
14-letter words containing c, a, n, d, i, o

  • linen cupboard — airing cupboard
  • linolenic acid — colourless unsaturated essential fatty acid
  • listed company — A listed company is a company whose shares are quoted on a stock exchange.
  • load balancing — (operating system, parallel)   Techniques which aim to spread tasks among the processors in a parallel processor to avoid some processors being idle while others have tasks queueing for execution. Load balancing may be performed either by heavily loaded processors (with many tasks in their queues) sending tasks to other processors; by idle processors requesting work from others; by some centralised task distribution mechanism; or some combination of these. Some systems allow tasks to be moved after they have started executing ("task migration") others do not. It is important that the overhead of executing the load balancing algorithm does not contribute significantly to the overall processing or communications load. Distributed scheduling algorithms may be static, dynamic or preemptive. Static algorithms allocate processes to processors at run time while taking no account of current network load. Dynamic algorithms are more flexible, though more computationally expensive, and give some consideration to the network load before allocating the new process to a processor. Preemptive algorithms are more expensive and flexible still, and may migrate running processes from one host to another if deemed beneficial. Research to date indicates that dynamic algorithms yield significant performance benefits, but that further (though lesser) gains may be had through the addition of process migration facilities.
  • macadamization — to pave by laying and compacting successive layers of broken stone, often with asphalt or hot tar.
  • mandibulectomy — (surgery) excision of the mandible.
  • manic disorder — a type of affective disorder characterized by euphoric mood, excessive activity and talkativeness, impaired judgment, and sometimes psychotic symptoms, as grandiose delusions.
  • medicalisation — Alternative spelling of medicalization.
  • medicalization — The act or process of medicalizing.
  • medicine woman — (among North American Indians and some other aboriginal peoples) a woman believed to possess magical or supernatural powers; a female shaman.
  • mendaciousness — telling lies, especially habitually; dishonest; lying; untruthful: a mendacious person.
  • methanoic acid — systematic name for formic acid
  • methodicalness — The property of being methodical.
  • michael jordanBarbara Charline, 1936–96, U.S. politician.
  • microsporidian — Any of many parasites, of the class Microsporidia, that are very small fungi.
  • midwall column — a column or the like carrying a wall overhanging it on both sides.
  • minicoy island — a small island in the S Laccadive Islands, off the SW coast of India. 1.25 sq. mi. (3.24 sq. km).
  • mis-coordinate — of the same order or degree; equal in rank or importance.
  • misdeclaration — An incorrect declaration, especially in an official context.
  • mobile command — the Canadian army and other land forces
  • modelling clay — mouldable substance fixed in a kiln
  • monosaccharide — a carbohydrate that does not hydrolyze, as glucose, fructose, or ribose, occurring naturally or obtained by the hydrolysis of glycosides or polysaccharides.
  • morris dancing — Morris dancing is a type of old English country dancing which is performed by people wearing special costumes.
  • municipal bond — a bond issued by a state, county, city, or town, or by a state authority or agency to finance projects.
  • narcodiagnosis — the use of drugs to produce narcosis as an aid in diagnosis.
  • new caledonian — of, from, or relating to New Caledonia
  • nicotinic acid — a crystalline acid, C 6 H 5 NO 2 , that is a component of the vitamin-B complex, found in fresh meat, yeast, etc., produced by the oxidation of nicotine, and used in the prevention and treatment of pellagra.
  • non-accidental — happening by chance or accident; not planned; unexpected: an accidental meeting.
  • non-accredited — officially recognized as meeting the essential requirements, as of academic excellence: accredited schools.
  • non-associated — to connect or bring into relation, as thought, feeling, memory, etc.: Many people associate dark clouds with depression and gloom.
  • non-classified — arranged or distributed in classes or according to class: We plan to review all the classified specimens in the laboratory.
  • non-cultivated — prepared and used for raising crops; tilled: cultivated land.
  • non-indictable — liable to being indicted, as a person.
  • non-occidental — (usually initial capital letter) of, relating to, or characteristic of the Occident or its natives and inhabitants.
  • noncardiogenic — Not cardiogenic.
  • nonclandestine — not clandestine or secret; open
  • noncomplicated — (esp of a medical condition or procedure) not involving complications
  • nondeclarative — serving to declare, make known, or explain: a declarative statement.
  • nondiffractive — Not diffractive.
  • nondirectional — functioning equally well in all directions; omnidirectional.
  • nondoctrinaire — not concerned with or related to doctrine
  • noneducational — not educational or related to education
  • nonideological — Unaffiliated with or unrelated to ideology.
  • nonpalindromic — Not palindromic.
  • nonpredictable — Not predictable.
  • nonprejudicial — causing prejudice or disadvantage; detrimental.
  • nonradioactive — not radioactive
  • north canadian — river flowing from NE N.Mex. east & southeast into the Canadian River in E Okla.: 760 mi (1,223 km)
  • old franconian — the Franconian language before 1100; Frankish.
  • old-time dance — a formal or formation dance, such as the lancers
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