
10-letter words containing e, m, p, t

  • groupmates — Plural form of groupmate.
  • half-empty — (of a vessel, place, etc) holding or containing half its capacity
  • haptometer — a mechanical device for measuring the sense of touch.
  • heat cramp — a cramp or muscular spasm caused by loss of water and salt following prolonged exertion in hot weather.
  • hemipteral — of or relating to a hemipterous insect
  • hemipteran — hemipterous.
  • hemipteron — Alternative form of hemipteran.
  • hemitropal — hemitropous
  • hemoptysis — the expectoration of blood or bloody mucus.
  • heptameron — A literary work whose action covers a period of seven days.
  • heptameter — a verse of seven metrical feet.
  • hermatypic — reef-building coral.
  • hetmanship — the position of a hetman
  • hipsterdom — The state of being a hipster.
  • hipsterism — the style of life of a hipster.
  • home plate — the base at which the batter stands and which a base runner must reach safely in order to score a run, typically a five-sided slab of whitened rubber set at ground level at the front corner of the diamond.
  • homeopathy — the method of treating disease by drugs, given in minute doses, that would produce in a healthy person symptoms similar to those of the disease (opposed to allopathy).
  • homeotypic — of or relating to the second division in meiosis.
  • homoeopath — Alternative spelling of homeopath.
  • homoleptic — (chemistry) Describing an organometallic compound having a single type of ligand.
  • homopteran — homopterous.
  • hypermeter — a verse or line containing additional syllables after those proper to the meter.
  • hypometria — Dysmetria in which the patient tends to undershoot the intended target.
  • hypometric — Smaller than normally measured.
  • hypomotile — Less than usually motile.
  • hypsometer — thermobarometer (def 1).
  • hypsometry — vertical control in mapping; the establishment of elevations or altitudes.
  • idempotent — unchanged when multiplied by itself.
  • ill temper — bad or irritable disposition.
  • impactable — Likely to be impacted.
  • impairment — the state of being diminished, weakened, or damaged, especially mentally or physically: cognitive impairment in older adults.
  • impalement — to fasten, stick, or fix upon a sharpened stake or the like.
  • imparities — Plural form of imparity.
  • impartable — Capable of being imparted.
  • impartance — Impartation.
  • impartible — not partible; indivisible.
  • impartment — to make known; tell; relate; disclose: to impart a secret.
  • impatience — lack of patience.
  • impediment — obstruction; hindrance; obstacle.
  • impeditive — Causing hindrance; impeding.
  • impenitent — not feeling regret about one's sin or sins; obdurate.
  • imperative — imperative language
  • imperators — Plural form of imperator.
  • imperatrix — Feminine of imperator; empress.
  • imperatriz — a city in NE Brazil, on the Tocantins River.
  • imperfects — Plural form of imperfect.
  • impermeant — That cannot permeate through a specified semipermeable membrane.
  • impetrable — (obsolete) Capable of being obtained or influenced by petition.
  • impictured — painted
  • implements — Plural form of implement.
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