
11-letter words containing h, a, t, i, e

  • strawweight — a boxer of the lightest competitive class, especially a boxer weighing up to 104 pounds (47.2 kg).
  • swarthiness — (of skin color, complexion, etc.) dark.
  • sweat shirt — a heavy, loose, usually long-sleeved pullover made of cotton jersey, worn as by athletes to absorb sweat during or after exercise, sometimes with loose trousers (sweat pants) of the same material, forming an ensemble (sweat suit)
  • switch cane — a stick or short staff used to assist one in walking; walking stick.
  • switchblade — a pocketknife, the blade of which is held by a spring and can be released suddenly, as by pressing a button.
  • sympathetic — characterized by, proceeding from, exhibiting, or feeling sympathy; sympathizing; compassionate: a sympathetic listener.
  • sympathique — pleasing or congenial
  • sympathizer — a person who sympathizes.
  • synanthesis — the simultaneous ripening of a flower's stigmas and stamens
  • synanthetic — relating to synanthesis
  • synesthesia — a sensation produced in one modality when a stimulus is applied to another modality, as when the hearing of a certain sound induces the visualization of a certain color.
  • synthespian — a computer-generated image of a film actor, esp used in place of the real actor when shooting special effects or stunts
  • synthetical — of, pertaining to, proceeding by, or involving synthesis (opposed to analytic).
  • take a hike — to walk or march a great distance, especially through rural areas, for pleasure, exercise, military training, or the like.
  • take a hint — If you take a hint, you understand something that is suggested to you indirectly.
  • take a shit — to defecate
  • take flight — an act or instance of fleeing or running away; hasty departure.
  • take fright — be scared off
  • tamper with — to meddle, especially for the purpose of altering, damaging, or misusing (usually followed by with): Someone has been tampering with the lock.
  • tangle with — get involved with
  • taphephobia — an abnormal fear of being buried alive.
  • teachership — a person who teaches or instructs, especially as a profession; instructor.
  • technically — belonging or pertaining to an art, science, or the like: technical skill.
  • technomania — an obsessional enthusiasm for technology
  • tectibranch — a mollusc of the suborder Tectibranchia (or Tectibranchiata) (order: Opisthobranchia) which includes the sea slugs and sea hares
  • telearchics — the remote control of electronic devices
  • telegraphic — of or relating to the telegraph.
  • telepathist — a student of or believer in telepathy.
  • telepathize — to communicate with by telepathy.
  • telesthesia — sensation or perception received at a distance without the normal operation of the recognized sense organs.
  • tengri khan — a mountain in central Asia, on the boundary between Kirghizia (Kyrgyzstan) and China: highest peak of the Tien Shan Mountains. About 23,950 feet (7300 meters).
  • teotihuacan — the ruins of an ancient Mesoamerican city in central Mexico, near Mexico City, that flourished a.d. c200–c750 and is the site of the pyramids of the Sun and Moon and of many temples, palaces, and dwellings.
  • tertianship — (in the Jesuit order) a period of strict discipline before the taking of final vows, beginning one or two years after ordination.
  • tetrahydric — (especially of alcohols and phenols) tetrahydroxy.
  • tetratheism — the belief that the Christian God is four persons
  • thalassemia — a hereditary form of anemia, occurring chiefly in people of Mediterranean origin, marked by the abnormal synthesis of hemoglobin and a consequent shortened life span of red blood cells.
  • thalidomide — a crystalline, slightly water-soluble solid, C 13 H 10 N 2 O 4 , formerly used as a sedative: if taken during pregnancy, it may cause severe abnormalities in the limbs of the fetus.
  • thanksgiver — a person who gives thanks.
  • that's life — expressing acceptance of fate
  • thatcherism — the conservative policies, political philosophy, and leadership style of former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, characterized especially by monetarism, privatization, and labor union reform.
  • thatcherite — the conservative policies, political philosophy, and leadership style of former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, characterized especially by monetarism, privatization, and labor union reform.
  • the antique — the style of ancient art, esp Greek or Roman art, or an example of it
  • the baptist — John the Baptist
  • the capitol — the main building of the US Congress
  • the cariboo — a region in the W foothills of the Cariboo Mountains, scene of a gold rush beginning in 1860
  • the curtain — the end of a scene of a play, opera, etc, marked by the fall or closing of the curtain
  • the fact is — You use the fact is or the fact of the matter is to introduce and draw attention to a summary or statement of the most important point about what you have been saying.
  • the giraffe — the constellation Camelopardalis
  • the gracchi — the brothers Tiberius Sempronius Gracchus and Gaius Sempronius Gracchus, Roman tribunes and reformers
  • the haywain — a famous picture by John Constable
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