
14-letter words containing a, i, m

  • british malaya — a comprehensive term for the former British possessions on the Malay Peninsula and the Malay Archipelago: now part of Malaysia.
  • browntail moth — kind of moth
  • bug-compatible — Said of a design or revision that has been badly compromised by a requirement to be compatible with fossils or misfeatures in other programs or (especially) previous releases of itself. "MS-DOS 2.0 used \ as a path separator to be bug-compatible with some cretin's choice of / as an option character in 1.0."
  • buying manager — The buying manager of a store is a senior employee whose job is to manage the purchase and delivery of products and supplies, maintaining stock levels.
  • by acclamation — by an overwhelming majority without a ballot
  • by appointment — If something can be done by appointment, people can arrange in advance to do it at a particular time.
  • by implication — If you say that something is the case by implication, you mean that a statement, event, or situation implies that it is the case.
  • cadmium bronze — an alloy of copper with about 1 percent cadmium.
  • cadmium orange — a yellow color approaching orange.
  • cadmium yellow — a very vivid yellow containing cadmium sulphide
  • café macchiato — a hot beverage consisting of espresso and a small amount of foamed milk.
  • cahokia mounds — the largest group of prehistoric Indian earthworks in the US, located northeast of East St Louis
  • cairngormstone — (mineral, rare) A yellow or smoky brown variety of rock crystal, found especially in the mountains of w Cairngorm in Scotland.
  • calamata olive — a purplish-black, almond-shaped olive with a fruity flavor and meaty texture, often split and cured in brine and packed in vinegar.
  • calamine brass — an alloy of zinc carbonate and copper, formerly used to imitate gold.
  • caltrop family — the plant family Zygophyllaceae, typified by tropical herbaceous plants and shrubs having pinnate leaves, solitary or paired regular flowers, and fruit in the form of a capsule, and including the creosote bush, lignum vitae, and puncture vine.
  • calumniousness — Calumny.
  • cambridge blue — a lightish blue colour
  • cambridge lisp — A flavour of Lisp using BCPL. Sources owned by Fitznorman partners.
  • cambridgeshire — a county of E England, in East Anglia: includes the former counties of the Isle of Ely and Huntingdon and lies largely in the Fens: Peterborough became an independent unitary authority in 1998. Administrative centre: Cambridge. Pop (excluding Peterborough): 571 000 (2003 est). Area (excluding Peterborough): 3068 sq km (184 sq miles)
  • camelopardalis — a N constellation between Ursa Major and Cassiopeia; the Giraffe
  • camillo cavour — Camillo Benso di [kah-meel-law ben-saw dee] /kɑˈmil lɔ ˈbɛn sɔ di/ (Show IPA), 1810–61, Italian statesman: leader in the unification of Italy.
  • camp fire girl — a girl who is a member of Camp Fire, Inc., an organization for girls founded in 1910, and since 1975 also including boys, to promote character-building activities
  • campaign chest — money collected and set aside for use in a campaign, especially a political one; a campaign fund.
  • campaign medal — a medal awarded for performance of specified service, usually in time of war or national emergency.
  • campaign trail — the series of appearances that a politician makes at different locations as part of a political campaign, esp before an election
  • camphoric acid — a whitish crystallizable substance derived from the oxidization of camphor, used in solution in medicine as an antiseptic. Formula: C10H16O4
  • campina grande — a city in NE Brazil, in E Paraíba state. Pop: 366 000 (2005 est)
  • canonical name — (CNAME) A host's official name as opposed to an alias. The official name is the first hostname listed for its Internet address in the hostname database, /etc/hosts or the Network Information Service (NIS) map hosts.byaddr ("hosts" for short). A host with multiple network interfaces may have more than one Internet address, each with its own canonical name (and zero or more aliases). You can find a host's canonical name using nslookup if you say set querytype=CNAME and then type a hostname.
  • cap the climax — to be or do more than could be expected or believed
  • capital market — the financial institutions collectively that deal with medium-term and long-term capital and loans
  • caprimulgiform — Of or pertaining to the taxonomic order Caprimulgiformes.
  • captain's mast — a hearing conducted by the captain of a vessel into minor offences of the crew
  • captive market — a group of consumers who are obliged through lack of choice to buy a particular product, thus giving the supplier a monopoly
  • caramelisation — (chiefly British) alternative spelling of caramelization.
  • caramelization — the conversion of sugar into caramel, caused by heating
  • carcinomatosis — a condition characterized by widespread dissemination of carcinomas or by a carcinoma that affects a large area
  • carcinosarcoma — a malignant tumour composed of carcinoma and sarcoma
  • cardiac muscle — a specialized form of striated muscle occurring in the hearts of vertebrates.
  • cardiomyopathy — a disease of the heart muscle usually caused by a biochemical defect or a toxin such as alcohol
  • carpet bombing — Carpet bombing is heavy bombing from aircraft, with the intention of hitting as many places as possible in a particular area.
  • castrametation — the art of designing and laying out an encampment
  • catcher's mitt — the glove worn by the catcher to protect the hands
  • catechumenship — the office or position of a catechumen
  • cayman islands — three coral islands in the Caribbean Sea northwest of Jamaica: a dependency of Jamaica until 1962, now a UK Overseas Territory. Capital: George Town. Pop: 53 737 (2013 est). Area: about 260 sq km (100 sq miles)
  • celto-germanic — having the characteristics of both the Celtic and Germanic peoples.
  • centenarianism — the situation or condition of being a centenarian
  • centripetalism — the movement of things towards a centre
  • cephalometrics — The measurement and analysis of the craniofacial area, especially as an aid to dental or orthodontic procedures.
  • ceremonial tea — a Japanese green tea made from choice shade-grown leaves that are cured by a steaming, drying, and powdering process: used in chanoyu.
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