
15-letter words containing a, h, m, d

  • dysmorphophobia — an obsessive fear that one's body, or any part of it, is repulsive or may become so
  • echinodermatous — belonging or pertaining to the echinoderms.
  • echocardiograms — Plural form of echocardiogram.
  • edmund randolph — A(sa) Philip, 1889–1979, U.S. labor leader: president of the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters 1925–68.
  • edriophthalmian — edriophthalmous
  • edriophthalmous — (of certain crustaceans) having stalkless eyes
  • endolymphangial — (anatomy) Within a lymphatic vessel.
  • endomycorrhizal — Of or pertaining to endomycorrhiza.
  • ergatandromorph — an ant with the characteristics of both worker and male
  • ethylenediamine — A viscous liquid used in making detergents and emulsifying agents.
  • fairy godmother — a kindly sponsor or guardian; godmother.
  • fifth amendment — an amendment to the U.S. Constitution, ratified in 1791 as part of the Bill of Rights, providing chiefly that no person be required to testify against himself or herself in a criminal case and that no person be subjected to a second trial for an offense for which he or she has been duly tried previously.
  • fighter command — a former unit of the Royal Air Force dedicated to the use of fighter aircraft, esp against enemy bombers and their escorts during WWII
  • flame hardening — the surface hardening of ferrous metals by heating the metal with an oxyacetylene flame followed by rapid cooling
  • flannel-mouthed — speaking thickly, as if one's mouth were full of flannel
  • fluid mechanics — an applied science dealing with the basic principles of gaseous and liquid matter.
  • flying dutchman — a legendary Dutch ghost ship supposed to be seen at sea, especially near the Cape of Good Hope.
  • french marigold — a composite plant, Tagetes patula, of Mexico, having yellow flowers with red markings.
  • freshwater drum — an edible drum, Aplodinotus grunniens, of the fresh waters of North and Central America, sometimes reaching a weight of 60 pounds (27 kg).
  • geodemographics — the study and grouping of the people in a geographical area according to socioeconomic criteria, esp for market research
  • german shepherd — one of a breed of large shepherd dogs having a coat ranging in color from gray to brindled, black-and-tan, or black, used especially in police work and as a guide for the blind.
  • golden samphire — a Eurasian coastal plant, Inula crithmoides, with fleshy leaves and yellow flower heads: family Asteraceae (composites)
  • gynandromorphic — (of an organism) Having male and female characteristics.
  • half-remembered — (of a memory, idea, etc) partially remembered or recalled
  • hamamelidaceous — belonging to the Hamamelidaceae, the witch hazel family of plants.
  • hampstead heath — a popular recreation area near Hampstead in N London
  • hard mint candy — a hardened mint-flavoured sweet
  • hard-shell clam — quahog.
  • haute-normandie — a region of NW France, on the English Channel: generally fertile and flat
  • heart tamponade — tamponade (def 2).
  • hearth and home — domestic realm
  • hedonic damages — compensation based on what the victim of a crime might have earned in the future
  • hemadynamometer — An instrument by which the pressure of the blood in the arteries, or veins, is measured by the height to which it will raise a column of mercury.
  • hemel hempstead — a town in W Hertfordshire, in SE England.
  • hemodynamically — With regard to hemodynamics.
  • herbal medicine — the use of herbs to treat illness
  • hereditarianism — a person who believes that differences between individuals or groups, including moral and intellectual attributes, are predominantly determined by genetic factors (opposed to environmentalist).
  • heredo-familial — denoting a condition or disease that may be passed from generation to generation and to several members of one family
  • hermaphroditism — the condition of being a hermaphrodite.
  • hexahydrothymol — menthol.
  • high and mighty — self-important, arrogant
  • high-and-mighty — haughty; arrogant.
  • holding company — a company that controls other companies through stock ownership but that usually does not engage directly in their productive operations (distinguished from parent company).
  • homing guidance — a method of missile guidance in which internal equipment enables it to steer itself onto the target, as by sensing the target's heat radiation
  • homochlamydeous — (of a plant) having a perianth in which the sepals and petals are fused together and indistinguishable
  • horned screamer — a screamer, Anhima cornuta, of tropical South America, having a long, slender hornlike process projecting from the forehead.
  • how do you mean — If you say 'How do you mean?' to someone, you are asking them to explain or give more details of what they have just said.
  • human condition — mortality
  • humidifications — Plural form of humidification.
  • humpback bridge — arched bridge
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