
14-letter words containing e, a, t, u

  • repudiationist — someone who believes that a given thing should be repudiated
  • res adjudicata — res judicata.
  • rescue attempt — an attempt to bring a person or people out of danger, harm, attack, etc
  • respiritualize — to spiritualize again; reinvest with a spiritual character or meaning
  • restaurant car — dining car.
  • restauranteurs — the owner or manager of a restaurant.
  • resultant tone — a musical sound sometimes heard when two loud notes are sounded together, either lower in pitch than either (differential tone) or higher (summational tone)
  • retroserrulate — having tiny retrorse teeth or barbs.
  • revenue stream — method of income
  • revenue tariff — a tariff or duty imposed on imports primarily to produce public revenue.
  • rheumatologist — a specialist in rheumatology, especially a physician who specializes in the treatment of rheumatic diseases, as arthritis, lupus erythematosus, and scleroderma.
  • robusta coffee — a coffee tree, Coffea canephora, native to western tropical Africa and cultivated in warm regions of the Old World.
  • roentgenopaque — not permitting the passage of x-rays.
  • rogue elephant — a vicious elephant that has been exiled from the herd.
  • rotary shutter — a camera shutter consisting of a rotating disk pierced with a slit that passes in front of the lens to expose the film or plate.
  • roulette table — surface marked out for roulette
  • roundaboutedly — in a roundabout manner
  • roundaboutness — the characteristic of being roundabout
  • route flapping — flapping router
  • rufflette tape — a kind of heading tape for curtains
  • running battle — When two groups of people fight a running battle, they keep attacking each other in various parts of a place.
  • russet burbank — a brown-skinned, oblong potato having a mealy flesh with high starch content.
  • russia leather — a fine, smooth leather produced by careful tanning and dyeing, especially in dark red: originally prepared in Russia.
  • rutting season — a recurrent period of sexual excitement and reproductive activity in certain male ruminants, such as the deer, that corresponds to the period of oestrus in females
  • sacrifice bunt — a bunt made by the batter so that a base runner is advanced while the batter is put out
  • safety circuit — a type of electronic circuit that prevents malfunction by stopping the flow of current or sounding an alert.
  • safety curtain — a sheet of asbestos or other fireproof material that can be lowered just inside the proscenium arch in case of fire, sealing off the backstage area from the auditorium.
  • safety feature — sth designed to prevent injury
  • safety measure — a measure taken to increase or ensure safety or protection from danger
  • safety squeeze — squeeze play (def 1b).
  • sale or return — an arrangement by which a retailer pays only for goods sold, returning those that are unsold to the wholesaler or manufacturer
  • salt substrate — [MIT] Collective noun used to refer to potato chips, pretzels, saltines, or any other form of snack food designed primarily as a carrier for sodium chloride. From the technical term "chip substrate", used to refer to the silicon on the top of which the active parts of integrated circuits are deposited.
  • sanctus turret — a bell cote holding a Sanctus bell.
  • sansculotterie — the characteristics of sansculottes
  • sansculottides — the festivities held during the five complementary days in the French Republican Calendar
  • saturated fats — a type of single-bond animal or vegetable fat, as that found in butter, meat, egg yolks, and coconut or palm oil, that in humans tends to increase cholesterol levels in the blood. Compare saturated (def 3).
  • sauropterygian — any of various Mesozoic marine reptiles of the superorder Sauropterygia, including the suborder Plesiosauria.
  • saut de basque — a jump in which the dancer turns in the air while keeping the foot of one leg drawn up to the knee of the other.
  • sauve qui peut — a state of panic or disorder; rout
  • saxe-altenburg — a former duchy in Thuringia in central Germany.
  • scarcity value — increased value due to the inadequate supply of something
  • scarlet runner — a twining, South American bean plant, Phaseolus coccineus, having clusters of scarlet flowers.
  • scavenger hunt — a game in which individuals or teams are sent out to accumulate, without purchasing, a series of common, outlandish, or humorous objects, the winner being the person or team returning first with all the items.
  • scotch furnace — ore hearth.
  • scrape through — only just succeed
  • scratchbuilder — a person who scratchbuilds
  • screen capture — Also called screen capture. a copy or image of what is seen on a computer screen at a given time: Save the screenshot as a graphics file.
  • seaman recruit — a noncommissioned enlisted person of the lowest rank. Abbreviation: SR.
  • secularization — to make secular; separate from religious or spiritual connection or influences; make worldly or unspiritual; imbue with secularism.
  • secure tenancy — the letting of a dwelling by a nonprivate landlord, usually a local council or housing association, under an agreement that allows security of tenure, subletting, improvements made to the property by the tenant without consequent rent increase, and the right to buy the dwelling at a discount after three years' occupancy
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