
14-letter words containing e, a, t, u

  • superphosphate — Also called acid phosphate. a mixture of calcium acid phosphate and calcium sulfate prepared by treating phosphate rock with sulfuric acid: used chiefly as a fertilizer.
  • supersaturated — to increase the concentration of (a solution) beyond saturation; saturate abnormally.
  • supersexuality — the quality of having a strong sexual appetite
  • superspectacle — an extravagant cinematic spectacle, esp the silent Italian films of the early 1900s
  • superstimulate — to stimulate excessively
  • superterranean — situated, or living, on the earth's surface
  • supplementally — supplementary.
  • supply teacher — A supply teacher is a teacher whose job is to take the place of other teachers at different schools when they are unable to be there.
  • suprasegmental — above, beyond, or in addition to a segment.
  • surface-active — (of a substance, esp a detergent) capable of lowering the surface tension of a liquid, usually water
  • surface-to-air — (of a missile, message, etc.) capable of traveling from the surface of the earth to a target in the atmosphere.
  • surprise party — a party or celebration planned for someone as a surprise.
  • sweated labour — workers forced to work in poor conditions for low pay
  • sweet and sour — Sweet and sour is used to describe Chinese food that contains both a sweet flavour and something sharp or sour such as lemon or vinegar.
  • sweet-and-sour — cooked with sugar and vinegar or lemon juice and often other seasonings.
  • table mountain — a mountain in the Republic of South Africa, near Cape Town. 3550 feet (1080 meters).
  • tableau vivant — tableau (def 3).
  • take a picture — capture sb or sth on camera
  • take a punt at — to have an attempt or try at (something)
  • take it out of — to sap the energy or vitality of
  • take it out on — to get into one's hold or possession by voluntary action: to take a cigarette out of a box; to take a pen and begin to write.
  • take soundings — to try to find out people's opinions on a subject
  • take the count — to be unable to continue after a count of ten
  • takeout double — informatory double.
  • tall buttercup — a Eurasian buttercup, Ranunculus acris, naturalized in North American fields and meadows, having a tall stem and shiny yellow flowers.
  • tanen taunggyi — a mountain range in NW Thailand and SE Burma, rising to a height of 7000 feet (2134 meters).
  • tangata whenua — the indigenous Māori people of a particular area of New Zealand or of the country as a whole
  • tatar republic — a constituent republic of W Russia, around the confluence of the Volga and Kama Rivers. Capital: Kazan. Pop: 3 779 800 (2002). Area: 68 000 sq km (26 250 sq miles)
  • tax adjustment — a change to the amount of tax owed by a company or individual
  • tax-deductible — noting an item the value or cost of which is deductible from the gross amount on which a tax is calculated.
  • taxable amount — the portion of your income or profits that is subject to tax
  • technical foul — a foul committed by a player or coach, usually not involving physical contact with an opponent, called often for unsportsmanlike conduct, as holding on to the basket or using profanity, that gives the opposing team one or two free throws and sometimes, if the foul was flagrant, requires the ejection of the offending player or coach from the game.
  • telegraph buoy — a buoy placed over an underwater telegraph cable.
  • telejournalism — the writing and broadcasting of journalism for television
  • telejournalist — a journalist who writes for or broadcasts on television
  • tellurous acid — a white, crystalline powder, H2TeO3
  • temper tantrum — tantrum.
  • temperamentful — full of temperament
  • temporary duty — duty of limited duration performed with an organization other than the one to which a person is normally attached or assigned. Abbreviation: TDY.
  • terbium metals — a series of closely related rare-earth elements, including terbium, gadolinium, europium, and, sometimes, dysprosium
  • term insurance — an insurance policy that provides coverage for a limited period, the value payable only if a loss occurs within the term, with nothing payable upon its expiration.
  • terminal bonus — a bonus paid on a life insurance policy when the holder reaches a certain age or dies
  • terminus a quo — the end from which; beginning; starting point; earliest limiting point.
  • terraced house — A terraced house or a terrace house is one of a row of similar houses joined together by their side walls.
  • test-tube baby — an infant developed from an ovum fertilized in vitro and implanted into a woman's uterus, usually that of the biological mother.
  • tetanus toxoid — an inactivated form of tetanus toxin obtained from Clostridium tetani, used to produce an active immunity to the toxin.
  • tetrachotomous — divided into four parts
  • tetradactylous — having four fingers or toes.
  • the beatitudes — the pronouncements in the Sermon on the Mount, which begin “Blessed are the poor in spirit”: Matt. 5:3-12
  • the blue angel — a legendary German expressionist film of 1930, the first major German sound film, starring Marlene Dietrich
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