
15-letter words containing a, f, t, e, r, h

  • fluorophosphate — a salt or ester of a fluorophosphoric acid.
  • for that matter — the substance or substances of which any physical object consists or is composed: the matter of which the earth is made.
  • for the sake of — for the good of
  • for their pains — You say that something was all you got for your pains when you are mentioning the disappointing result of situation into which you put a lot of work or effort.
  • forecastle head — the extreme fore part of a forecastle superstructure.
  • foster daughter — a girl raised like one's own daughter, though not such by birth or adoption.
  • founding father — The founding father of an institution, organization, or idea is the person who sets it up or who first develops it.
  • free atmosphere — the part of the atmosphere that lies above the frictional influence of the earth's surface.
  • free throw lane — the rectangular area, 19 feet (5.7 meters) long and usually 12 or 16 feet (3.6 m or 4.8 meters) wide, extending from the end line behind each backboard to the foul line and along the sides of which players line up during a foul shot.
  • freight charges — the price charged for conveying goods by freight
  • french tamarisk — a shrub or small tree, Tamarix gallica, of the Mediterranean region, having bluish foliage and white or pinkish flowers.
  • french togoland — a former United Nations Trust Territory in W Africa, administered by France (1946–60), now the independent republic of Togo
  • freshwater drum — an edible drum, Aplodinotus grunniens, of the fresh waters of North and Central America, sometimes reaching a weight of 60 pounds (27 kg).
  • fusospirochetal — Relating to fusospirochetes.
  • godfather offer — a takeover bid pitched so high that the management of the target company is unable to dissuade shareholders from accepting it
  • golden starfish — an award given to a bathing beach that meets EU standards of cleanliness
  • grapes of wrath — a novel (1939) by John Steinbeck.
  • graveyard shift — a work shift usually beginning at about midnight and continuing for about eight hours through the early morning hours.
  • hair of the dog — an alcoholic drink taken as an antidote to a hangover
  • half-understood — partially understood
  • halfheartedness — The characteristic of being half-hearted.
  • have the ear of — to be in a position to influence
  • heart of hearts — the depths of one's conscience or emotions
  • heavenly father — a term used to address or refer to God
  • hour after hour — continuously for many hours
  • hyperfastidious — extremely or excessively fastidious
  • hyperfunctional — of or relating to a function or functions: functional difficulties in the administration.
  • in fine feather — one of the horny structures forming the principal covering of birds, consisting typically of a hard, tubular portion attached to the body and tapering into a thinner, stemlike portion bearing a series of slender, barbed processes that interlock to form a flat structure on each side.
  • kaffeeklatscher — a person who participates, especially regularly, in a kaffee klatsch.
  • left-hand drive — A left-hand drive vehicle has the steering wheel on the left side, and is designed to be used in countries where people drive on the right-hand side of the road.
  • make it hot for — having or giving off heat; having a high temperature: a hot fire; hot coffee.
  • make the effort — try
  • man of the hour — a man who is honored by a group.
  • mother of pearl — a hard, iridescent substance that forms the inner layer of certain mollusk shells, used for making buttons, beads, etc.; nacre.
  • mother-of-pearl — a hard, iridescent substance that forms the inner layer of certain mollusk shells, used for making buttons, beads, etc.; nacre.
  • old father time — time personified
  • on the track of — If you are on the track of someone or something, you are trying to find them, or find information about them.
  • on the trail of — If you are on the trail of a person or thing, you are trying hard to find them or find out about them.
  • on/off the mark — If something is off the mark, it is inaccurate or incorrect. If it is on the mark, it is accurate or correct.
  • oyster toadfish — See under toadfish (def 1).
  • paraffin heater — a heater which is fuelled by paraffin
  • peacock feather — a (distinctive and brightly coloured) feather from the peacock
  • photorefractive — of or relating to a change in the index of refraction by spatial variations of the light intensity, as in a laser.
  • pied flycatcher — a small black and white migratory bird of Europe and western Asia, Ficedula hypoleuca
  • pilgrim fathers — the Pilgrims (of Plymouth Colony)
  • plant-hire firm — a company that hires out mobile mechanical equipment for construction, road-making, etc
  • potash feldspar — any of the feldspar minerals having the composition KAlSi 3 O 8 , as orthoclase.
  • primary feather — any of the flight feathers growing from the manus of a bird's wing
  • propeller shaft — a shaft that transmits power from an engine to a propeller.
  • refreshment bar — a bar or stall that offers a variety of drinks for sale
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