
21-letter words containing c, m, i

  • sales finance company — a finance company that purchases, at a discount, installment contracts from dealers or that finances retail sales.
  • sao tome and principeDemocratic Republic of, a republic in W Africa, comprising the islands of São Tomé and Príncipe, in the Gulf of Guinea, N of the equator: a former overseas province of Portugal; gained independence in 1975. 372 sq. mi. (964 sq. km). Capital: São Tomé.
  • saponification number — the number of milligrams of potassium hydroxide required to saponify one gram of a given ester, especially a glyceride.
  • scalar multiplication — an operation used in the definition of a vector space in which the product of a scalar and a vector is a vector, the operation is distributive over the addition of both scalars and vectors, and is associative with multiplication of scalars
  • schema definition set — (SDS) Something in Portable Common Tool Environment.
  • schoolgirl complexion — a smooth, clear complexion, such as schoolgirls are considered to have
  • scientific empiricism — the philosophy that there are no real differences between the sciences.
  • seating accommodation — the provision of seats for people in a room, building, etc
  • secondary containment — Secondary containment is a system for dealing with hazardous spills.
  • secure hash algorithm
  • sedimentary sequences — Sedimentary sequences are layers of rock which are derived from weathered rocks, biogenic (= of living organisms) activity, or precipitation from solution.
  • semantic differential — a technique for measuring the connotative meaning of concepts by having an individual rate each concept on a series of graduated scales, each scale defined by a pair of polar adjectives, as good–bad or strong–weak.
  • sherman antitrust act — an act of Congress (1890) prohibiting any contract, conspiracy, or combination of business interests in restraint of foreign or interstate trade.
  • short message service — (messaging)   (SMS) A message service offered by the GSM digital mobile telephone system. Using SMS, a short alphanumeric message (160 alphanumeric characters) can be sent to a mobile phone to be displayed there, much like in an alphanumeric pager system. The message is buffered by the GSM network until the phone becomes active.
  • sick to one's stomach — afflicted with ill health or disease; ailing.
  • simple actor language — (language)   (SAL) A minimal actor language, used for teaching in:
  • skew symmetric matrix — a matrix that is equal to the negation of its transpose
  • slatwall merchandiser — A slatwall merchandiser is a three-dimensional display unit with grooves cut into its surface into which metal hanging rails can be fixed at various heights.
  • social administration — the administration and maintenance of issues to do with social policies and welfare
  • somatotrophic-hormone — a hormone secreted by the anterior pituitary gland, that stimulates growth in humans.
  • special court-martial — a court-martial established to try violations of military law less serious than those tried by a general court-martial but more serious than those tried by a summary court-martial.
  • splice the main brace — to join together or unite (two ropes or parts of a rope) by the interweaving of strands.
  • statistical mechanics — the science that deals with average properties of the molecules, atoms, or elementary particles in random motion in a system of many such particles and relates these properties to the thermodynamic and other macroscopic properties of the system.
  • stock list department — (in an American stock exchange) the department dealing with monitoring compliance with its listing requirements and rules
  • strategic air command — a U.S. Air Force command charged with intercontinental air strikes, especially nuclear attacks.
  • subjective complement — subject complement.
  • subliminal perception — perception of or reaction to a stimulus that occurs without awareness or consciousness
  • submerged arc welding — a type of heavy electric-arc welding using mechanically fed bare wire with the arc submerged in powdered flux to keep out oxygen
  • summary court-martial — a court-martial composed of one commissioned officer, authorized to try minor offenses against military law.
  • supply-side economics — a school of economic thought that emphasizes the importance to a strong economy of policies that remove impediments to supply
  • sympathetic vibration — a vibration induced by resonance.
  • synchronized swimming — a sport growing out of water ballet in which swimmers, in solo, duet, and team efforts, complete various required figures by performing motions in relatively stationary positions, along with a freestyle competition, with the contestants synchronizing movements to music and being judged for body position, control, and the degree of difficulty of the moves.
  • take/come into effect — If a law or policy takes effect or comes into effect at a particular time, it officially begins to apply or be valid from that time. If it remains in effect, it still applies or is still valid.
  • teleological argument — the argument purporting to prove the existence of God from empirical facts, the premise being that the universe shows evidence of order and hence design
  • tetrabromofluorescein — eosin (def 1).
  • the executive mansion — the White House
  • the maastricht treaty — a treaty on European economic and monetary union agreed by government leaders of the 12 EC states at a meeting in Maastricht in December 1991
  • the microsoft network — (networking)   (MSN) Microsoft's ISP and online content service, launched in October 1996. Not to be confused with Microsoft Networking. MSN was originally based on custom software and protocols, however Microsoft saw the error of their ways and adopted Internet standards. MSN now provides standard WWW and email facilities, albeit with Microsoft's Internet Explorer web-browser and the Outlook Express email software. The service also provides "Community Services" including newsgroups, forums, and chat.
  • the student community — the body of students in further and higher education, considered as a whole
  • the supreme sacrifice — the sacrifice of one's life
  • therapeutic community — a group-based form of therapy for mental disorders, sometimes residential
  • thermal decomposition — Thermal decomposition is the process in which a chemical species breaks down when its temperature is increased.
  • thermoelectric couple — thermocouple.
  • thermoelectric effect — the production of an electromotive force in a thermocouple.
  • to kick someone's ass — To kick ass or to kick someone's ass means to show them that you are angry with them, either by telling them or by using physical force.
  • to kill a mockingbird — a novel (1960) by Harper Lee.
  • to stick in your mind — If something sticks in your mind, it remains firmly in your memory.
  • transactinide element — any element having an atomic number higher than 103, the last of the actinide series. These superheavy, radioactive elements are extremely short-lived, and can only be created in the laboratory.
  • trichloronitromethane — chloropicrin.
  • tubercular meningitis — an infection of the membranes of the central nervous system caused by the bacterium Mycobacterium tuberculosis; features can include fever, headache, and coma
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