
12-letter words containing c, e, r, i, m

  • hibernaculum — a protective case or covering, especially for winter, as of an animal or a plant bud.
  • hire company — a company that hires things out to people
  • homeomorphic — similarity in crystalline form but not necessarily in chemical composition.
  • homeothermic — (biology, of an, animal) Capable of maintaining a relatively constant body temperature independent of the surrounding environment.
  • horometrical — Relating to horometry.
  • hyperchromic — (physics, chemistry) Describing an increase in the intensity of a spectral band due to a change in the molecular environment.
  • hyperdynamic — (physiology) Describing an increase in both blood pressure and pulse pressure.
  • hyperendemic — manifesting a high and persistent occurrence
  • hyperkalemic — Having a high percentage of potassium in one's blood.
  • hyperlipemic — characterized by an excessive level of fat in the blood
  • hypermagical — produced by or as if by magic: The change in the appearance of the room was magical.
  • hypermediacy — Hypermedia literacy; the state of being conversant with hypermedia technologies.
  • hypersomniac — a tendency to sleep excessively.
  • hyperthermic — Having a very high body temperature.
  • ian maclarenJames Dewey, born 1928, U.S. biologist: Nobel Prize in medicine 1962.
  • iatrochemist — a person who practises iatrochemistry
  • icbm address — (networking, humour)   (Or "missile address") The form used to register a site with the Usenet mapping project includes a space for longitude and latitude, preferably to seconds-of-arc accuracy. This is actually used for generating geographically-correct maps of Usenet links on a plotter; however, it has become traditional to refer to this as one's "ICBM address" or "missile address", and many people include it in their sig block with that name. (A real missile address would include target altitude.)
  • imperception — lack of perception.
  • imperceptive — not perceptive; lacking perception.
  • impercipient — lacking perception; imperceptive.
  • imperfection — an imperfect detail; flaw: a law full of imperfections.
  • imperfective — noting an aspect of the verb, as in Russian, that indicates incompleteness of the action or state at a temporal point of reference.
  • impermanence — not permanent or enduring; transitory.
  • impermanency — Alternative form of impermanence.
  • impertinence — unmannerly intrusion or presumption; insolence.
  • impertinency — impertinence.
  • impierceable — not able to be pierced
  • implicatures — Plural form of implicature.
  • importancies — Plural form of importancy.
  • imprecations — Plural form of imprecation.
  • improvidence — not provident; lacking foresight; incautious; unwary.
  • incendiarism — the act or practice of an arsonist; malicious burning.
  • inclinometer — Aeronautics. an instrument for measuring the angle an aircraft makes with the horizontal.
  • income group — a group in a given population having incomes within a certain range
  • incomparable — beyond comparison; matchless or unequaled: incomparable beauty.
  • increasement — (rare) An increase; growth.
  • incrementing — Present participle of increment.
  • incriminated — Simple past tense and past participle of incriminate.
  • incumbrancer — (legal) One who holds incumbrance, or some legal claim, lien, or charge on an estate.
  • incumbrances — Plural form of incumbrance.
  • infomercials — Plural form of infomercial.
  • informercial — infomercial.
  • insectariums — Plural form of insectarium.
  • intemperance — excessive or immoderate indulgence in alcoholic beverages.
  • intercommune — to commune or converse together
  • intercompany — a number of individuals assembled or associated together; group of people.
  • intercompare — (of members of a group) to compare each member against all other members
  • intermediacy — the state of being intermediate or of acting intermediately.
  • intermercial — interstitial
  • intermitotic — occurring between mitoses
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