
11-letter words containing e, p, h, a

  • acrocephaly — oxycephaly
  • advisership — the office or post of an adviser
  • aelurophile — ailurophile.
  • aelurophobe — ailurophobe.
  • agency shop — a contract arrangement between an employer and the union representing the majority of employees, which requires those who do not wish to be members to pay the union a fee equivalent to union dues
  • ailurophile — a person who likes cats
  • ailurophobe — a person who dislikes or is afraid of cats
  • air-shipped — to send or ship via aircraft: to air-ship machine parts overseas.
  • alkaliphile — Any organism that lives and thrives in an alkaline environment, such as a soda lake; a form of extremophile.
  • allelomorph — allele
  • allelopathy — the inhibitory effect of one living plant upon another by the release of toxic substances
  • alpha cells — cells in the anterior pituitary that contain acidophil granules
  • alpha decay — the radioactive decay process resulting in emission of alpha particles
  • alpha helix — a helical conformation of a polypeptide chain, found abundantly in the structure of proteins
  • alpha lyrae — Vega1
  • alpha-omega — the beginning and the end. Rev. 1:8.
  • alpha-waves — a pattern of slow brain waves (alpha waves) in normal persons at rest with closed eyes, thought by some to be associated with an alert but daydreaming mind.
  • alphabetise — Non-Oxford British standard spelling of alphabetize.
  • alphabetize — to arrange in conventional alphabetical order
  • amateurship — the nature of an amateur
  • aminophenol — any of three isomeric forms that are soluble crystalline solids, used as a dye intermediate (meta- and ortho-), in dyeing hair, fur, and textiles (ortho- and para-), and as a photographic developer (para-). Formula: C6H4NH2OH
  • ampere-hour — a practical unit of quantity of electricity; the quantity that flows in one hour through a conductor carrying a current of 1 ampere. 1 ampere-hour is equivalent to 3600 coulombs
  • amphetamine — Amphetamine is a drug which increases people's energy, makes them excited, and reduces their desire for food.
  • amphibolite — a metamorphic rock consisting mainly of amphibole and plagioclase
  • amphicelous — concave on both sides, as the bodies of the vertebrae of fishes.
  • amphigenous — (of certain parasitic fungi) growing on both sides of leaves.
  • amphigories — Plural form of amphigory.
  • amphimacers — Plural form of amphimacer.
  • amphisbaena — any worm lizard of the genus Amphisbaena
  • amphithemis — a son of Apollo and Acacallis.
  • ampitheater — Misspelling of amphitheater.
  • ampitheatre — Misspelling of amphitheatre.
  • analphabete — illiterate person
  • anaphoresis — the movement of suspended charged particles towards the anode in an electric field
  • anastrophes — Plural form of anastrophe.
  • anemographs — Plural form of anemograph.
  • anemography — the technique of recording wind measurements
  • anemophobia — an abnormal fear of draughts or windy weather
  • anencephaly — congenital malformation of the skull with absence of all or part of the brain
  • angelophany — the appearance of an angel before a human
  • anglophones — Plural form of anglophone.
  • anglosphere — a group of English-speaking countries that share common roots in British culture and history, usually the UK, the US, Australia, New Zealand, and Canada
  • answerphone — An answerphone is a device which you connect to your telephone and which records telephone calls while you are out.
  • antihyperon — the antiparticle of the hyperon
  • antipathies — Plural form of antipathy.
  • antipathise — Non-Oxford British standard spelling of antipathize.
  • antipathize — (intransitive) To feel or show antipathy.
  • antiphonies — Plural form of antiphony.
  • antistrophe — the second of two movements made by a chorus during the performance of a choral ode
  • apathetical — having or showing little or no emotion: apathetic behavior.

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