
13-letter words containing c, r, i, n

  • nondiscursive — passing aimlessly from one subject to another; digressive; rambling.
  • nonelectrical — Not electrical; not operated by electricity.
  • nonelectronic — of or relating to electronics or to devices, circuits, or systems developed through electronics.
  • nonhistorical — Not based on or drawn from history.
  • nonhysterical — not hysterical or funny
  • nonincreasing — not increasing.
  • nonliturgical — Not liturgical.
  • nonparametric — (of a test or method) not requiring assertions about parameters or about the form of the underlying distribution.
  • nonperceiving — Unperceiving.
  • nonperiodical — a magazine or other journal that is issued at regularly recurring intervals.
  • nonpracticing — not currently practicing one's profession, religion, etc.: a nonpracticing physician.
  • nonpractising — of or relating to a person who no longer observes or pursues his or her religious faith
  • nonprejudiced — Not prejudiced.
  • nonprescribed — Not prescribed.
  • nonproduction — Absence of production.
  • nonproductive — not productive; unproductive.
  • nonproficient — Not proficient.
  • nonprovincial — Not restricted to a small region; not done in isolation.
  • nonreciprocal — given or felt by each toward the other; mutual: reciprocal respect.
  • nonreflecting — Not reflecting.
  • nonreflective — Not reflective.
  • nonresistance — the policy or practice of not resisting violence or established authority, even when tyrannical, by force.
  • nonrestricted — confined; limited.
  • nonretractile — capable of being drawn back or in, as the head of a tortoise; exhibiting the power of retraction.
  • nontheatrical — not relating to the theatre
  • noradrenergic — Having the quality of noradrenaline.
  • norc compiler — Early system on NORC machine. Listed in CACM 2(5):16 (May 1959).
  • nordic skiing — types of skiing in which the heel of the boot is not fixed to the ski, especially cross-country skiing and ski-jumping
  • normocephalic — Having a normal sized head; neither macrocephalic nor microcephalic; mesocephalic.
  • normoglycemic — (medicine) Having the normal amount of glucose in the blood.
  • north african — the northern part of Africa, especially the region north of the tropical rain forest and comprised of Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, and that part of Egypt west of the Gulf of Suez.
  • north america — the northern continent of the Western Hemisphere, extending from Central America to the Arctic Ocean. Highest point, Mt. McKinley, 20,300 feet (6187 meters); lowest, Death Valley, 276 feet (84 meters) below sea level. About 9,360,000 sq. mi. (24,242,400 sq. km).
  • north chicago — a city in NE Illinois, on Lake Michigan.
  • north merrick — a town on S Long Island, in SE New York.
  • notary public — a public officer or other person authorized to authenticate contracts, acknowledge deeds, take affidavits, protest bills of exchange, take depositions, etc.
  • nouveau riche — a person who is newly rich: the ostentation of the nouveaux riches of the 1920s.
  • nucleoprotein — any of the class of conjugated proteins occurring in cells and consisting of a protein combined with a nucleic acid, essential for cell division and reproduction.
  • numerological — Of, pertaining to, or based on numerology.
  • nutraceutical — A food containing health-giving additives and having medicinal benefit.
  • nutrigenetics — the branch of science concerned with the effect of heredity on diet and nutrition
  • nutrigenomics — the study of how individual genetic makeup interacts with diet, especially the effects of this interaction on a person's health.
  • obstetricians — Plural form of obstetrician.
  • ocean springs — a town in SE Mississippi.
  • oceanic crust — the brown, hard outer portion or surface of a loaf or slice of bread (distinguished from crumb).
  • oceanic ridge — any section of the narrow, largely continuous range of submarine mountains that extends into all the major oceans and at which new oceanic lithosphere is created by the rise of magma from the earth's interior
  • oceanographic — the branch of physical geography dealing with the ocean.
  • octane-rating — (of gasoline) a designation of antiknock quality, numerically equal to the percentage of isooctane by volume in a mixture of isooctane and normal heptane that matches the given gasoline in antiknock characteristics.
  • octogenarians — Plural form of octogenarian.
  • office junior — a young person, esp a school-leaver, employed in an office for running errands and doing other minor jobs
  • omnicorporeal — Comprehending or including all bodies; embracing all substance.
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