very small in relation to the wavelength of the light, and in which the intensity of the scattered light varies inversely with the fourth power of the wavelength.
  • reef whitetip shark — whitetip shark (def 1).
  • reflux oesophagitis — inflammation of the gullet caused by regurgitation of stomach acids, producing heartburn: may be associated with a hiatus hernia
  • resorcinolphthalein — fluorescein.
  • reticuloendothelial — pertaining to, resembling, or involving cells of the reticuloendothelial system.
  • rhetorical question — a question asked solely to produce an effect or to make an assertion and not to elicit a reply, as “What is so rare as a day in June?”.
  • right circular cone — a cone whose surface is generated by lines joining a fixed point to the points of a circle, the fixed point lying on a perpendicular through the center of the circle.
  • ring up the curtain — to begin a theatrical performance
  • saber-toothed tiger — any of several extinct members of the cat family Felidae from the Oligocene to Pleistocene Epochs, having greatly elongated, saberlike upper canine teeth.
  • sabre-toothed tiger — any of various extinct Tertiary felines of the genus Smilodon and related genera, with long curved upper canine teeth
  • sandwich generation — the generation of people still raising their children while having to care for their aging parents.
  • satellite telephone — a type of mobile phone that connects to orbiting artificial satellites rather than terrestrial cell sites
  • sb's spiritual home — your spiritual home is the place where you feel that you belong, usually because your ideas or attitudes are the same as those of the people who live there
  • scattersite housing — public housing, especially for low-income families, built throughout an urban area rather than being concentrated in a single neighborhood.
  • seleucia tracheotis — an ancient city in SE Asia Minor, on the River Calycadnus (modern Goksu Nehri): captured by the Turks in the 13th century; site of present-day Silifke (Turkey)
  • sell like hot cakes — a pancake or griddlecake.
  • semidetached binary — a pair of stars that are so close together that mass transfer occurs from one to the other
  • sharp-tailed grouse — a grouse, Pedioecetes phasianellus, of prairies and open forests of western North America, similar in size to the prairie chicken but with a more pointed tail.
  • shield-tailed snake — any of several burrowing snakes of the family Uropeltidae, of the Indian peninsula and Sri Lanka, having a tail that ends in a flat disk.
  • ship-to-shore radio — a radio that carries communications between land and sea
  • shipping department — a department in a company responsible for arranging, receiving, recording, and sending shipments of goods
  • shoestring potatoes — potatoes cut into long, very narrow strips and fried crisp in deep fat
  • shopping facilities — shops or other retail services
  • short-tail business — Short-tail business is insurance business where it is known that claims will be made and settled quickly.
  • simple carbohydrate — a carbohydrate, as glucose, that consists of a single monosaccharide unit.
  • sissinghurst castle — a restored Elizabethan mansion near Cranbrook in Kent: noted for the gardens laid out in the 1930s by Victoria Sackville-West and Harold Nicolson
  • sixteenth amendment — an amendment to the U.S. Constitution, ratified in 1913, authorizing Congress to levy a tax on incomes.
  • smite hip and thigh — to attack unsparingly; overwhelm with or as with blows
  • so what else is new — not surprised
  • sodium thiosulphate — a white soluble substance used, in the pentahydrate form, in photography as a fixer to dissolve unchanged silver halides and also to remove excess chlorine from chlorinated water. Formula: Na2S2O3
  • solid-state physics — the branch of physics that deals with the macroscopic physical properties of matter, especially solids; the study of the electromagnetic, structural, and thermodynamic properties of solids.
  • son-of-a-bitch stew — (in the Old West) a stew often prepared by chuck-wagon cooks for working cowboys, containing tripe and often also the heart, liver, brains, kidney, etc., of a slaughtered steer.
  • south pacific ocean — the part of the Pacific Ocean extending S from the Equator to the Antarctic continent.
  • spaghetti bolognese — Italian dish of pasta and tomato sauce
  • spanish west africa — a former overseas territory of Spain in NW Africa: divided in 1958 into the overseas provinces of Ifni and Spanish Sahara
  • special partnership — limited partnership.
  • specific characters — the persistent features that distinguish one species from all others
  • spherical astronomy — the branch of astronomy dealing with the determination of the positions of celestial bodies on the celestial sphere.
  • spider-hunting wasp — any solitary wasp of the superfamily Pompiloidea, having a slender elongated body: the fast-running female hunts spiders as a food store for her larvae
  • spread oneself thin — to draw, stretch, or open out, especially over a flat surface, as something rolled or folded (often followed by out).
  • squamous epithelium — epithelium consisting of one or more layers of scalelike cells.
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