
17-letter words containing c, a, r, e, n

  • astronomical year — year (def 4b).
  • attachment theory — a set of concepts that explain the emergence of an emotional bond between an infant and primary caregiver and the way in which this bond affects the child’s behavioral and emotional development into adulthood. See also attachment (def 3a).
  • attendance centre — (in Britain) a place at which young offenders are required to attend regularly instead of going to prison
  • attendance record — the record of how often a person has attended an institution such as a school
  • attorneys-in-fact — a person authorized by power of attorney to act on the authorizer's behalf outside a court of law.
  • attraction sphere — centrosphere (sense 1)
  • audience research — research into the make-up and habits of the audience of a particular television or radio programme or network
  • audio description — a facility provided for visually impaired people in which a film, television programme, or play is described through audio technology
  • australia current — a branch of the South Equatorial Current flowing SW from around Fiji to the E coast of Australia and then S along the coast.
  • australopithecine — any of various extinct apelike primates of the genus Australopithecus and related genera, remains of which have been discovered in southern and E Africa. Some species are estimated to be over 4.5 million years old
  • autocorrelational — Of or pertaining to autocorrelation.
  • bachelor's button — any of several plants of a genus (Centaurea) of the composite family, that have scaly, vase-shaped bracts below the white, pink, or blue flowers; esp., the cornflower and knapweed
  • bachelor's-button — any of various plants with round flower heads, especially the cornflower.
  • back on the rails — If something is back on the rails, it is beginning to be successful again after a period when it almost failed.
  • background report — a report on someone or something that sheds light on their background, esp a report on the background of a person convicted of a crime before they are sentenced by a judge
  • bacon's rebellion — an unsuccessful uprising by frontiersmen in Virginia in 1676, led by Nathaniel Bacon against the colonial government in Jamestown.
  • bacteriorhodopsin — a purple protein containing retinal and found in the plasma membrane of certain bacteria (genus Halobacterium): it directly supplies electrochemical energy from sunlight
  • baggage screening — the procedure whereby baggage is electronically screened at an airport before it is allowed on the plane
  • balance of nature — the stable state in which natural communities of animals and plants exist, maintained by adaptation, competition, and other interactions between members of the communit ies and their nonliving environment
  • balance of terror — military deterrence based on the possession of weapons of mass destruction by opponents in a conflict
  • balanced literacy — a method of teaching reading in which phonics and whole language approaches are both used to maximize student learning.
  • bald-faced hornet — any large, stinging paper wasp of the family Vespidae, as Vespa crabro (giant hornet) introduced into the U.S. from Europe, or Vespula maculata (bald-faced hornet or white-faced hornet) of North America.
  • banking principle — the principle that bank notes are a form of credit and should be issued freely in order to maintain an elastic currency.
  • bankruptcy estate — all of the interests that a debtor has at the start of a bankruptcy case
  • barbed wire fence — a fence constructed from strong wire that has sharply pointed barbs at close intervals along its length
  • barkhausen effect — the phenomenon of short, sudden changes in the magnetism of a ferromagnetic substance occurring when the intensity of the magnetizing field is continuously altered.
  • be running scared — If you say that a person or group is running scared, you mean that they are frightened of what someone might do to them or what might happen.
  • beyond comparison — outstanding, without equal
  • biological parent — a parent who has conceived (biological mother) or sired (biological father) rather than adopted a child and whose genes are therefore transmitted to the child.
  • black renaissance — a renewal and flourishing of black literary and musical culture during the years after World War I in the Harlem section of New York City.
  • blackboard jungle — a school or school system characterized by lack of discipline and by juvenile delinquency.
  • blessed sacrament — the consecrated elements of the Eucharist
  • bluegrass country — region in central Ky. where there is much bluegrass
  • body center plate — one of a pair of plates that fit together and support the body of a car on a truck, while allowing the truck to rotate with respect to the body. One plate (body center plate) is attached to the underside of the car body and the other (truck center plate) is part of the car truck.
  • book depreciation — Book depreciation is depreciation in a company's internal financial records that is different from the amount that is used for taxes.
  • branch delay slot — delayed control-transfer
  • branch prediction — (processor, algorithm)   A technique used in some processors with instruction prefetch to guess whether a conditional branch will be taken or not and prefetch code from the appropriate location. When a branch instruction is executed, its address and that of the next instruction executed (the chosen destination of the branch) are stored in the Branch Target Buffer. This information is used to predict which way the instruction will branch the next time it is executed so that instruction prefetch can continue. When the prediction is correct (and it is over 90% of the time), executing a branch does not cause a pipeline break. Some later CPUs simply prefetch both paths instead of trying to predict which way the branch will go. An extension of the idea of branch prediction is speculative execution.
  • breakdown service — a service that provides assistance to motorists who break down
  • british cameroons — a former British trust territory of West Africa
  • british-cameroons — German Kamerun. a region in W Africa: a German protectorate 1884–1919; divided in 1919 into British and French mandates.
  • brocot escapement — a type of anchor escapement.
  • brokerage account — A brokerage account is an account with a broker where an investor can buy and sell and hold securities.
  • brzesc nad bugiem — Polish name of Brest Litovsk.
  • budgetary control — a system of managing a business by applying a financial value to each forecast activity. Actual performance is subsequently compared with the estimates
  • buncher resonator — See under Klystron.
  • bureaucratization — to divide an administrative agency or office into bureaus.
  • caesarean section — A Caesarean or a Caesarean section is an operation in which a baby is lifted out of a woman's womb through an opening cut in her abdomen.
  • cafeteria benefit — a fringe benefit chosen by an employee from a range of benefits offered under a cafeteria plan.
  • calcium carbonate — a white crystalline salt occurring in limestone, chalk, marble, calcite, coral, and pearl: used in the production of lime and cement. Formula: CaCO3
  • california laurel — a Pacific coast shrub or tree (Umbellularia californica) of the laurel family, having aromatic evergreen leaves and hard wood; Oregon myrtle: a source of bay leaves
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