
17-letter words containing a, e, t, o

  • manchester school — a school of economists in England in the first half of the 19th century, devoted to free trade and the repeal of the Corn Law, led by Richard Cobden and John Bright.
  • manhattan project — U.S. History. the unofficial designation for the U.S. War Department's secret program, organized in 1942, to explore the isolation of radioactive isotopes and the production of an atomic bomb: initial research was conducted at Columbia University in Manhattan.
  • manifest function — any function of an institution or other social phenomenon that is planned and intentional.
  • manufactured home — a prefabricated house, assembled in modular sections.
  • margaret hamilton — (person)   (born 1936-08-17) A computer scientist, systems engineer and business owner, credited with coining the term software engineering. Margaret Hamilton published over 130 papers, proceedings and reports about the 60 projects and six major programs in which she has been involved. In 1965 she became Director of Software Programming at MIT's Charles Stark Draper Laboratory and Director of the Software Engineering Division of the MIT Instrumentation Laboratory, which developed on-board flight software for the Apollo space program. At NASA, Hamilton pioneered the Apollo on-board guidance software that navigated to and landed on the Moon and formed the basis for software used in later missions. At the time, programming was a hands-on, engineering descipline; computer science and software engineering barely existed. Hamilton produced innovations in system design and software development, enterprise and process modelling, development paradigms, formal systems modelling languages, system-oriented objects for systems modelling and development, automated life-cycle environments, software reliability, software reuse, domain analysis, correctness by built-in language properties, open architecture techniques for robust systems, full life-cycle automation, quality assurance, seamless integration, error detection and recovery, man-machine interface systems, operating systems, end-to-end testing and life-cycle management. She developed concepts of asynchronous software, priority scheduling and Human-in-the-loop decision capability, which became the foundation for modern, ultra-reliable software design. The Apollo 11 moon landing would have aborted when spurious data threatened to overload the computer, but thanks to the innovative asynchronous, priority based scheduling, it eliminated the unnecessary processing and completed the landing successfully. In 1986, she founded Hamilton Technologies, Inc., developed around the Universal Systems Language and her systems and software design paradigm of Development Before the Fact (DBTF).
  • margaret of anjou — 1430–82, queen of Henry VI of England.
  • marital relations — a euphemistic term for sexual intercourse between married partners
  • mark of the beast — the mark put on the forehead of those who worship the beast, the symbol of opposition to God.
  • mass spectrograph — a mass spectroscope for recording a mass spectrum on a photographic plate.
  • mass spectrometer — a device for identifying the kinds of particles present in a given substance: the particles are ionized and beamed through an electromagnetic field and the manner in which they are deflected is indicative of their mass and, thus, their identity.
  • mass spectroscope — an instrument used to determine the masses of small, electrically charged particles.
  • mass spectroscopy — an instrument used to determine the masses of small, electrically charged particles.
  • master of science — a master's degree given usually in a specific branch of the natural sciences, mathematics, or technology.
  • matter of opinion — a point open to question; a debatable statement
  • maxwell equations — equations developed by James Clerk Maxwell (1831–79) upon which classical electromagnetic theory is based
  • mayflower compact — an agreement to establish a government, entered into by the Pilgrims in the cabin of the Mayflower on November 11, 1620.
  • mean piston speed — The mean piston speed is the distance traveled by a piston in a specified amount of time.
  • mean proportional — (between two numbers a and b) a number x for which a/x = x/b : The number 3 is a mean proportional between 1 and 9.
  • meat and potatoes — If you refer to the meat and potatoes of something, you mean its most basic, simple, and essential parts.
  • meat-and-potatoes — fundamental; down-to-earth; basic: What are the meat-and-potatoes issues of the election?
  • mechanoelectrical — Describing the production of electricity by mechanical motion; especially in a transducer.
  • medulla oblongata — the lowest or hindmost part of the brain, continuous with the spinal cord.
  • megaelectron volt — million electron volts.
  • meiji restoration — revolution in Japanese life and government that occurred after the accession of Emperor Mutsuhito (1867), characterized by the downfall of the shogun and feudalism and the creation of a modern state
  • memetic algorithm — (algorithm)   A genetic algorithm or evolutionary algorithm which includes a non-genetic local search to improve genotypes. The term comes from the Richard Dawkin's term "meme". One big difference between memes and genes is that memes are processed and possibly improved by the people that hold them - something that cannot happen to genes. It is this advantage that the memetic algorithm has over simple genetic or evolutionary algorithms. These algorithms are useful in solving complex problems, such as the "Travelling Salesman Problem," which involves finding the shortest path through a large number of nodes, or in creating artificial life to test evolutionary theories. Memetic algorithms are one kind of metaheuristic. (07 July 1997)
  • memory management — (memory management, storage)   A collection of techniques for providing sufficient memory to one or more processes in a computer system, especially when the system does not have enough memory to satisfy all processes' requirements simultaneously. Techniques include swapping, paging and virtual memory. Memory management is usually performed mostly by a hardware memory management unit.
  • mensural notation — a system of musical notation of the 13th to the late 16th centuries, marked by the use of note symbols such as the longa and brevis, the absence of bar lines and ties, and the equivalence in value of one note to either two or three of the next smaller degree.
  • merchant of death — a company, nation, or person that sells military arms on the international market, usually to the highest bidder and without scruple or regard for political ramifications.
  • mercury barometer — a barometer in which the weight of a column of mercury in a glass tube with a sealed top is balanced against that of the atmosphere pressing on an exposed cistern of mercury at the base of the mercury column, the height of the column varying with atmospheric pressure.
  • mercy otis warrenEarl, 1891–1974, U.S. lawyer and political leader: chief justice of the U.S. 1953–69.
  • messier catalogue — a catalogue of 103 nonstellar objects, such as nebulae and galaxies, prepared in 1781–86. An object is referred to by its number in this catalogue, for example the Andromeda Galaxy is referred to as M31
  • metabolic pathway — biochemistry: sequence of reactions within a cell or organism
  • metacommunication — Communication that indicates how verbal information should be interpreted; stimuli surrounding the verbal communication that also have meaning, which may or may not be congruent with that of or support the verbal talk. It may support or contradict verbal communication; Communication which is implicit and not expressed in words.
  • metallofullerenes — Plural form of metallofullerene.
  • metalloproteinase — (enzyme) Any of several proteinases that have a metal atom (often zinc) at their active centre.
  • metaperiodic acid — the crystalline compound HIO4, an oxyacid of iodine
  • methemoglobinemia — (medicine) A form of toxic anemia characterized by the presence of methemoglobin in the blood.
  • method invocation — (programming)   In object-oriented programming, the way the program looks up the right code to run when a method with a given name is called ("invoked") on an object. The method is first looked for in the object's class, then that class's superclass and so on up the class hierarchy until a method with the given name is found (the name is "resolved"). Generally, method lookup cannot be performed at compile time because the object's class is not known until run time. This is the case for an object method whereas a class method is just an ordinary function (that is bundled with a given class) and can be resolved at compile time (or load time in the case of a dynamically loaded library).
  • method of payment — cash, credit card, cheque, etc.
  • methyl isocyanate — Chemistry. a highly toxic, flammable, colorless liquid, CH 3 NCO, used as an intermediate in the manufacture of pesticides: in 1984, the accidental release of a cloud of this gas in Bhopal, India, killed more than 1700 people and injured over 200,000.
  • mexican stand-off — A Mexican stand-off is a situation in which neither of the people or groups in a conflict or dispute can win and neither wants to give in first.
  • microencapsulated — Encapsulated using microencapsulation.
  • microevolutionary — Of or pertaining to microevolution.
  • microinvertebrate — An invertebrate of microscopic size.
  • microminiaturized — Simple past tense and past participle of microminiaturize.
  • micropaleontology — the branch of paleontology dealing with the study of microscopic fossils.
  • microphanerophyte — any shrub or tree having a height of 2 to 8 metres
  • mileage indicator — a device on a vehicle such as a car, plane, etc which indicates the number of miles travelled
  • military covenant — the supposed understanding that members of the armed forces and their families will be supported by the state in the event of injury or death in the course of duty
  • military governor — the military officer in command of a military government.
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