
15-letter words containing d, e, s, r, p

  • pyramid selling — Pyramid selling is a method of selling in which one person buys a supply of a particular product direct from the manufacturer and then sells it to a number of other people at an increased price. These people sell it on to others in a similar way, but eventually the final buyers are only able to sell the product for less than they paid for it.
  • pyrimidine base — any of a number of similar compounds having a basic structure that is derived from pyrimidine, including cytosine, thymine, and uracil, which are constituents of nucleic acids
  • question period — a period of time set aside each day for members of parliament to question government ministers
  • radar telescope — (in radar astronomy) a very large radar antenna used to study planetary bodies in the solar system.
  • radio telescope — a system consisting of an antenna, either parabolic or dipolar, used to gather radio waves emitted by celestial sources and bring them to a receiver placed in the focus.
  • red spider mite — a plant-feeding mite, Panonychus ulmi, of the family Tetranychidae, which is a serious orchard pest
  • red-back spider — a venomous spider, Latrodectus hasselti, of Australia and New Zealand, related to the black widow spider and having a bright red stripe on the back.
  • refuse disposal — the act of disposing of rubbish and waste
  • registered port — (networking)   Any TCP or UDP port with a number in the range 1025 to 65535 (i.e. not a well-known port) that is registered with IANA.
  • registered post — a Post Office service by which compensation is paid for loss or damage to mail for which a registration fee has been paid
  • remand prisoner — a prisoner who is sent back into custody (or sometimes admitted to bail) to await trial or continuation of their trial
  • reported clause — A reported clause is a subordinate clause that indicates what someone said or thought. For example, in 'She said that she was hungry', 'she was hungry' is a reported clause.
  • reported speech — indirect quotation
  • rite de passage — rite of passage.
  • ross dependency — a territory in Antarctica, including Ross Island, the coasts along the Ross Sea, and adjacent islands: a dependency of New Zealand. About 175,000 sq. mi. (453,250 sq. km).
  • sale of produce — the selling of something that is produced, esp agricultural products
  • salt and pepper — pepper-and-salt.
  • salt-and-pepper — pepper-and-salt.
  • saturated vapor — a vapor whose temperature and pressure are such that any compression of its volume at constant temperature causes it to condense to liquid at a rate sufficient to maintain a constant pressure.
  • scolopendriform — resembling scolopendra
  • scorpion spider — whipscorpion.
  • seafood platter — a plate of assorted seafood, served in a restaurant
  • seaside sparrow — a species of sparrow, Ammospiza maritima, existing in two subspecies, one (Cape Sable seaside sparrow) having dark olive-drab plumage with a lighter breast and underbelly, and the other (dusky seaside sparrow) having bold black and white markings on the breast and underbelly: the dusky seaside sparrow is almost extinct.
  • second republic — the republic established in France in 1848 and replaced by the Second Empire in 1852.
  • secondary group — a group of people with whom one's contacts are detached and impersonal.
  • seidlitz powder — a laxative consisting of two powders, tartaric acid and a mixture of sodium bicarbonate and Rochelle salt (sodium potassium tartrate)
  • self-prescribed — to lay down, in writing or otherwise, as a rule or a course of action to be followed; appoint, ordain, or enjoin.
  • self-proclaimed — to announce or declare in an official or formal manner: to proclaim war.
  • self-production — produced by oneself or itself.
  • serendipitously — come upon or found by accident; fortuitous: serendipitous scientific discoveries.
  • serpentine jade — a green variety of serpentine used as a gem: not a true jade.
  • shopping arcade — a place where a number of shops are connected together under one roof
  • shoulder weapon — a firearm that is fired while being held in the hands with the butt of the weapon braced against the shoulder.
  • side impact bar — A side impact bar is a long beam in a car door that is designed to protect passengers during a crash.
  • sidereal period — the period of revolution of a body about another with respect to one or more distant stars
  • slide projector — device for showing slides
  • sneezing powder — a powder used to make people sneeze as a practical joke
  • sodium peroxide — a yellowish-white, hygroscopic, water-soluble powder, Na 2 O 2 , used chiefly as a bleaching agent and as an oxidizing agent.
  • speech disorder — an inability to produce normal speech
  • speed indicator — an instrument for counting the number of revolutions of a gasoline engine.
  • speller-divider — a reference book that lists words in alphabetical order to show spelling and syllabification.
  • sphaerosiderite — a type of siderite
  • spheroidization — the conversion of grains into spheroids
  • sports medicine — a field of medicine concerned with the functioning of the human body during physical activity and with the prevention and treatment of athletic injuries.
  • spraddle-legged — moving with or having the legs wide apart: a spraddle-legged walk.
  • spread sampling — the selection of a corpus for statistical analysis by selecting a number of short passages at random throughout the work and considering their aggregation
  • spread the word — make others aware
  • spread-eagleism — boastfulness or bombast, especially in the display of patriotic or nationalistic pride in the U.S.; flag-waving.
  • sprinkler dance — a celebratory dance in which participants extend one arm and shake it to imitate the action of a rotating water sprinkler
  • step-and-repeat — noting or pertaining to a process by which successive photo-offset plates are produced automatically or semiautomatically with great precision: used especially in making plates for multicolor printing.
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