
14-letter words containing e, a, t, u

  • sturmabteilung — a political militia of the Nazi party, organized about 1923 and notorious for its violence and terrorism up to 1934, when it was purged and reorganized as an instrument of physical training and political indoctrination of German men; Brown Shirts.
  • sub-peritoneal — the serous membrane lining the abdominal cavity and investing its viscera.
  • sub-postmaster — (in Britain) a man who runs a sub-post office
  • sub-treasuries — a subordinate or branch treasury.
  • subaggregation — a subtotalling
  • subarborescent — below or under trees
  • subatmospheric — (of a quantity) having a value lower than that of the atmosphere: subatmospheric temperatures.
  • subcontinental — a large, relatively self-contained landmass forming a subdivision of a continent: the subcontinent of India.
  • subcontrariety — the quality or state of being subcontrary
  • subcutaneously — situated or lying under the skin, as tissue.
  • subinfeudation — the granting of a portion of an estate by a feudal tenant to a subtenant, held from the tenant on terms similar to those of the grant to the tenant.
  • subinfeudatory — a person who holds by subinfeudation.
  • subject matter — the substance of a discussion, book, writing, etc., as distinguished from its form or style.
  • subjectability — that which forms a basic matter of thought, discussion, investigation, etc.: a subject of conversation.
  • submetacentric — referring to chromosomes which have one long arm and one short arm
  • subminiaturize — to design or manufacture (equipment, especially electronic equipment) of a greatly reduced scale.
  • subproletariat — the poorest group within the working class
  • subsecretariat — an administrative department that assists and is subordinate to a secretariat.
  • subspontaneous — coming or resulting from a natural impulse or tendency; without effort or premeditation; natural and unconstrained; unplanned: a spontaneous burst of applause.
  • substantialize — to make or become substantial or actual
  • substantiative — to establish by proof or competent evidence: to substantiate a charge.
  • substantivized — to use (an adjective, verb, etc.) as a substantive; convert into a substantive: a substantivized participle.
  • subterrestrial — underground; subterranean.
  • subtherapeutic — indicating a dosage, as of a drug or vitamin, less than the amount required for a therapeutic effect.
  • sugar diabetes — diabetes mellitus
  • sugar the pill — to make something unpleasant more agreeable by adding something pleasant
  • suicide attack — a terrorist attack which someone undertakes knowing that he or she will die in the attack
  • sulfantimonide — any compound containing an antimonide and a sulfide.
  • sulphacetamide — a topical antibiotic of the sulphonamide group, used to treat eye infections, as well as skin infections including acne
  • sulphonmethane — a colourless crystalline compound used medicinally as a hypnotic. Formula: C7H16O4S2
  • summer tanager — a tanager, Piranga rubra, of the south and central U.S., the male of which is rose-red, the female olive-green above and yellow below.
  • summer theater — a theater that operates during the summer, especially in a suburban or resort area, usually offering a different play or musical comedy each week.
  • sunday painter — a nonprofessional painter, usually unschooled and generally painting during spare time.
  • sunshine state — Florida (used as a nickname).
  • super-rational — beyond the scope or range of reason; intuitional.
  • superabsorbent — extremely or unusually absorbent: superabsorbent fibers.
  • superambitious — extremely ambitious, highly ambitious
  • superannuation — the act of superannuating.
  • supercelestial — located above the heavens; above the heavens or celestial regions
  • superelevation — bank1 (def 6).
  • supererogation — to do more than duty requires.
  • supererogatory — going beyond the requirements of duty.
  • superessential — beyond or above essence; transcending being
  • superficiality — being at, on, or near the surface: a superficial wound.
  • superimportant — extremely important
  • superinflation — hyperinflation.
  • superinsulated — highly insulated
  • supernaturally — of, relating to, or being above or beyond what is natural; unexplainable by natural law or phenomena; abnormal.
  • superovulation — to produce more than the normal number of ova at one time, as through hormone treatment.
  • superpatriotic — characteristic of a superpatriot
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