
19-letter words containing d, r, y, h, o

  • orthopaedic surgery — surgery concerned with disorders of the spine and joints and the repair of deformities of these parts
  • out of the ordinary — of no special quality or interest; commonplace; unexceptional: One novel is brilliant, the other is decidedly ordinary; an ordinary person.
  • overplay one's hand — If you say that someone is overplaying something such as a problem, you mean that they are making it seem more important than it really is.
  • parathyroid extract — an aqueous preparation obtained from the parathyroid gland of cattle, used in medicine chiefly in cases of parathyroid deficiency and in veterinary medicine in the treatment of tetanic convulsions.
  • parathyroid hormone — a polypeptide hormone, produced in the parathyroid glands, that helps regulate the blood levels of calcium and phosphate. Abbreviation: PTH.
  • phenylthiocarbamide — a crystalline, slightly water-soluble solid, C 6 H 5 NHCSNH 2 , that is either tasteless or bitter, depending upon the heredity of the taster, and is used in medical genetics and as a diagnostic.
  • polyphosphoric acid — any one of a series of oxyacids of phosphorus with the general formula Hn+2PnO3n+1. The first member is pyrophosphoric acid (n = 2) and the series includes the highly polymeric metaphosphoric acid. The higher acids exist in an equilibrium mixture
  • potassium hydroxide — a white, deliquescent, water-soluble solid, KOH, usually in the form of lumps, sticks, or pellets, that upon solution in water generates heat: used chiefly in the manufacture of soap, as a laboratory reagent, and as a caustic.
  • priority scheduling — (operating system)   Processes scheduling in which the scheduler selects tasks to run based on their priority as opposed to, say, a simple round-robin. Priorities may be static or dynamic. Static priorities are assigned at the time of creation, while dynamic priorities are based on the processes' behaviour while in the system. For example, the scheduler may favour I/O-intensive tasks so that expensive requests can be issued as early as possible. A danger of priority scheduling is starvation, in which processes with lower priorities are not given the opportunity to run. In order to avoid starvation, in preemptive scheduling, the priority of a process is gradually reduced while it is running. Eventually, the priority of the running process will no longer be the highest, and the next process will start running. This method is called aging.
  • pseudo-hieroglyphic — noting or pertaining to a script dating from the second millennium b.c. that appears to be syllabic and to represent the Phoenician language and that is inscribed on objects found at Byblos.
  • psychoendocrinology — the study of the relationship between the endocrine system and various symptoms or types of mental illness.
  • pyrophosphoric acid — a crystalline, water-soluble powder, H 4 P 2 O 7 , formed by the union of one molecule of phosphorus pentoxide with two molecules of water.
  • radiochromatography — chromatography in which radiolabeled substances on the chromatogram are determined quantitatively or qualitatively by measuring their radioactivity.
  • right-eyed flounder — any of several flatfishes of the family Pleuronectidae, having both eyes on the right side of the head.
  • simple carbohydrate — a carbohydrate, as glucose, that consists of a single monosaccharide unit.
  • sodium hydrosulfite — a white, crystalline, water-soluble powder, Na 2 S 2 O 4 , used as a reducing agent, especially in dyeing, and as a bleach.
  • sodium hypochlorite — a pale-green, crystalline compound, NaOCl, unstable in air, soluble in cold water, decomposes in hot water: used as a bleaching agent for paper and textiles, in water purification, in household use, and as a fungicide.
  • steady state theory — a theory in which the universe is assumed to have average properties that are constant in space and time so that new matter must be continuously and spontaneously created to maintain average densities as the universe expands.
  • steady-state theory — a cosmological theory postulating that the universe exists throughout time in a steady state such that the average density of matter does not vary with distance or time. Matter is continuously created in the space left by the receding stars and galaxies of the expanding universe
  • strontium hydroxide — a white, slightly water-soluble powder, Sr(OH) 2 , or its crystalline octahydrate (strontium hydrate) used chiefly in the refining of beet sugar.
  • sulfureted hydrogen — hydrogen sulfide.
  • telephone directory — a book, directory, or the like, usually containing an alphabetical list of telephone subscribers in a city or other area, together with their addresses and telephone numbers.
  • the admiralty board — (formerly) a department of the British Ministry of Defence, responsible for the administration and planning of the Royal Navy
  • the almighty dollar — money regarded figuratively as a god, or source of great power
  • the world of cryton — (TWOC) A BBS for the Acorn Archimedes. Telephone: +44 (1749) 670 030 (24hrs, most speeds).
  • to change your mind — If you change your mind, or if someone or something changes your mind, you change a decision you have made or an opinion that you had.
  • to do the drying-up — to dry dishes, cups, glasses, etc after they have been washed
  • to hang by a thread — If you say that something is hanging by a thread, you mean that it is in a very uncertain state and is unlikely to survive or succeed.
  • to hold your breath — If you hold your breath, you make yourself stop breathing for a few moments, for example because you are under water.
  • to hold your tongue — If you hold your tongue, you do not say anything even though you might want to or be expected to, because it is the wrong time to say it.
  • to play hard to get — If someone plays hard to get, they pretend not to be interested in another person or in what someone is trying to persuade them to do.
  • trickle-down theory — an economic theory that monetary benefits directed especially by the government to big business will in turn pass down to and profit smaller businesses and the general public.
  • vinylidene chloride — a colorless, volatile, flammable liquid, C 2 H 2 Cl, that is copolymerized chiefly with vinyl chloride to form saran.
  • withdrawal symptoms — When someone has withdrawal symptoms, they feel ill after they have stopped taking a drug which they were addicted to.
  • withdrawal syndrome — a spectrum of physical and behavioral symptoms following cessation from the continuous use of an addictive drug, the character and severity of the symptoms depending upon the particular drug and the daily dose.
  • wouldn't harm a fly — If you say that someone wouldn't hurt a fly or wouldn't harm a fly, you are emphasizing that they are very kind and gentle.
  • yeoman of the guard — a member of the bodyguard of the English sovereign, instituted in 1485, which now consists of 100 men, including officers, having purely ceremonial duties.
  • your hands are tied — If you say that your hands are tied, you mean that something is preventing you from acting in the way that you want to.
  • yourdon methodology — (programming)   The software engineering methodology developed by Edward Yourdon and colleagues in the 1970s and 1980s. "Yourdon methodology" is a generic term for all of the following methodologies: Yourdon/Demarco, Yourdon/Constantine, Coad/Yourdon.
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