
22-letter words containing d, i, s, o, r, e

  • residents' association — A residents' association is an organization of people who live in a particular area. Residents' associations have meetings and take action to make the area more pleasant to live in.
  • respond to a complaint — If you respond to a complaint, you answer a customer who expressed their dissatisfaction with something.
  • restricted users group — a group of people who, with knowledge of a secret password, or by some other method, have access to restricted information stored in a computer
  • reverse discrimination — the unfair treatment of members of majority groups resulting from preferential policies, as in college admissions or employment, intended to remedy earlier discrimination against minorities.
  • rheumatoid spondylitis — ankylosing spondylitis.
  • round-table discussion — a discussion held at a meeting of parties or people on equal terms
  • satellite broadcasting — the transmission of television or radio programmes from an artificial satellite at a power suitable for direct reception in the home
  • school medical officer — a doctor who is based in a school and is responsible for the health of schoolchildren
  • scissors-and-paste job — if you describe a piece of work as a scissors and paste job, you mean that it has been mechanically compiled, as if by simply cutting and pasting different parts to make a new whole
  • secondary articulation — coarticulation (def 2).
  • secondary-articulation — concomitance of articulation, as in fro, ostensibly a succession of three discrete sounds but physically a single articulation (f-) blending into a coarticulation (-fr-), which blends into an articulation (-r-), which blends into a coarticulation (-ro-), which blends into an articulation (-o).
  • sell sb down the river — If someone sells you down the river, they betray you for some personal profit or advantage.
  • shaken but not stirred — If you say that someone has been shaken but not stirred by an experience, you mean that they have been slightly disturbed or emotionally affected by it, but not deeply enough to change their behaviour or way of thinking.
  • short end of the stick — a branch or shoot of a tree or shrub that has been cut or broken off.
  • sick building syndrome — an illness caused by exposure to pollutants or germs inside an airtight building.
  • side-impact protection — a device that is intended to protect a car and its passengers in the event of a collision at the side
  • simultaneous broadcast — a programme, etc, broadcast simultaneously on radio and television
  • social differentiation — the distinction made between social groups and persons on the basis of biological, physiological, and sociocultural factors, as sex, age, or ethnicity, resulting in the assignment of roles and status within a society.
  • solid dose formulation — A solid dose formation is a hard tablet made by compressing medicine in a powder form.
  • split-dollar insurance — life insurance in which someone helps pay the premiums for another, as when an employer contributes to the premiums of an employee's policy.
  • st-pierre and miquelon — group of islands in the Atlantic, south of Newfoundland, constituting a political unit of France: includes the islands of St-Pierre (c. 10 sq mi, 26 sq km) & Miquelon & several islets: 93 sq mi (241 sq km); pop. 6,000
  • strait of juan de fuca — a strait between Vancouver Island (Canada) and NW Washington (US). Length: about 129 km (80 miles). Width: about 24 km (15 miles)
  • stratford de redcliffe1st Viscount (Stratford Canning) 1786–1880, English diplomat.
  • structured programming — the design and coding of programs by a methodology (top-down) that successively breaks problems into smaller, nested subunits.
  • supreme judicial court — (often initial capital letters) the highest court in some states, as Massachusetts and Maine.
  • take in (one's) stride — to cope with easily and without undue effort or hesitation
  • take something as read — to take something for granted as a fact; understand or presume
  • the (great) depression — the period of economic depression which began in 1929 and lasted through most of the 1930s
  • the authorized version — an English translation of the Bible published in 1611 under James I
  • the medical profession — the occupation of working as a doctor of medicine
  • the muslim brotherhood — a transnational Islamic religious and political organization dedicated to the establishment of a nation based on Islamic principles, founded in Egypt in 1928
  • the straits of florida — a sea passage between the Florida Keys and Cuba, linking the Atlantic with the Gulf of Mexico
  • to cast your net wider — If you cast your net wider, you look for or consider a greater variety of things.
  • to draw someone's fire — If you draw fire from someone, you cause them to shoot at you, for example because they think that you are threatening them.
  • to drop someone a line — If you drop someone a line, you write to them.
  • to ride roughshod over — If you say that someone is riding roughshod over a person or their views, you disapprove of them because they are using their power or authority to do what they want, completely ignoring that person's wishes.
  • to swallow one's pride — If you swallow your pride, you decide to do something even though you think it will cause you to lose some respect.
  • to twiddle your thumbs — If you say that someone is twiddling their thumbs, you mean that they do not have anything to do and are waiting for something to happen.
  • trade descriptions act — In Britain, the Trade Descriptions Act or the Trades Descriptions Act is a law designed to prevent companies from presenting their goods or services in a dishonest or misleading way.
  • unconditioned response — a reflex action innately elicited by a stimulus without the intervention of any learning process
  • under no circumstances — not for any reason
  • underground combustion — Underground combustion is the process of heating oil to allow it to flow more easily and make it easier to recover.
  • united empire loyalist — any of the American colonists who settled in Canada during or after the War of American Independence because of loyalty to the British Crown
  • universal product code — a bar code that indicates price, product classification, etc., and can be read electronically, as at checkout counters in supermarkets. Abbreviation: UPC.
  • unprofessional conduct — activity that is contrary to the accepted code of conduct of a profession
  • unsaturated production — Unsaturated production is the production of smaller, unsaturated hydrocarbons from saturated hydrocarbons, for example producing alkenes such as ethane and propene.
  • van der waals equation — an equation of state relating the pressure, volume, and absolute temperature of a gas, taking into account the finite size of the molecules and the attractive force between them.
  • video display terminal — Computers. a computer terminal consisting of a screen on which data or graphics can be displayed. Abbreviation: VDT.
  • video graphics adapter — Video Graphics Array
  • video graphics adaptor — Video Graphics Array
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