
19-letter words containing h, a, t, i, e

  • the pilgrim fathers — the English Puritans who sailed on the Mayflower to New England, where they founded Plymouth Colony in SE Massachusetts (1620)
  • the pine tree state — a nickname for the state of Maine in the U.S.
  • the provisional ira — the unofficial faction of the IRA that became increasingly dominant following a split in 1969. The Provisional movement remained committed to a policy of terrorism until its ceasefires of the mid-1990s
  • the retail business — the business sector in which goods are sold individually or in small quantities to consumers
  • the roaring forties — the areas of ocean between 40° and 50° latitude in the S Hemisphere, noted for gale-force winds
  • the social register — a directory, now published annually, of the families who are considered to form the country's social élite
  • the varangian guard — the bodyguard of the Byzantine emperor in the late 10th and 11th centuries, consisting of Varangians
  • the vatican council — the second Ecumenical Council of the Vatican, also known as Vatican II, which sat from 1962 to 1965, and among other things allowed the liturgy to be said in the local language, not Latin
  • the whole enchilada — all of it; everything; the entirety of something
  • the wolverine state — a Midwestern state in the Great Lakes area of the north central US
  • theatrical producer — a person who is responsible for all aspects of a theatrical production
  • theological virtues — one of the three graces: faith, hope, or charity, infused into the human intellect and will by a special grace of God.
  • theoretical physics — abstract use of physics
  • theory of equations — the branch of mathematics dealing with methods of finding the solutions to algebraic equations.
  • therapeutic cloning — the permitted creation of cloned human tissues for surgical transplant
  • thermal equilibrium — the relationship between two systems connected only by a diathermic wall.
  • third international — an international organization (1919–43), founded in Moscow, uniting Communist groups of various countries and advocating the attainment of their ends by violent revolution. Also called Comintern, Communist International. Compare international (def 6).
  • thread-line fishing — spinning (def 3).
  • three-martini lunch — an expensive lunch enjoyed by businessmen during the workday which is often accompanied by drinking
  • three-point landing — an aircraft landing in which the two wheels of the main landing gear and the tail or nose wheel touch the ground simultaneously.
  • throw in one's hand — (in cards) to concede defeat by putting one's cards down
  • thrust augmentation — an increase in the thrust of a jet or rocket engine, as by afterburning or reheating.
  • tiglath-pileser iii — died 727 b.c, king of Assyria 745–727.
  • time on one's hands — an interval with nothing to do
  • time sharing option — (operating system)   (TSO) System software from IBM that provides time-sharing on an IBM mainframe running in an MVS environment.
  • to be headline news — to attract a lot of attention from newspapers
  • to be in the charts — (of a record or pop group) to be popular
  • to change your mind — If you change your mind, or if someone or something changes your mind, you change a decision you have made or an opinion that you had.
  • to fight for breath — If you fight for breath, you try to breathe but find it very difficult.
  • to have it off/away — To have it off with someone or have it away with someone means to have sex with them.
  • to have sth in mind — If you ask someone what they have in mind, you want to know in more detail about an idea or wish they have.
  • to make like sth/sb — If you make like you are doing something, you act as if you are doing it, and if you make like someone, you act as if you are that person.
  • to ring the changes — If you say that someone rings the changes, you mean that they make changes or improvements to the way something is organized or done.
  • to take the biscuit — If someone has done something very stupid, rude, or selfish, you can say that they take the biscuit or that what they have done takes the biscuit, to emphasize your surprise at their behaviour.
  • to this/that effect — You use to this effect, to that effect, or to the effect that to indicate that you have given or are giving a summary of something that was said or written, and not the actual words used.
  • trahison des clercs — a compromising of intellectual integrity, esp. for political reasons
  • travelers' diarrhea — persistent and often severe diarrhea experienced by a traveler whose digestive system is unaccustomed to the bacteria in local food and water.
  • tricks of the trade — expert techniques
  • trisodium phosphate — sodium phosphate (def 3).
  • tuamotu archipelago — a group of about 80 coral islands in the S Pacific, in French Polynesia. Pop: 15 973 (2002; including the Gambier Islands). Area: 860 sq km (332 sq miles)
  • tubular steel chair — a chair with a frame made of tubular steel
  • turn in their grave — If you say that someone who is dead would turn in their grave at something that is happening now, you mean that they would be very shocked or upset by it, if they were alive.
  • typographical error — an error in printed or typewritten matter resulting from striking the improper key of a keyboard, from mechanical failure, or the like.
  • ultrahigh frequency — any frequency between 300 and 3000 megahertz. Abbreviation: UHF, uhf.
  • ultramicrochemistry — the branch of microchemistry dealing with minute quantities of material weighing one microgram or less.
  • university hospital — a hospital that is affiliated with a university. University hospitals provide clinical education and training to future and current doctors, nurses, and other health professionals, in addition to delivering medical care to patients
  • up against the wall — any of various permanent upright constructions having a length much greater than the thickness and presenting a continuous surface except where pierced by doors, windows, etc.: used for shelter, protection, or privacy, or to subdivide interior space, to support floors, roofs, or the like, to retain earth, to fence in an area, etc.
  • valley of the kings — a valley on the west bank of the Nile near the site of Thebes: the necropolis of many of the kings and queens of the 18th and 19th dynasties of ancient Egypt, c1350–c1200 b.c.
  • vesicular exanthema — an infectious viral disease of swine, characterized by blisters on the snout, mucous membranes, and feet.
  • wage-push inflation — an inflationary trend caused by wage increases that in turn cause rises in production costs and prices.
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