
11-letter words containing d, r, y, h, o

  • hybrid corn — a crossbred corn, especially the grain of corn developed by hybridization of repeatedly self-pollinated, and therefore genetically pure, varieties.
  • hybrid rock — an igneous rock formed by molten magma incorporating pre-existing rock through which it passes
  • hydnocarpic — of or relating to hydnocarpic acid
  • hydragogues — Plural form of hydragogue.
  • hydroborate — (inorganic chemistry) Any of several anions containing hydrogen bound to boron, especially the simplest one BH4-; any salt or complex containing such an anion.
  • hydrobromic — of or derived from hydrobromic acid.
  • hydrocarbon — any of a class of compounds containing only hydrogen and carbon, as an alkane, methane, CH 4 , an alkene, ethylene, C 2 H 4 , an alkyne, acetylene, C 2 H 2 , or an aromatic compound, benzene, C 6 H 6 .
  • hydrochoric — of or relating to dispersing seeds through water or to a hydrochore
  • hydrocodone — an opioid analgesic, C 18 H 21 NO 3 , used to treat moderate to severe pain.
  • hydrocorals — any colonial marine animal of the hydrozoan order Stylasterina having a calcareous skeleton resembling that of the true corals.
  • hydrocyanic — of or derived from hydrocyanic acid.
  • hydrogenase — an enzyme in certain microorganisms that speeds up the reversible oxidation of hydrogen
  • hydrogenate — to combine or treat with hydrogen, especially to add hydrogen to the molecule of (an unsaturated organic compound).
  • hydrogenize — hydrogenate.
  • hydrogenous — of or containing hydrogen.
  • hydrography — the science of the measurement, description, and mapping of the surface waters of the earth, with special reference to their use for navigation.
  • hydrologist — the science dealing with the occurrence, circulation, distribution, and properties of the waters of the earth and its atmosphere.
  • hydrolysate — any compound formed by hydrolysis.
  • hydrolyzing — Present participle of hydrolyze.
  • hydromancer — One who practices hydromancy.
  • hydromedusa — the medusa form of a hydrozoan.
  • hydrometeor — liquid water or ice in the atmosphere in various forms, as rain, ice crystals, hail, fog, or clouds.
  • hydrometers — Plural form of hydrometer.
  • hydrometric — Concerning or applying hydrometry.
  • hydronation — (chemistry) The formation of a complex with hydrogen.
  • hydropathic — Relating to hydropathy.
  • hydrophilic — having a strong affinity for water.
  • hydrophobia — rabies.
  • hydrophobic — of or relating to hydrophobia.
  • hydrophones — Plural form of hydrophone.
  • hydrophytes — Plural form of hydrophyte.
  • hydrophyton — a branched plant-like structure which supports colonial animals such as zooids
  • hydroplaned — Simple past tense and past participle of hydroplane.
  • hydroplaner — a person who pilots a hydroplane, especially a professional speedboat racer.
  • hydroplanes — Plural form of hydroplane.
  • hydroponics — the cultivation of plants by placing the roots in liquid nutrient solutions rather than in soil; soilless growth of plants. Compare aeroculture, geoponics (def 2).
  • hydroscopes — Plural form of hydroscope.
  • hydroscopic — an optical device for viewing objects below the surface of water.
  • hydrosphere — the water on or surrounding the surface of the globe, including the water of the oceans and the water in the atmosphere.
  • hydrostatic — of or relating to hydrostatics.
  • hydrothorax — the presence of serous fluid in one or both pleural cavities.
  • hydrotropic — Biology. turning or tending in a particular direction with reference to moisture.
  • hydroxonium — (chemistry) The cation obtained by reacting a proton with water - H3O+; hydronium.
  • hydroxylase — any enzyme that catalyzes the introduction of a hydroxyl group into a substance.
  • hydroxylate — to introduce hydroxyl into (a compound).
  • hydroxyurea — a synthetic compound, CH 4 N 2 O 2 , used in cancer therapy.
  • hydroxyzine — an antihistaminic compound, C 21 H 27 ClN 2 O 2 , used in the treatment of allergy, nausea, and anxiety.
  • hyperboloid — a quadric surface having a finite center and some of its plane sections hyperbolas. Equation: x 2 / a 2 + y 2 / b 2 − z 2 / c 2 = 1.
  • hyperdorian — of or related to the mode above the Dorian mode in ancient Greek music
  • hypermodern — of or relating to present and recent time; not ancient or remote: modern city life.
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