
14-letter words containing a, s, e, t, m, n

  • overenthusiasm — absorbing or controlling possession of the mind by any interest or pursuit; lively interest: He shows marked enthusiasm for his studies.
  • overestimating — Present participle of overestimate.
  • overestimation — An excessive estimation.
  • oyster farming — the activity of cultivating oysters for food or pearls
  • paleomagnetism — Geology. magnetic polarization acquired by the minerals in a rock at the time the rock was deposited or solidified.
  • parenchymatous — Botany. the fundamental tissue of plants, composed of thin-walled cells able to divide.
  • parent message — (messaging)   What a followup follows up.
  • payment system — a system used to pay or settle financial transactions
  • pentadactylism — the state of having five digits on each limb
  • phallocentrism — a doctrine or belief centered on the phallus, especially a belief in the superiority of the male sex.
  • placement test — a test to determine a student's level of ability in one or more subjects in order to place the student with others of the same approximate ability.
  • pneumothoraces — the presence of air or gas in the pleural cavity.
  • point estimate — the process of determining a single estimated value (point estimate) of a parameter of a given population.
  • post-treatment — an act or manner of treating.
  • postmenopausal — of, relating to, or characteristic of menopause.
  • postmillennial — of or relating to the period following the millennium.
  • pre-assumption — something taken for granted; a supposition: a correct assumption. Synonyms: presupposition; hypothesis, conjecture, guess, postulate, theory.
  • premenstrually — in a premenstrual manner
  • presentimental — expressing a presentiment
  • printer's mark — a stamp or device, usually found on the copyright page, that identifies a book as the work of a particular printer.
  • printer's ream — a standard quantity of paper, consisting of 20 quires or 500 sheets (formerly 480 sheets), or 516 sheets (printer's ream or perfect ream)
  • proletarianism — the practices, attitudes, or social status of a proletarian.
  • pythagoreanism — the doctrines of Pythagoras and his followers, especially the belief that the universe is the manifestation of various combinations of mathematical ratios.
  • quantum system — a theoretical or actual system based on quantum physics, as a supercomputer.
  • quattrocentism — the 15th-century Italian style of art and literature
  • questionmaster — quizmaster.
  • raman-spectrum — the change in wavelength of light scattered while passing through a transparent medium, the collection of new wavelengths (Raman spectrum) being characteristic of the scattering medium and differing from the fluorescent spectrum in being much less intense and in being unrelated to an absorption band of the medium.
  • random testing — (programming, testing)   A black-box testing approach in which software is tested by choosing an arbitrary subset of all possible input values. Random testing helps to avoid the problem of only testing what you know will work.
  • re-measurement — the act of measuring.
  • reappraisement — an act or the process of appraising someone or something again
  • reassimilating — to take in and incorporate as one's own; absorb: He assimilated many new experiences on his European trip.
  • recompensatory — serving to compensate, as for loss, lack, or injury.
  • reformationist — someone who was part of the Reformation
  • reminiscential — of or relating to reminiscence; reminiscent.
  • remonstrations — to say or plead in protest, objection, or disapproval.
  • restorationism — belief in a future life in which human beings will be restored to a state of perfection and happiness
  • retinoblastoma — Pathology. an inheritable tumor of the eye.
  • retransmission — the act or process of transmitting.
  • revenue stream — method of income
  • sabermetrician — (used with a singular verb) the computerized measurement of baseball statistics.
  • sacramentalism — a belief in or emphasis on the importance and efficacy of the sacraments for achieving salvation and conferring grace.
  • sacramentality — of, relating to, or of the nature of a sacrament, especially the sacrament of the Eucharist.
  • sacramentarian — a person who maintains that the Eucharistic elements have only symbolic significance and are not corporeal manifestations of Christ.
  • sacred monster — a celebrity whose eccentricities or indiscretions are easily forgiven by admirers.
  • sagging moment — a bending moment that produces concave bending at the middle of a simple supported beam
  • sample section — a section of sth, intended as representative of the whole
  • schematization — to reduce to or arrange according to a scheme.
  • scrap merchant — dealer in discarded materials
  • scratch monkey — (humour)   As in "Before testing or reconfiguring, always mount a scratch monkey", a proverb used to advise caution when dealing with irreplaceable data or devices. Used to refer to any scratch volume hooked to a computer during any risky operation as a replacement for some precious resource or data that might otherwise get trashed. This term preserves the memory of Mabel, the Swimming Wonder Monkey, star of a biological research program at the University of Toronto. Mabel was not (so the legend goes) your ordinary monkey; the university had spent years teaching her how to swim, breathing through a regulator, in order to study the effects of different gas mixtures on her physiology. Mabel suffered an untimely demise one day when a DEC engineer troubleshooting a crash on the program's VAX inadvertently interfered with some custom hardware that was wired to Mabel. It is reported that, after calming down an understandably irate customer sufficiently to ascertain the facts of the matter, a DEC troubleshooter called up the field circus manager responsible and asked him sweetly, "Can you swim?" Not all the consequences to humans were so amusing; the sysop of the machine in question was nearly thrown in jail at the behest of certain clueless droids at the local "humane" society. The moral is clear: When in doubt, always mount a scratch monkey. A corespondent adds: The details you give are somewhat consistent with the version I recall from the Digital "War Stories" notesfile, but the name "Mabel" and the swimming bit were not mentioned, IIRC. Also, there's a very detailed account that claims that three monkies died in the incident, not just one. I believe Eric Postpischil wrote the original story at DEC, so his coming back with a different version leads me to wonder whether there ever was a real Scratch Monkey incident.
  • seaman recruit — a noncommissioned enlisted person of the lowest rank. Abbreviation: SR.
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