
14-letter words containing g, o, i, d

  • burying ground — a burial ground.
  • cadmium orange — a yellow color approaching orange.
  • carbon trading — Carbon trading is the practice of buying and selling the right to produce carbon dioxide emissions, so that people, countries or companies who use a lot of fuel and electricity can buy rights from those that do not use so much.
  • chicago window — a composite window, horizontal in character, consisting of a large, fixed sheet of glass between two vertical windows with sash for ventilation, first popularized in commercial buildings in Chicago in the 1880s and 1890s.
  • chondrogenesis — the growth of cartilage
  • chopping board — A chopping board is a wooden or plastic board that you chop meat and vegetables on.
  • cinnamon sedge — an angler's name for a small caddis fly, Limnephilus lunatus, having pale hind wings, that frequents sluggish water
  • ciudad obregon — a city in W Mexico.
  • clingmans dome — mountain on the Tenn.-N.C. border; highest peak of the Great Smoky Mountains: 6,642 ft (2,024 m)
  • closed gentian — any of several North American plants (genus Gentiana) with dark-blue, closed, tubular flowers
  • clouded magpie — a geometrid moth, Abraxas sylvata, that is paler than the magpie moth
  • coarse-grained — having a large or coarse grain
  • coasting trade — trade between ports along the same coast.
  • code-switching — Linguistics. the alternating or mixed use of two or more languages, especially within the same discourse: My grandma’s code-switching when we cook together reminds me of my family's origins. Bilingual students are discouraged from code-switching during class.
  • coffee grinder — A coffee grinder is a machine for grinding coffee beans.
  • colombian gold — a potent marijuana grown in South America.
  • connecting rod — a rod or bar for transmitting motion, esp one that connects a rotating part to a reciprocating part
  • cottage window — a double-hung window with an upper sash smaller than the lower.
  • cough medicine — Cough medicine is liquid medicine that you take when you have a cough.
  • countermanding — Present participle of countermand.
  • countershading — (in the coloration of certain animals) a pattern, serving as camouflage, in which dark colours occur on parts of the body exposed to the light and pale colours on parts in the shade
  • counterweighed — Simple past tense and past participle of counterweigh.
  • covered bridge — a bridge that is enclosed by a roof and walls.
  • cribbage board — a board, with pegs and holes, used for scoring at cribbage
  • cross bridging — bridging composed of crisscross pieces of wood.
  • cross holdings — the holding of shares by one company in another company
  • cross-breeding — the process of causing animals to mate with another species, or of causing plants to reproduce with another species
  • cross-dressing — the wearing of clothes normally associated with the opposite sex
  • cross-indexing — to provide with cross references or with a cross-referenced index.
  • crossing guard — school (crossing) guard
  • cyanoguanidine — dicyandiamide.
  • dactyliography — the art of engraving or writing on gems
  • dano-norwegian — Bokmål.
  • data modelling — data model
  • daylight hours — the hours when it is daylight
  • de-designation — an act of designating.
  • dead reckoning — a method of establishing one's position using the distance and direction travelled rather than astronomical observations
  • dead to rights — in an undeniably incriminating situation; red-handed
  • debugging tool — debugger
  • decisionmaking — Alternative form of decision making.
  • decompensating — Psychology. to lose the ability to maintain normal or appropriate psychological defenses, sometimes resulting in depression, anxiety, or delusions.
  • deconditioning — Present participle of decondition.
  • deconsecrating — Present participle of deconsecrate.
  • deconstructing — Present participle of deconstruct.
  • dehydrogenized — Simple past tense and past participle of dehydrogenize.
  • delegitimation — according to law; lawful: the property's legitimate owner.
  • demoralizingly — in a demoralizing manner
  • demythologised — Simple past tense and past participle of demythologise.
  • demythologized — Simple past tense and past participle of demythologize.
  • demythologizer — a person who removes mythical elements from something
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