
21-letter words containing e, s, a

  • the comrades marathon — an annual long-distance race run every year on the 16th of June from Durban to Pietermaritzburg, a distance of approximately 90 kilometres (56 miles)
  • the corncracker state — a nickname for the state of Kentucky
  • the early renaissance — the period from about 1400 to 1500 in European, esp Italian, painting, sculpture, and architecture, when naturalistic styles and humanist theories were evolved from the study of classical sources, notably by Donatello, Masaccio, and Alberti
  • the executive mansion — the White House
  • the fall of the cards — the chance distribution of cards in a given deal
  • the fast track to sth — the quickest or most direct route or system
  • the flickertail state — a name for the state of North Dakota
  • the household cavalry — a group of British soldiers on horseback who have the job of protecting the king or queen and their family
  • the lower vertebrates — relatively simple and primitive vertebrates
  • the maastricht treaty — a treaty on European economic and monetary union agreed by government leaders of the 12 EC states at a meeting in Maastricht in December 1991
  • the man in the street — If you talk about the man in the street or the man or woman in the street, you mean ordinary people in general.
  • the press association — the national news agency for the United Kingdom and Ireland
  • the probation service — a criminal justice service that is mainly responsible for dealing with offenders by placing them under the supervision of a probation officer
  • the royal scots greys — (formerly) a British cavalry regiment, the Second Dragoons
  • the san andreas fault — a geological fault in California
  • the scout association — a worldwide movement for boys or (in some countries) girls, founded as the Boy Scouts in England in 1908 by Lord Baden-Powell with the aim of developing character and responsibility
  • the shipping forecast — a radio broadcast made by the BBC of weather reports and forecasts for the seas around the British Isles
  • the shit hits the fan — the real trouble begins
  • the stars and stripes — the national flag of the United States of America, consisting of 50 white stars representing the present states on a blue field and seven red and six white horizontal stripes representing the original states
  • the stationery office — (in the UK) the company that supplies the civil service with all its office supplies, machinery, printing and binding, etc
  • the supreme sacrifice — the sacrifice of one's life
  • the throwaway society — a society full of excessive consumption and waste of food, products, etc
  • the women's land army — a unit of women recruited to do agricultural work in the United Kingdom during World War I and World War II
  • theater of operations — the part of the theater of war, including a combat zone and a communications zone, that is engaged in military operations and their support.
  • theater of the absurd — theater in which standard or naturalistic conventions of plot, characterization, and thematic structure are ignored or distorted in order to convey the irrational or fictive nature of reality and the essential isolation of humanity in a meaningless world.
  • theatre of the absurd — drama in which normal conventions and dramatic structure are ignored or modified in order to present life as irrational or meaningless
  • theoretical physicist — a scientist who studies theoretical physics
  • thermal decomposition — Thermal decomposition is the process in which a chemical species breaks down when its temperature is increased.
  • thermal power station — a power station in which heat is converted into electricity
  • third-party insurance — insurance that compensates for a loss to a party other than the insured for which the insured is liable.
  • threshold wage policy — a policy whereby wages are increased in accordance with inflation
  • throw one's hat at it — to give up all hope of getting or achieving something
  • throw sb a curve ball — If someone throws you a curve or throws you a curve ball, they surprise you by doing something that you do not expect.
  • throw someone a curve — a continuously bending line, without angles.
  • time and motion study — the systematic investigation and analysis of the motions and the time required to perform a specific operation or task with a view to seeking more efficient methods of production as well as setting time standards.
  • to be a hospital case — if you say that someone or something is a hospital case, you mean that they need urgent help because they are doing very badly
  • to be arrayed against — to be opposed to
  • to be hard luck on sb — to be unfortunate or unlucky for someone
  • to be in dire straits — to be in a position of acute difficulty
  • to bend someone's ear — If you say that someone is bending your ear about something, you mean that they keep talking to you about it because they think it is important; used especially when you are irritated by this.
  • to box someone's ears — If someone boxes a child's ears, they hit them on the side of their head as a punishment.
  • to change the subject — When someone involved in a conversation changes the subject, they start talking about something else, often because the previous subject was embarrassing.
  • to feather one's nest — If you say that someone is feathering their nest, you mean that they are getting a lot of money out of something, so that they can lead a comfortable life.
  • to get back to basics — to revert to a simpler method, eg of living or doing business
  • to have green fingers — If someone has green fingers, they are very good at gardening and their plants grow well.
  • to hit the bookstands — (of a book) to be published
  • to kick someone's ass — To kick ass or to kick someone's ass means to show them that you are angry with them, either by telling them or by using physical force.
  • to lay something bare — If you lay something bare, you uncover it completely so that it can then be seen.
  • to mix your metaphors — If you mix your metaphors, you use two conflicting metaphors. People do this accidentally, or sometimes deliberately as a joke.
  • to move the goalposts — If you accuse someone of moving the goalposts, you mean that they have changed the rules in a situation or an activity, in order to gain an advantage for themselves and to make things difficult for other people.
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