
13-letter words containing d, r, y, e

  • jimmy woodser — a man who drinks by himself
  • kindheartedly — In a kindhearted manner.
  • lady mayoress — the wife of a lord mayor
  • land registry — In Britain, a land registry is a government office where records are kept about each area of land in a country or region, including information about who owns it.
  • landed gentry — land-owning class
  • libyan desert — a desert in N Africa, in E Libya, W Egypt, and NW Sudan, W of the Nile: part of the Sahara. About 650,000 sq. mi. (1,683,500 sq. km).
  • lipid bilayer — a two-layered arrangement of phosphate and lipid molecules that form a cell membrane, the hydrophobic lipid ends facing inward and the hydrophilic phosphate ends facing outward.
  • lord's prayerthe, the prayer given by Jesus to His disciples, and beginning with the words Our Father. Matt. 6:9–13; Luke 11:2–4.
  • lysergic acid — a crystalline solid, C 16 H 16 N 2 O 2 , obtained from ergot or synthesized: used in the synthesis of LSD.
  • madame bovary — a novel (1857) by Gustave Flaubert.
  • madder family — the large plant family Rubiaceae, characterized by herbaceous plants, trees, and shrubs having simple, opposite, or whorled leaves, usually four- or five-lobed flowers, and fruit in the form of a berry, capsule, or nut, and including the gardenia, madder, partridgeberry, and shrubs and trees that are the source of coffee, ipecac, and quinine.
  • malted barley — barley that has been kiln-dried after it has germinated by soaking in water
  • many-coloured — having many colours
  • medullary ray — (in the stems of woody plants) one of the vertical bands or plates of unspecialized tissue that radiate between the pith and the bark.
  • meridionality — the quality or state of being on the meridian
  • merry dancers — the aurora borealis
  • midday prayer — the fourth of the seven canonical hours; sext
  • midi-pyrénées — a region of SW France: consists of N slopes of the Pyrenees in the south, a fertile lowland area in the west crossed by the River Garonne, and the edge of the Massif Central in the north and east
  • midsummer day — the saint's day of St. John the Baptist, celebrated on June 24, being one of the four quarter days in England.
  • mixed crystal — a crystal consisting of a solid solution of two or more distinct compounds
  • model railway — a model of a small-scale railway system, often with toy moving trains
  • mollycoddlers — Plural form of mollycoddler.
  • monkey around — any mammal of the order Primates, including the guenons, macaques, langurs, and capuchins, but excluding humans, the anthropoid apes, and, usually, the tarsier and prosimians. Compare New World monkey, Old World monkey.
  • monkey bridge — flying bridge.
  • monkey orchid — a European orchid, Orchis simia, rare in Britain, having a short dense flower spike that opens from the top downwards. The flowers are white streaked with pink or violet and have five spurs thought to resemble a monkey's arms, legs, and tail
  • monoglyceride — an ester obtained from glycerol by the esterification of one hydroxyl group with a fatty acid.
  • multicylinder — having more than one cylinder, as an internal-combustion or steam engine.
  • nearsightedly — In a nearsighted manner; as if nearsighted; myopically.
  • neo-orthodoxy — a movement in Protestant theology, beginning after World War I, stressing the absolute sovereignty of God and chiefly characterized by a reaction against liberal theology and a reaffirmation of certain doctrines of the Reformation.
  • never say die — to cease to live; undergo the complete and permanent cessation of all vital functions; become dead.
  • newbery award — an annual award for the most distinguished book for juveniles.
  • non-budgetary — an estimate, often itemized, of expected income and expense for a given period in the future.
  • non-democracy — government by the people; a form of government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised directly by them or by their elected agents under a free electoral system.
  • non-sedentary — accustomed to sit or rest a great deal or to take little exercise.
  • nondefamatory — Not defamatory.
  • nondescriptly — in a nondescript manner
  • nonhereditary — passing, or capable of passing, naturally from parent to offspring through the genes: Blue eyes are hereditary in our family. Compare congenital.
  • norethynodrel — a progestin, C 2 0 H 2 6 O 2 , used in combination with an estrogen in some oral contraceptives.
  • odoriferously — In an odoriferous manner.
  • on every hand — on all sides; in all directions
  • openheartedly — Alt form open-heartedly.
  • ordinary wave — Radio. (of the two waves into which a radio wave is divided in the ionosphere under the influence of the earth's magnetic field) the wave with characteristics more nearly resembling those that the undivided wave would have exhibited in the absence of the magnetic field.
  • orthohydrogen — the form of molecular hydrogen in which the nuclei of the two hydrogen atoms contained in the molecule have spins in the same direction.
  • over-identify — to recognize or establish as being a particular person or thing; verify the identity of: to identify handwriting; to identify the bearer of a check.
  • overcredulity — Excessive credulity.
  • overdiversity — excessive diversity
  • oxford theory — the theory attributing the authorship of Shakespeare's plays to Edward de Vere, Earl of Oxford, 1550–1604.
  • party-colored — having different colors in different areas or patches; variegated: a parti-colored dress.
  • payday lender — a person or group that offers short-term loans, in advance of payday, at high rates of interest
  • periodontally — with respect to periodontal tissue
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