
13-letter words containing c, r, i, n

  • paternalistic — the system, principle, or practice of managing or governing individuals, businesses, nations, etc., in the manner of a father dealing benevolently and often intrusively with his children: The employees objected to the paternalism of the old president.
  • pecking order — Animal Behavior. a dominance hierarchy, seen especially in domestic poultry, that is maintained by one bird pecking another of lower status.
  • pedantocratic — of or relating to pedantocracy
  • pencil crayon — coloured pencil
  • pencil pusher — a person, as a clerk or bookkeeper, whose work involves a considerable amount of writing, record-keeping, etc.
  • pencil rubber — a piece of rubber used for erasing something written in pencil; eraser
  • pencil stripe — a stripe of varying widths, especially a dark stripe on a light ground.
  • pencil-pusher — a person, as a clerk or bookkeeper, whose work involves a considerable amount of writing, record-keeping, etc.
  • penicilliform — in the shape of a pencil or paintbrush
  • penny pincher — a miserly, niggardly, or stingy person.
  • penny-pincher — a miserly, niggardly, or stingy person.
  • perching bird — any member of the avian order Passeriformes.
  • perchlorinate — to combine with the maximum proportion of chlorine.
  • percussionist — a musician who plays percussion instruments.
  • perennibranch — any amphibian that retains its gills throughout its life
  • perfectionate — to perfect; to make perfect
  • perfectionism — any of various doctrines holding that religious, moral, social, or political perfection is attainable.
  • perfectionist — a person who adheres to or believes in perfectionism.
  • perfunctorily — performed merely as a routine duty; hasty and superficial: perfunctory courtesy.
  • perichondrium — the membrane of fibrous connective tissue covering the surface of cartilages except at the joints.
  • perpendicular — vertical; straight up and down; upright.
  • perscrutation — a very careful exploration or inspection
  • persian lilac — an Asian lilac, Syringa persica, having pale reddish-purple flowers.
  • personalistic — Also called personal idealism. a modern philosophical movement locating ultimate value and reality in persons, human or divine.
  • pet insurance — health insurance for a pet
  • petit larceny — petty larceny.
  • petrification — the act or process of petrifying; the state of being petrified.
  • phallocentric — a doctrine or belief centered on the phallus, especially a belief in the superiority of the male sex.
  • philanthropic — of, pertaining to, engaged in, or characterized by philanthropy; benevolent: a philanthropic foundation.
  • photoreaction — a chemical reaction that involves or requires light.
  • phycoerythrin — a red protein pigment occurring in red algae.
  • physharmonica — a keyboard musical instrument fitted with free reeds, and which is an early form of harmonium
  • piano teacher — tutor of piano-playing
  • pick-and-roll — an offensive maneuver in which a player interposes himself or herself between a teammate with the ball and a defender, then cuts quickly toward the basket for a pass from the same teammate.
  • pictorialness — the state of being pictorial
  • picture phone — a mobile phone that can take, send, and receive photographs
  • picture plane — the plane of a painting, drawing, or the like, that is in the extreme foreground of a picture, is coextensive with but not the same as the material surface of the work, is the point of visual contact between the viewer and the picture, and is conceived as a major structural element in the production of abstract or illusionistic forms.
  • picturization — to represent in a picture, especially in a motion picture; make a picture of.
  • pitcher plant — any of various insectivorous New World bog plants of the genera Sarracenia, Darlingtonia, and Heliamphora, having tubular or trumpet-shaped leaves containing a liquid in which insects are trapped.
  • placer mining — mining of placer deposits by washing, dredging, or other hydraulic methods
  • platonic year — a period of about 26,000 years, equal to the time required for a complete revolution of the equinoxes.
  • playing cards — cards used in playing various games, arranged in decks of four suits (spades, hearts, diamonds, and clubs): a standard deck has 52 cards
  • playing trick — a card in a hand considered as likely to take a trick, assuming that the player who holds the hand or that player's partner is the declarer.
  • pluripresence — presence in more than one place at the same time
  • pneumogastric — of or relating to the lungs and stomach.
  • pococurantism — a careless or indifferent person.
  • pococurantist — a person who demonstrates a tendency toward indifference
  • pointe claire — a city in S Quebec, in E Canada, near Montreal, on the St. Lawrence.
  • poker machine — a fruit machine
  • polycistronic — of or relating to the transcription of two or more adjacent cistrons into a single messenger RNA molecule.
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