
10-letter words containing h, a, t, i, e

  • tail-heavy — noting or pertaining to a craft or vehicle that is too heavy in the rear, from overloading or poor design.
  • tappit-hen — a hen with a crest or topknot.
  • technician — a person who is trained or skilled in the technicalities of a subject.
  • tegakwitha — Tekakwitha
  • teichopsia — a temporary visual impairment associated with migraine
  • tekakwitha — Kateri [kah-tuh-ree] /ˈkɑ tə ri/ (Show IPA), or Catherine, 1656–80, North American Indian ascetic; convert to Roman Catholicism.
  • telepathic — communication between minds by some means other than sensory perception.
  • tenantship — the state of being a tenant
  • tetrastich — a strophe, stanza, or poem consisting of four lines.
  • thailander — Also called Thailander [tahy-lan-der, -luh n-] /ˈtaɪˌlæn dər, -lən-/ (Show IPA). a native or descendant of a native of Thailand.
  • thaumasite — a colourless or white silicate mineral, Ca3Si(CO3)(SO4)(OH)6·12(H2O)
  • the animal — animal nature; animality
  • the arctic — the regions north of the Arctic Circle
  • the cinema — the art or business of making films
  • the litany — a form of prayer consisting of a series of invocations, each followed by an unvarying response
  • the lizard — a promontory in SW England, in SW Cornwall: the southernmost point in Great Britain
  • the moirai — the Greek goddesses of fate
  • the oneida — a North American Indian people formerly living east of Lake Ontario; one of the Iroquois peoples
  • the pamirs — a mountainous area of central Asia, mainly in Tajikistan and partly in Kyrgyzstan, extending into China and Afghanistan: consists of a complex of high ranges, from which the Tian Shan projects to the north, the Kunlun and Karakoram to the east, and the Hindu Kush to the west; Ismoil Somoni (formerly Communism Peak) is situated in the Tajik Pamirs. Highest peak: Kongur Shan, 7719 m (25 326 ft)
  • the rabbis — the early Jewish scholars whose teachings are recorded in the Talmud
  • the salish — the peoples collectively who speak these languages, divided in Canada into the Coast Salish and the Interior Salish
  • the wirral — a peninsula in NW England between the estuaries of the Rivers Mersey and Dee
  • the-rivals — a comedy of manners (1775) by Richard Brinsley Sheridan.
  • theatrical — of or relating to the theater or dramatic presentations: theatrical performances.
  • then again — on the other hand, however
  • thenardite — a mineral, sodium sulfate, Na 2 SO 4 , occurring in white crystals and masses, especially in salt lakes and arid regions.
  • theocratic — a form of government in which God or a deity is recognized as the supreme civil ruler, the God's or deity's laws being interpreted by the ecclesiastical authorities.
  • theodosian — of or relating to Theodosius I, who made Christianity the official state religion of the Roman Empire.
  • theologian — a person versed in theology, especially Christian theology; divine.
  • theomantic — relating to theomancy or divination
  • theophanic — a manifestation or appearance of God or a god to a person.
  • theophobia — morbid fear or hatred of God
  • theravadin — Hinayanist.
  • thermalize — to undergo or cause to undergo a process in which neutrons lose energy in a moderator and become thermal neutrons
  • thesprotia — an ancient coastal district in SW Epirus.
  • thessalian — a region in E Greece: a former division of ancient Greece. 5208 sq. mi. (14,490 sq. km).
  • thiaminase — an enzyme that destroys thiamine and is often found in raw fish
  • thimerosal — a cream-colored, crystalline, water-soluble powder, C 9 H 9 HgNaO 2 S, used chiefly as an antiseptic.
  • thingstead — the meeting place of a Scandinavian assembly.
  • thinsulate — a type of thermal insulation made of synthetic fibers, used esp. as a lining in clothing
  • thioacetic — of or derived from thioacetic acid.
  • third base — the third in counterclockwise order of the bases from home plate.
  • third mate — the officer of a merchant vessel next in command beneath the second mate.
  • third-rate — of the third rate, quality, or class.
  • thorianite — a rare mineral, mainly thoria, ThO 2 , but also containing uranium, cerium, and other rare-earth metals, occurring in small, black, cubic crystals: notable for its radioactivity and used as a minor source of thorium.
  • threadfish — any of several jacks of the genus Alectis, especially A. ciliaris, having the front rays of the dorsal and anal fins greatly elongated.
  • threadlike — a fine cord of flax, cotton, or other fibrous material spun out to considerable length, especially when composed of two or more filaments twisted together.
  • thunbergia — any of various plants, vines, or shrubs belonging to the genus Thunbergia, of the acanthus family, native to Africa and southern Asia, having variously colored flowers and often cultivated as ornamentals in warm regions.
  • tight head — the prop on the hooker's right in the front row of a scrum
  • tight-arse — an inhibited or excessively self-controlled person
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