
17-letter words containing h, a, t, i, e

  • technical drawing — the study and practice, esp as a subject taught in school, of the basic techniques of draughtsmanship, as employed in mechanical drawing, architecture, etc
  • technical offence — an action which is prohibited by law, but for which no blame can be attached to the person who commits it
  • technical support — an advising and troubleshooting service provided by a manufacturer, typically a software or hardware developer, to its customers, often online or on the telephone.
  • telephone banking — a facility enabling customers to make use of banking services, such as oral payment instructions, account movements, raising loans, etc, over the telephone rather than by personal visit
  • terephthalic acid — a white, crystalline, water-insoluble solid, C 8 H 6 O 2 , the para isomer of phthalic acid: used chiefly in the manufacture of resins and textile fibers.
  • tertiary syphilis — the third stage of syphilis, characterized by involvement of the internal organs, especially the brain, spinal cord, heart, and liver.
  • that's the ticket — that is exactly what's needed
  • the alpine valley — a straight fracture on the moon that cuts the Alps in two
  • the bag of tricks — every device; everything
  • the beehive state — Utah
  • the carboniferous — the Carboniferous period or rock system
  • the confederation — the original 13 states of the United States of America constituted under the Articles of Confederation and superseded by the more formal union established in 1789
  • the driver's seat — the position of control or dominance
  • the establishment — a group or class of people having institutional authority within a society, esp those who control the civil service, the government, the armed forces, and the Church: usually identified with a conservative outlook
  • the evil day/hour — If someone is putting off the evil day or the evil hour, they have to do something unpleasant and are trying to avoid doing it for as long as possible.
  • the facts of life — the details of sexual behaviour and reproduction, esp as told to children
  • the faint-hearted — people of a nervous disposition
  • the final curtain — the closing of the curtain at the end of the action of a play
  • the final whistle — a blast on a referee's whistle to indicate that a game is over
  • the glacial epoch — the Pleistocene Epoch
  • the life and soul — a person regarded as the main source of merriment and liveliness
  • the lower animals — relatively simple or primitive animals and not mammals or vertebrates
  • the metamorphosis — a short story (1915) by Franz Kafka.
  • the minute (that) — just as soon as
  • the mississippian — the Mississippian period or rock system equivalent to the lower Carboniferous of Europe
  • the morning after — the aftereffects of excess, esp a hangover
  • the neolithic age — the last part of the Stone Age, where metal tools became widespread
  • the night's a pup — it's early yet
  • the olympic flame — the flame that is symbolically lit at the site of the ancient Olympics in Olympia and transported by relay to the place where the Olympic Games are to be held. It is used to ignite a fire in a cauldron that will burn throughout the Games
  • the past anterior — a French tense: the pluperfect
  • the pennsylvanian — the Pennsylvanian period or rock system, equivalent to the Upper Carboniferous of Europe
  • the prairie state — a nickname for the state of Illinois in the U.S.
  • the primrose path — a pleasurable way of life
  • the rail-splitter — Lincoln2
  • the silken ladder — a one-act opera by Rossini, telling the story of Giulia, who is secretly married to Dorvil; he visits her bedroom every night by climbing up a ladder made of silk. Giulia's guardian, Dormont, expects her to marry Blansac, but she introduces Blansac to her cousin Lucilla; after much confusion, the two couples are joyfully united
  • the south pacific — the part of the Pacific Ocean to the south of the equator
  • the tabloid press — (considered as a whole) newspapers with pages about 30 cm (12 inches) by 40 cm (16 inches), usually characterized by an emphasis on photographs and a concise and often sensational style
  • the three horatii — three Roman brothers who were victorious against the three Curiatii in single combat to secure victory in the war with Alba Longa
  • the unwritten law — the tradition that a person may avenge any insult to family integrity, as used to justify criminal acts of vengeance
  • the varsity match — a sporting fixture between Oxford and Cambridge university rugby teams
  • the water carrier — the constellation Aquarius, the 11th sign of the zodiac
  • the winter season — the season of the year that covers the winter months
  • the-invisible-man — a novel (1897) by H.G. Wells.
  • the-metamorphosis — a short story (1915) by Franz Kafka.
  • theatricalization — to put into dramatic or theatrical form; dramatize.
  • thematic approach — teaching organized by theme rather than by school subject
  • therapeutic index — the ratio between the dosage of a drug that causes a lethal effect and the dosage that causes a therapeutic effect.
  • therapeutic touch — the laying on of hands by a healer
  • thermal diffusion — the separation of constituents, often isotopes, of a fluid under the influence of a temperature gradient.
  • thermal expansion — expansion caused by heat
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