
20-letter words containing b, s, m, e

  • queen's remembrancer — (in Great Britain) a judiciary official who collects debts owed to the king.
  • reductio ad absurdum — a reduction to an absurdity; the refutation of a proposition by demonstrating the inevitably absurd conclusion to which it would logically lead.
  • republic of maldives — a republic occupying an archipelago of 1087 coral islands in the Indian Ocean, southwest of Sri Lanka: came under British protection in 1887; became independent in 1965 and a republic in 1968; member of the Commonwealth (1982–2016). The economy and infrastructure were severely damaged in the Indian Ocean tsunami of December 2004. Official language: Divehi. Official religion: (Sunni) Muslim. Currency: rufiyaa. Capital: Malé. Pop: 393 988 (2013 est). Area: 298 sq km (115 sq miles)
  • saint john ambulance — an organization that provides first aid and first-aid training
  • save someone's bacon — to help someone to escape from danger
  • scheme object system — (SOS) Chris Hanson?
  • scream bloody murder — Law. the killing of another human being under conditions specifically covered in law. In the U.S., special statutory definitions include murder committed with malice aforethought, characterized by deliberation or premeditation or occurring during the commission of another serious crime, as robbery or arson (first-degree murder) and murder by intent but without deliberation or premeditation (second-degree murder)
  • self-belaying system — (in climbing) equipment used to pay out rope as required and thus enable a climber to self-belay
  • semiautobiographical — pertaining to or being a fictionalized account of an author's own life.
  • server message block — (protocol)   (SMB) A client/server protocol that provides file and printer sharing between computers. In addition SMB can share serial ports and communications abstractions such as named pipes and mail slots. SMB is similar to remote procedure call (RPC) specialised for file system access. SMB was developed by Intel, Microsoft, and IBM in the early 1980s. It has also had input from Xerox and 3Com. It is the native method of file and print sharing for Microsoft operating systems; where it is called Microsoft Networking. Windows for Workgroups, Windows 95, and Windows NT all include SMB clients and servers. SMB is also used by OS/2, Lan Manager and Banyan Vines. There are SMB servers and clients for Unix, for example Samba and smbclient. SMB is a presentation layer protocol structured as a large set of commands (Server Message Blocks). There are commands to support file sharing, printer sharing, user authentication, resource browsing, and other miscellaneous functions. As clients and servers may implement different versions ("dialects") of the protocol they negotiate before starting a session. The redirector packages SMB requests into a network control block (NBC) structure that can be sent across the network to a remote device. SMB originally ran on top of the lower level protocols NetBEUI and NetBIOS, but now typically runs over TCP/IP. Microsoft have developed an extended version of SMB for the Internet, the Common Internet File System (CIFS), which in most cases replaces SMB. CIFS runs only runs over TCP/IP.
  • shaken baby syndrome — a usually fatal condition of abused infants brought on by violent shaking by the arms or shoulders that causes severe internal bleeding, especially around the brain and in the eyes.
  • shibah asar betammuz — Shivah Asar Betammuz.
  • shivah asar betammuz — a Jewish fast day observed on the 17th day of Tammuz in memory of the breach of the walls of Jerusalem by the Romans in a.d. 70.
  • sir william berkeley — Busby [buhz-bee] /ˈbʌz bi/ (Show IPA), (William Berkeley Enos) 1895–1976, U.S. choreographer and musical-film director.
  • sodium metabisulfite — Sodium metabisulfite is a crystalline compound used as an antioxidant.
  • splice the mainbrace — to issue and partake of an extra allocation of alcoholic spirits
  • st. james-assiniboia — a city in SE Manitoba, in S central Canada: suburb of Winnipeg.
  • standard book number — International Standard Book Number. Abbreviation: SBN.
  • stefan-boltzmann law — the law stating that the total energy radiated from a blackbody is proportional to the fourth power of its absolute temperature.
  • subpoena duces tecum — a writ directing a person to appear in court and to bring some document described in the writ.
  • to be a one-man show — to be reliant on one person alone
  • to burst into flames — If something bursts into flames or bursts into flame, it suddenly starts burning strongly.
  • tomb of the unknowns — See under Unknown Soldier.
  • toothbrush moustache — a short narrow moustache, resembling the filaments of a toothbrush
  • twiddle one's thumbs — to turn about or play with lightly or idly, especially with the fingers; twirl.
  • undistributed middle — Logic. a middle term of a syllogism that does not refer to its entire class in the major premise or minor premise, with the result that the syllogism is not valid.
  • united arab emirates — group of Arabian states
  • watch someone's back — the rear part of the human body, extending from the neck to the lower end of the spine.
  • webbing clothes moth — a small brown moth, Tineola biselliella, the larva of which feeds on woolens and spins a web when feeding.
  • westminster assembly — a convocation that met at Westminster, London, 1643–49, and formulated the articles of faith (Westminster Confession of Faith) that are accepted as authoritative by most Presbyterian churches.
  • wilson cloud chamber — cloud chamber.
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