
17-letter words containing a, e, t, o

  • minas de riotinto — a town in SW Spain: copper mines.
  • mineralocorticoid — Biochemistry. any of a group of corticosteroid hormones, synthesized by the adrenal cortex, that regulate the excretion or reabsorption of sodium and potassium by the kidneys, salivary glands, and sweat glands.
  • minion of the law — a policeman.
  • minister of state — (in the British Parliament) a minister, usually below cabinet rank, appointed to assist a senior minister with heavy responsibilities
  • misidentification — to identify incorrectly.
  • misinterpretation — An instance of misinterpreting.
  • misrepresentation — to represent incorrectly, improperly, or falsely.
  • miss lonelyhearts — a novel (1933) by Nathanael West.
  • missense mutation — a type of mutation to a specific protein, that results from the substitution, during translation, of one amino acid for another
  • mission statement — an official document that sets out the goals, purpose, and work of an organization.
  • mitigation system — A mitigation system is a set of arrangements or equipment to make the effects of something less bad, for example the effects of an accident.
  • mitre corporation — (body)   A US federally funded R&D center, spun off in 1958 from the MIT Lincoln Laboratory (also an FFRDC). MITRE is a non-profit corporation chartered to do R&D in the public interest. MITRE were responsible for system engineering and implementation oversight of SAGE. MITRE does not stand for MIT Research and Engineering, though it could have.
  • mode of transport — means of travel
  • modern pentathlon — an athletic contest consisting of five different events: horse riding with jumps, fencing with electric épée, freestyle swimming, pistol shooting, and cross-country running
  • modulo arithmetic — modular arithmetic
  • molecular orbital — Physics, Chemistry. a wave function describing the state of a single electron in an atom (atomic orbital) or in a molecule (molecular orbital) the electron in that state.
  • mom and pop store — a small retail business, typically family-operated
  • moment of inertia — the sum of the products of the mass and the square of the perpendicular distance to the axis of rotation of each particle in a body rotating about an axis.
  • monarch butterfly — a large, deep-orange butterfly, Danaus plexippus, having black and white markings, the larvae of which feed on the leaves of milkweed.
  • money-market fund — a mutual fund that invests in the money market.
  • monkey bread tree — a bombacaceous tree, Adansonia digitata, native to Africa, that has a very thick trunk, large white flowers, and a gourdlike fruit with an edible pulp called monkey bread
  • mont-saint-michel — a rocky islet near the coast of NW France, in an inlet of the Gulf of St. Malo: famous abbey and fortress.
  • montagu's harrier — a brownish European bird of prey, Circus pygargus, with long narrow wings and a long tail: family Accipitridae (hawks, harriers, etc)
  • monte carlo rally — an annual car rally the destination of which is Monte Carlo
  • month after month — every month
  • monumentalization — to establish an enduring memorial or record of.
  • moral re-armament — a worldwide movement initiated by Frank Buchman in 1938 as a successor to the Oxford Group, and maintaining that the practice of high morality in public and private life is the key to world betterment. Abbreviation: MRA.
  • more than usually — You use more than usually to show that something shows even more of a particular quality than it normally does.
  • mother of vinegar — mother2 .
  • motorcycle racing — sport: competing on motorcycles
  • motoring magazine — a magazine about cars
  • mount fairweather — a mountain in W North America, on the border between Alaska and British Columbia. Height: 4663 m (15 300 ft)
  • mountain sickness — illness caused by being at high altitude
  • mounted policeman — policemen who patrol on horseback
  • movable-do system — a system of solmization in which the syllable do can be transposed to the tonic of any key.
  • multi-directional — extending or operating in several directions at the same time; functioning or going in more than one direction: a multidirectional stereo speaker system.
  • multi-millionaire — a person who possesses a fortune that amounts to many millions of dollars, francs, etc.
  • multicollinearity — (statistics) A phenomenon in which two or more predictor variables in a multiple regression model are highly correlated, so that the coefficient estimates may change erratically in response to small changes in the model or data.
  • multigenerational — of or relating to several generations, as of a family, or society: a multigenerational novel covering 300 years.
  • multimillionaires — Plural form of multimillionaire.
  • multipotentiality — The capacity to develop in multiple ways; the state of having multiple potentialities.
  • mundane astrology — the astrology of worldly events, in contrast to the astrology of the individual: used especially in interpretations and forecasts involving politics, the stock market, weather, and disasters.
  • muscae volitantes — floater (def 6).
  • mystical theology — the branch of theology dealing with mysticism and mystical experiences.
  • naming convention — 1.   (programming)   variable naming convention. 2.   (networking)   Universal Naming Convention.
  • nanotechnological — Of, pertaining to, or by means of nanotechnology.
  • national assembly — the body constituted by the French Third Estate in June 1789 after the calling of the Estates General. It was dissolved in Sept 1791 to be replaced by the new Legislative Assembly
  • national cemetery — a cemetery, maintained by the U.S. government, for persons who have served honorably in the armed forces.
  • national covenant — an agreement (1638) among Scottish Presbyterians to uphold their faith in Scotland.
  • national heritage — country's cultural legacy
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