
13-letter words containing g, e, t, r

  • great khingan — a mountain range in NE China: highest peak, 5000 feet (1525 meters).
  • great lobelia — a North American plant, Lobelia siphilitica, having long, showy clusters of blue flowers.
  • great ragweed — any of the composite plants of the genus Ambrosia, the airborne pollen of which is the most prevalent cause of autumnal hay fever, as the common North American species, A. trifida (great ragweed or giant ragweed) and A. artemisiifolia.
  • great russian — a member of the main stock of the Russian people, dwelling chiefly in the northern or central parts of the Russian Federation in Europe.
  • great society — the goal of the Democratic Party under the leadership of President Lyndon B. Johnson, chiefly to enact domestic programs to improve education, provide medical care for the aged, and eliminate poverty.
  • great-hearted — having or showing a generous heart; magnanimous.
  • greater ionic — Architecture. noting or pertaining to one of the five classical orders that in ancient Greece consisted of a fluted column with a molded base and a capital composed of four volutes, usually parallel to the architrave with a pulvinus connecting a pair on each side of the column, and an entablature typically consisting of an architrave of three fascias, a richly ornamented frieze, and a cornice corbeled out on egg-and-dart and dentil moldings, with the frieze sometimes omitted. Roman and Renaissance examples are often more elaborate, and usually set the volutes of the capitals at 45° to the architrave. Compare composite (def 3), Corinthian (def 2), Doric (def 3), Tuscan (def 2).
  • greater scaup — any of several diving ducks of the genus Aythya, especially A. marila (greater scaup) of the Northern Hemisphere, having a bluish-gray bill.
  • greater siren — a salamander, Siren lacertina, having external gills, tiny front legs, and no hind legs, inhabiting shallow waters in the southeastern U.S.
  • greek cypriot — a Cypriot of Greek descent
  • greek tragedy — (in ancient Greek theatre) a play in which the protagonist, usually a man of importance and outstanding personal qualities, falls to disaster through the combination of a personal failing and circumstances with which he cannot deal
  • green gentian — a plant, Frasera speciosa, of the gentian family, native to the northwestern U.S., having open clusters of purple-spotted, greenish-white flowers that blend in with its leaves.
  • green monitor — Advanced Power Management
  • green vitriol — a bluish-green, crystalline, saline-tasting, water-soluble heptahydrated solid, FeSO 4 ⋅7H 2 O, used chiefly in the manufacture of other iron salts, in water purification, fertilizer, inks, pigments, tanning, photography, and in medicine in the treatment of anemia.
  • greeting card — card1 (def 4).
  • grey-thompson — Tanni (Carys Davina) Baroness. born 1969, Welsh wheelchair athlete; won eleven gold medals for Britain in wheelchair racing in the Paralympic Games (1988–2004); a crossbench peer in the House of Lords since 2010
  • grocery store — supermarket, food shop
  • gros de tours — a ribbed silk fabric made with a two- or three-ply warp interlaced with organzine and tram filling.
  • gross tonnage — the total volume of a vessel, expressed in units of 100 cubic feet (gross ton) with certain open structures, deckhouses, tanks, etc., exempted.
  • grotesqueness — odd or unnatural in shape, appearance, or character; fantastically ugly or absurd; bizarre.
  • grotesqueries — Plural form of grotesquery.
  • ground beetle — any of numerous nocturnal, terrestrial beetles of the family Carabidae that feed chiefly on other insects.
  • ground effect — the improvement to the aerodynamic qualities of a low-slung motor vehicle resulting from a cushion of air beneath it
  • ground return — Ground return is the return path for an electrical circuit made by connections to ground at each end.
  • ground stroke — a stroke made by hitting the ball after it has bounced from the ground. Compare volley (def 4b).
  • ground tackle — equipment, as anchors, chains, or windlasses, for mooring a vessel away from a pier or other fixed moorings.
  • groundstrokes — Plural form of groundstroke.
  • group therapy — psychotherapy in which a number of patients discuss their problems together, usually under the leadership of a therapist, using shared knowledge and experiences to provide constructive feedback about maladaptive behavior.
  • growth market — a rapidly expanding market
  • growth shares — ordinary shares with good prospects of appreciation in yield and value
  • gubernatorial — of or relating to a state governor or the office of state governor.
  • gunpowder tea — an explosive mixture, as of potassium nitrate, sulfur, and charcoal, used in shells and cartridges, in fireworks, for blasting, etc.
  • gunters-chain — a series of objects connected one after the other, usually in the form of a series of metal rings passing through one another, used either for various purposes requiring a flexible tie with high tensile strength, as for hauling, supporting, or confining, or in various ornamental and decorative forms.
  • gut-wrenching — involving great distress or anguish; agonizing: a gut-wrenching decision.
  • guttersnipish — Resembling or characteristic of a guttersnipe.
  • gyro repeater — a navigational compass, under the control of a gyroscope, that automatically indicates true north.
  • gyromagnetism — the condition or state of being gyromagnetic
  • hack together — (jargon)   To throw something together so it will work. Unlike "kluge together" or "cruft together", this does not necessarily have negative connotations.
  • half-integral — noting or pertaining to a fractional number obtained by dividing an odd integer by two, as 1/2.
  • hang in there — to fasten or attach (a thing) so that it is supported only from above or at a point near its own top; suspend.
  • hang together — to fasten or attach (a thing) so that it is supported only from above or at a point near its own top; suspend.
  • hart's-tongue — a fern, Phyllitis scolopendrium, having long, leathery, wavy-edged leaves.
  • hatemongering — The behaviour of a hatemonger; the spreading of hatred.
  • haute-garonne — a department in S France. 2458 sq. mi. (6365 sq. km). Capital: Toulouse.
  • head register — the high register of the human voice.
  • heart massage — rhythmic manual compression of the sternum or heart to restore normal heartbeat, as after cardiac arrest.
  • heart surgeon — a surgeon who specializes in performing operations on the heart
  • heart surgery — operation to treat cardiac problems
  • heart-rending — causing or expressing intense grief, anguish, or distress.
  • heart-warming — gratifying; rewarding; satisfying: a heartwarming response to his work.
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