
14-letter words containing a, n, t, i, s, u

  • unsophisticate — not sophisticated
  • unspiritualize — to deprive of spiritual qualities
  • unsplinterable — unable to be splintered
  • unstandardized — to bring to or make of an established standard size, weight, quality, strength, or the like: to standardize manufactured parts.
  • unsubordinated — noting or designating a debt obligation whose holder is placed in precedence below secured and general creditors: subordinated debentures.
  • unsympathizing — not sympathizing; not offering sympathy; unsympathetic
  • unsystematical — unsystematic
  • unsystematized — not systematized or arranged in a system
  • upton sinclairHarry Ford, 1876–1956, U.S. oil businessman: a major figure in the Teapot Dome scandal.
  • ural mountains — a mountain system in W central Russia, extending over 2000 km (1250 miles) from the Arctic Ocean towards the Aral Sea: forms part of the geographical boundary between Europe and Asia; one of the richest mineral areas in the world, with many associated major industrial centres. Highest peak: Mount Narodnaya, 1894 m (6214 ft)
  • urban district — a minor administrative division in England, Wales, and Northern Ireland, with local self-government by a district council, but lacking the charter of a borough.
  • urbanistically — of or relating to urbanism.
  • user interface — the interface features through which users interact with the hardware and software of computers and other electronic devices. Abbreviation: UI.
  • Ústí nad labem — a port in the Czech Republic, on the Elbe River: textile and chemical industries. Pop: 95 000 (2005 est)
  • uterogestation — gestation in the womb, i.e. normal pregnancy
  • utilitarianism — the ethical doctrine that virtue is based on utility, and that conduct should be directed toward promoting the greatest happiness of the greatest number of persons.
  • vacuum casting — the casting of metal within a vacuum.
  • vanadium steel — an alloy steel containing vanadium.
  • vapour density — the ratio of the density of a gas or vapour to that of hydrogen at the same temperature and pressure
  • vaulting horse — a padded, somewhat cylindrical floor-supported apparatus, braced horizontally at an adjustable height, used for hand support and pushing off in vaulting.
  • venetian sumac — smoke tree (def 2).
  • vistula lagoon — a shallow lagoon on the SW coast of the Baltic Sea, between Danzig and Kaliningrad, crossed by the border between Poland and Russia
  • vulvovaginitis — inflammation of the vulva and vagina.
  • walpurgisnacht — (especially in medieval German folklore) the evening preceding the feast day of St. Walpurgis, when witches congregated, especially on the Brocken.
  • welsh mountain — a common breed of small hardy sheep kept mainly in the mountains of Wales
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