
13-letter words containing h, a, t, i, e

  • isobathytherm — a line on a chart or diagram of a body of water, connecting depths having the same temperature.
  • isothermobath — a line drawn on a diagram of a vertical section of the ocean connecting all points having equal temperature.
  • jequitinhonha — a river in E Brazil, flowing from the state of Minas Gerais to the Atlantic Ocean. 500 miles (805 km) long.
  • johore strait — a narrow strait between Malaya and Singapore Island
  • joseph stalinJoseph V (Iosif Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili or Dzugashvili) 1879–1953, Soviet political leader: secretary general of the Communist Party 1922–53; premier of the U.S.S.R. 1941–53.
  • karaoke night — a social occasion when karaoke sessions are held for entertainment, often in a pub or bar
  • kathenotheism — Belief that multiple deities exist, and different deities are supreme among them at different times.
  • kenyapithecus — a genus of fossil hominoids of middle Miocene age found in Kenya and having large molars, small incisors, and powerful chewing muscles.
  • kinaesthetics — Alternative spelling of kinesthetics.
  • kinanesthesia — A disturbance of deep nerve sensitivity.
  • kindheartedly — In a kindhearted manner.
  • kinematograph — cinematograph.
  • kinesipathist — someone who uses kinesipathy to treat diseases
  • kinesitherapy — a movement-based therapy
  • kiss of death — a fatal or destructive relationship or action: The support of the outlawed group was the kiss of death to the candidate.
  • kitchen match — a wooden friction match with a large head, used especially for igniting gas ovens or burners.
  • kitchen paper — also kitchen roll
  • kitchen range — cooker with oven and hob
  • kitchen waste — bits of food that are left over from cooking, such as vegetable peelings, cheese rind, and scraps from people's plates
  • knight errant — a wandering knight; a knight who traveled widely in search of adventures, to exhibit military skill, to engage in chivalric deeds, etc.
  • knight-errant — a wandering knight; a knight who traveled widely in search of adventures, to exhibit military skill, to engage in chivalric deeds, etc.
  • ladder stitch — an embroidery stitch in which crossbars at equal distances are produced between two solid ridges of raised work.
  • lateral chain — an open chain of atoms attached to an atom of a larger chain, or to a ring.
  • leading light — an important or influential person: a leading light of the community.
  • leap of faith — to spring through the air from one point or position to another; jump: to leap over a ditch.
  • leptocephalic — having a narrow skull
  • lethargically — of, relating to, or affected with lethargy; drowsy; sluggish; apathetic.
  • lichenization — any complex organism of the group Lichenes, composed of a fungus in symbiotic union with an alga and having a greenish, gray, yellow, brown, or blackish thallus that grows in leaflike, crustlike, or branching forms on rocks, trees, etc.
  • life-or-death — life-and-death.
  • light mineral — any rock-forming mineral that has a specific gravity of less than 2.8 and is generally light in color.
  • light reading — reading which is not considered too demanding or intellectual
  • light therapy — therapeutic exposure to full-spectrum artificial light that simulates sunlight, used to treat various conditions, as seasonal affective disorder.
  • light-hearted — carefree; cheerful; merry: a lighthearted laugh.
  • lightfastness — The quality of being lightfast.
  • lightheadedly — In a lightheaded manner.
  • lighthouseman — a lighthouse keeper
  • like anything — of the same form, appearance, kind, character, amount, etc.: I cannot remember a like instance.
  • list enhanced — (operating system, tool)   An MS-DOS file browsing utility written by Vern Buerg in 1983. A former mainframe systems programmer, Buerg wrote DOS utilities when he began using an IBM PC and missed the file-scanning ability he had on mainframes. The software became an instant success, and his list utility was in use on an estimated 5 million PCs.
  • literacy hour — (in England and Wales) a daily reading and writing lesson that was introduced into the national primary school curriculum in 1998 to raise standards of literacy
  • load the dice — anything put in or on something for conveyance or transportation; freight; cargo: The truck carried a load of watermelons.
  • lucifer match — friction match.
  • lymphadenitis — inflammation of a lymphatic gland.
  • machine-steel — low-carbon steel that can be easily machined.
  • macrolecithal — megalecithal.
  • magnetic head — head (def 33).
  • make light of — of little weight; not heavy: a light load.
  • make off with — take away
  • maple heights — a city in NE Ohio.
  • marbled white — any butterfly of the satyrid genus Melanargia, with panelled black-and-white wings, but technically a brown butterfly; found in grassland
  • maria theresa — 1717–80, archduchess of Austria; queen of Hungary and Bohemia 1740–80 (wife of Francis II; mother of Joseph II, Leopold II, Marie Antoinette).
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