
19-letter words containing a, r, m, p, t

  • party-column ballot — Indiana ballot.
  • patent infringement — breach of copyright
  • paumotu archipelago — Tuamotu Archipelago.
  • penecontemporaneous — formed during or shortly after the formation of the containing rock stratum: penecontemporaneous minerals.
  • performance anxiety — the stage fright that a person feels when they are about to perform (a play, piece of music etc) in front of an audience
  • performance targets — the expected or predicted success level of an individual, company or organization
  • peridental membrane — periodontal membrane.
  • permanent secretary — the senior civil servant responsible for running a government ministry
  • phenylthiocarbamide — a crystalline, slightly water-soluble solid, C 6 H 5 NHCSNH 2 , that is either tasteless or bitter, depending upon the heredity of the taster, and is used in medical genetics and as a diagnostic.
  • photographic memory — total recall
  • photopolymerization — polymerization induced by light.
  • physical impairment — A physical impairment is a condition in which a part of a person's body is damaged or is not working properly.
  • pistachio ice cream — ice cream flavoured with pistachios
  • plastic deformation — In plastic deformation a material changes shape when a stress is applied to it and does not go back to its original state when the stress is removed.
  • pneumogastric nerve — the vagus nerve.
  • pointe-aux-trembles — a city in S Quebec, in E Canada, N of Montreal, on the St. Lawrence.
  • potassium carbonate — a white, granular, water-soluble powder, K 2 CO 3 , used chiefly in the manufacture of soap, glass, and potassium salts.
  • potassium hydroxide — a white, deliquescent, water-soluble solid, KOH, usually in the form of lumps, sticks, or pellets, that upon solution in water generates heat: used chiefly in the manufacture of soap, as a laboratory reagent, and as a caustic.
  • presumption of fact — a presumption based on experience or knowledge of the relationship between a known fact and a fact inferred from it.
  • primary containment — Primary containment is the main means of preventing leaks and spills using equipment in direct content with the oil or gas being stored or transported.
  • prime interest rate — prime rate.
  • prismatic telescope — a telescope having an eyepiece at the side or top equipped with a reflecting prism, used for taking sights at steep angles.
  • production platform — offshore power station
  • programmer's switch — (hardware)   A button on the front of some Apple Macintosh computers which, when pressed, causes a command line prompt to appear. This gives access to the built-in mini-debugger, which has commands to dump memory, return to the application that was broken out, and others. A more sophisticated debugger must be installed in order to inspect breakpoints, etc.
  • pseudo-experimental — pertaining to, derived from, or founded on experiment: an experimental science.
  • pseudohermaphrodite — an individual having internal reproductive organs of one sex and external sexual characteristics resembling those of the other sex or being ambiguous in nature. Compare hermaphrodite (def 1).
  • psychrometric chart — a chart for calculating values of relative humidity, absolute humidity, and dew point from psychrometer readings.
  • pythagoras' theorem — (spelling)   It's Pythagoras's Theorem.
  • pythagorean theorem — Pythagoras's Theorem
  • quartermaster corps — the branch of the U.S. Army responsible for supplying food, clothing, fuel, and equipment and for the operation of commissaries, laundries, etc.
  • radiochromatography — chromatography in which radiolabeled substances on the chromatogram are determined quantitatively or qualitatively by measuring their radioactivity.
  • radiopharmaceutical — any of a number of radioactive drugs used diagnostically or therapeutically.
  • reactor temperature — The reactor temperature is the temperature at various stages in a reactor in an FCC unit.
  • relative complement — the set of elements contained in a given set that are not elements of another specified set.
  • relative impediment — a fact or circumstance that disqualifies from lawful marriage persons who are closely related.
  • representationalism — Also called representative realism. Epistemology. the view that the objects of perception are ideas or sense data that represent external objects, especially the Lockean doctrine that the perceived idea represents exactly the primary qualities of the external object.
  • republic of vietnam — the name (from 1955–75) for South Vietnam, as an independent republic, following the division of the country in 1954 into North Vietnam and South Vietnam
  • respiratory pigment — any of several colored protein substances, as hemoglobin and hemocyanin, in the circulatory system of animals and some plants, that combine reversibly with oxygen that is carried to the tissues
  • room-temperature iq — (abuse)   (IBM) 80 or below. Used in describing the expected intelligence range of the luser. "Well, but how's this interface going to play with the room-temperature IQ crowd?" This is a much more insulting phrase in countries that use Celsius thermometers. See drool-proof paper.
  • sb's spiritual home — your spiritual home is the place where you feel that you belong, usually because your ideas or attitudes are the same as those of the people who live there
  • semipalmated plover — a New World plover, Charadrius semipalmatus, having a black ring around the chest and semipalmate feet, inhabiting beaches and salt marshes.
  • shipping department — a department in a company responsible for arranging, receiving, recording, and sending shipments of goods
  • simple carbohydrate — a carbohydrate, as glucose, that consists of a single monosaccharide unit.
  • smoking compartment — a compartment of a train where smoking is permitted
  • spherical astronomy — the branch of astronomy dealing with the determination of the positions of celestial bodies on the celestial sphere.
  • spin quantum number — the quantum number that designates the total angular momentum associated with electron spin and has a value of ½ in units of h /2π.
  • standard atmosphere — an arbitrarily determined vertical distribution of atmospheric pressure, temperature, and density, assumed to have physical constants and conforming to parametric equations, used for calculations in ballistics, the design of pressure altimeters, etc.
  • standing broad jump — a jump for distance from a standing position.
  • stationers' company — a company or guild of the city of London composed of booksellers, printers, dealers in writing materials, etc., incorporated in 1557.
  • step-up transformer — a device that transfers an alternating current from one circuit to one or more other circuits with an increase of voltage
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