
11-letter words containing e, s, m, p

  • smokejumper — a firefighter who parachutes to forest fires inaccessible to ground crews.
  • spectrogram — a representation or photograph of a spectrum.
  • speech form — linguistic form.
  • speechmaker — a person who delivers speeches.
  • speed demon — a person who travels or works at high speed.
  • speed limit — the maximum speed at which a vehicle is legally permitted to travel, as within a specific area, on a certain road, or under given conditions.
  • speed metal — a style of heavy-metal music typically played at extremely fast tempos.
  • speedometer — an instrument on an automobile or other vehicle for indicating the rate of travel in miles or kilometers per hour.
  • sperm count — the number of spermatozoa in an amount of semen, used as an indication of a man's fertility
  • sperm donor — a man who supplies sperm to be used in an artificial fertilization process
  • sperm whale — a large, square-snouted whale, Physeter catodon, valued for its oil and spermaceti: now reduced in number and rare in some areas.
  • spermaphyte — the placenta of a plant
  • spermatheca — a small sac or cavity in female or hermaphroditic invertebrates used to store sperm for fertilizing eggs, as in the queen bee.
  • spermatoxic — (of a substance) toxic to spermatozoa.
  • spermatoxin — a substance toxic to spermatozoa.
  • spermatozoa — one of the minute, usually actively motile gametes in semen, which serve to fertilize the ovum; a mature male reproductive cell.
  • spermicidal — that kills sperm
  • spermophile — any of various burrowing rodents of the squirrel family, especially of the genus Spermophilus (or Citellus), sometimes sufficiently numerous to do much damage to crops, as the ground squirrels and susliks.
  • spermophyte — spermatophyte.
  • spermotoxic — (of a substance) toxic to spermatozoa.
  • spermotoxin — a substance toxic to spermatozoa.
  • sphaeridium — a round body found on sea urchins
  • spherometer — an instrument for measuring the curvature of spheres and curved surfaces.
  • spider mite — any of numerous, variously colored web-spinning mites of the family Tetranychidae, many of which are pests of garden plants and fruit trees.
  • spinmeister — spin doctor.
  • spinsterdom — the state of being a spinster
  • splenectomy — excision or removal of the spleen.
  • spokesmodel — an attractive or otherwise appealing person who is hired to speak on behalf of a company or product, as in a commercial.
  • spokeswoman — a woman who speaks for another person or for a group.
  • spot market — a market in which commodities, as grain, gold, or crude oil, are dealt in for cash and immediate delivery (distinguished from futures market).
  • spotted gum — an Australian eucalyptus tree, Eucalyptus maculata
  • steam point — the temperature at which water vapor condenses at a pressure of one atmosphere, represented by 100°C and 212°F.
  • stripe smut — a disease of grasses, characterized by stripes of black spores on the leaves, caused by any of several smut fungi of the genera Urocystis and Ustilago.
  • stumpsucker — windsucker; cribber.
  • subemployed — of or relating to workers affected by subemployment
  • submultiple — a number that is contained by another number an integral number of times without a remainder: The number 3 is a submultiple of 12.
  • suboptimize — to use in a way that is less than optimal
  • sugar maple — any of several maples having a sweet sap, especially Acer saccharum (the state tree of New York, Vermont, West Virginia, and Wisconsin), having a short trunk and long, curving branches, yielding a hard wood used for making furniture and being the chief source of maple sugar.
  • summer camp — a camp, especially one for children during the summer, providing facilities for sleeping and eating, and usually for handicrafts, sports, etc.
  • superbomber — an aircraft used for dropping superbombs
  • supercilium — the fillet above the cyma of a cornice.
  • superfamily — a category of related families within an order or suborder.
  • superimpose — to impose, place, or set over, above, or on something else.
  • supermarket — a large retail market that sells food and other household goods and that is usually operated on a self-service basis.
  • supermodern — highly modern
  • supernormal — in excess of the normal or average: supernormal faculties; supernormal production.
  • superorgasm — an extreme orgasm
  • superphylum — a category of related phyla within a kingdom.
  • supersmooth — exceptionally smooth
  • supersystem — an assemblage or combination of things or parts forming a complex or unitary whole: a mountain system; a railroad system.
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