
13-letter words containing h, a, t, i, e

  • pitch surface — (in a gear or rack) an imaginary surface forming a plane (pitch plane) a cylinder (pitch cylinder) or a cone or frustrum (pitch cone) that moves tangentially to a similar surface in a meshing gear so that both surfaces travel at the same speed.
  • pitcher plant — any of various insectivorous New World bog plants of the genera Sarracenia, Darlingtonia, and Heliamphora, having tubular or trumpet-shaped leaves containing a liquid in which insects are trapped.
  • plain-clothes — Plain-clothes police officers wear ordinary clothes instead of a police uniform.
  • platycephalic — having a head whose cranial vault is broad or flat.
  • platyhelminth — any worm of the phylum Platyhelminthes; a flatworm.
  • pleasant hill — a city in W California, near San Francisco Bay.
  • pointy-headed — stupid; idiotic.
  • polycythaemia — an abnormal condition of the blood characterized by an increase in the number of red blood cells. It can occur as a primary disease of unknown cause (polycythaemia vera or erythraemia) or in association with respiratory or circulatory diseases
  • polytechnical — relating to a technical school
  • porkpie (hat) — a man's soft hat with a round, flat crown
  • posix threads — (programming)   (Pthreads) A POSIX standard API that defines a set of C programming language types, functions and constants for creating and manipulating pre-emptive threads. The standard's full name is "POSIX.1c, Threads extensions (IEEE Std 1003.1c-1995)". Implementations are available on many Unix-like POSIX-conformant operating systems such as FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD, GNU/Linux, Mac OS X and Solaris as well as DR-DOS and Microsoft Windows. Pthreads was designed and implemented in the PART Project (POSIX / Ada-Runtime Project).
  • pre christmas — the annual festival of the Christian church commemorating the birth of Jesus: celebrated on December 25 and now generally observed as a legal holiday and an occasion for exchanging gifts.
  • pre-christian — of, relating to, or belonging to a time or period before the Christian Era.
  • pre-christmas — the annual festival of the Christian church commemorating the birth of Jesus: celebrated on December 25 and now generally observed as a legal holiday and an occasion for exchanging gifts.
  • pre-establish — to establish, set up, set out, arrange or make secure in advance or previously
  • preanesthetic — a substance that produces a preliminary or light anesthesia.
  • primrose path — a way of life devoted to irresponsible hedonism, often of a sensual nature: The evangelist exhorted us to avoid the primrose path and stick to the straight and narrow.
  • private hotel — a residential hotel or boarding house in which the proprietor has the right to refuse to accept a person as a guest, esp a person arriving by chance
  • prophetically — of or relating to a prophet: prophetic inspiration.
  • pseudesthesia — phantom limb pain.
  • psychasthenia — Psychiatry. (no longer in technical use) a neurosis marked by fear, anxiety, phobias, etc.
  • psychasthenic — a person who has psychasthenia
  • public health — health services to improve and protect community health, especially sanitation, immunization, and preventive medicine.
  • pupil teacher — a young person who plans to be a teacher and who spends part of his or her time in preliminary education undertaking teaching duties under the supervision of the head-teacher
  • puritan ethic — work ethic.
  • pyrimethamine — a potent substance, C 1 2 H 1 3 ClN 4 , used against susceptible plasmodia in the prophylactic treatment of malaria and against Toxoplasma gondi in the treatment of toxoplasmosis.
  • pyrotechnical — of or relating to pyrotechnics.
  • pythian games — (in ancient Greece) the second most important Panhellenic festival, celebrated in the third year of each Olympiad near Delphi. The four-year period between celebrations was known as a Pythiad (ˈpɪθɪˌæd )
  • radiesthesist — a practitioner of radiesthesia
  • ramapithecine — of or relating to an extinct hominoid of the genus Ramapithecus
  • reading light — any small electric light that you use for reading. You can usually move it in order to direct the light to where you need it for reading. It can be attached to a wall or shelf in the home, or be above your head inside an aircraft or other vehicle.
  • reality check — a corrective confronting of reality, in order to counteract one's expectations, prejudices, or the like.
  • reestablished — to found, institute, build, or bring into being on a firm or stable basis: to establish a university; to establish a medical practice.
  • refashionment — the act or state of being refashioned
  • rehabilitated — to restore to a condition of good health, ability to work, or the like.
  • rehabilitator — to restore to a condition of good health, ability to work, or the like.
  • rehospitalize — to place in hospital again
  • resident head — someone who is charge of running and supervising a student residence
  • residual heat — heat that remains or lingers after something has been hot or heated up
  • retail anchor — A retail anchor is a popular store whose name will attract customers to a shopping mall.
  • rhadamanthine — Classical Mythology. a son of Zeus and Europa, rewarded for the justice he exemplified on earth by being made, after his death, a judge in the Underworld, where he served with his brothers Minos and Aeacus.
  • rhaetian alps — a section of the central Alps along E Switzerland's borders with Austria and Italy. Highest peak: Piz Bernina, 4049 m (13 284 ft)
  • richard pettyRichard, born 1937, U.S. racing-car driver.
  • richter scale — a scale, ranging from 1 to 10, for indicating the intensity of an earthquake.
  • ride the wave — to enjoy a period of success and good fortune
  • right bracket — (character)   "]". ASCII character 93. Common names: right square bracket; ITU-T: closing bracket; unbracket. Rare: unsquare; INTERCAL: U turn back. Paired with left bracket.
  • right you are — If someone says 'right you are', they are agreeing to do something in a very willing and happy way.
  • right-brained — having the right brain dominant, therefore being more adept at spatial and nonverbal concepts and being more creative and emotional than logical and analytical.
  • saccharimeter — an optical instrument for determining the strength of sugar solutions by measuring the rotation of the plane of polarized light they produce.
  • saccharimetry — the process of measuring the amount of sugar in a sample, as with a saccharimeter or by polarimetry.
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