
14-letter words containing a, d, e, n, s

  • salade niçoise — a cold dish consisting of hard-boiled eggs, anchovy fillets, olives, tomatoes, tuna fish, etc
  • san bernardino — a city in S California.
  • san pedro sula — a city in NW Honduras.
  • sand lovegrass — any grass of the genus Eragrostis, as E. curvula (weeping lovegrass) and E. trichodes (sand lovegrass) cultivated as forage and ground cover.
  • sand stargazer — a fish of the family Dactyloscopidae, especially Dactyloscopus tridigitatus, of Atlantic waters from Bermuda to Brazil, having tiny, tubular eyes on top of the head, and capable of emitting electric discharges.
  • sandhill crane — a North American crane, Grus canadensis, having bluish-gray plumage and a red forehead.
  • sandwich panel — a structural panel consisting of a core of one material enclosed between two sheets of a different material.
  • sanford b dole — Robert J(oseph) born 1923, U.S. politician: senator 1969–96.
  • sanibel island — an island in the Gulf of Mexico off the SW coast of Florida. 16 sq. mi. (41.5 sq. km).
  • sansculottides — the festivities held during the five complementary days in the French Republican Calendar
  • scaling ladder — a ladder for climbing high walls.
  • scandium oxide — a white infusible powder, Sc 2 O 3 , soluble in acids.
  • scatterbrained — a person incapable of serious, connected thought.
  • scheduling api — Scheduling Application Programming Interface
  • scream and die — Synonym cough and die, but connotes that an error message was printed or displayed before the program crashed.
  • screen trading — a form of trading on a market or exchange in which the visual display unit of a computer replaces personal contact as in floor trading
  • seanad eireann — the upper house of the parliament of the Republic of Ireland. Compare Oireachtas (def 1).
  • second baseman — the player whose position is second base.
  • second chamber — the parliament of the Netherlands, consisting of an upper chamber (First Chamber) and a lower chamber (Second Chamber)
  • second reading — the stage in the consideration of a legislative bill that provides an opportunity for debate and amendment.
  • secondary beam — a beam of particles of one kind selected from the group of particles produced when a beam of particles from an accelerator (primary beam) strikes a target.
  • secondary cell — storage cell.
  • secondary gain — any advantage, as increased attention, disability benefits, or release from unpleasant responsibilities, obtained as a result of having an illness (distinguished from primary gain).
  • secondary road — a road less important than a main road or highway.
  • secondary wall — the innermost part of a plant cell wall, deposited after the wall has ceased to increase in surface area.
  • secondary wave — a transverse earthquake wave that travels through the interior of the earth and is usually the second conspicuous wave to reach a seismograph.
  • selenious acid — a colorless, crystalline, water-soluble, poisonous powder, H 2 SeO 3 , used chiefly as a reagent.
  • self-abandoned — lacking self-control; giving in to one's impulses.
  • self-adjusting — that adjusts itself in response to circumstances
  • self-adornment — something that adds attractiveness; ornament; accessory: the adornments and furnishings of a room.
  • self-adulation — excessive devotion to someone; servile flattery.
  • self-appointed — chosen by oneself to act in a certain capacity or to fulfill a certain function, especially pompously or self-righteously: a self-appointed guardian of the public's morals.
  • self-contained — containing in oneself or itself all that is necessary; independent.
  • self-defeating — serving to frustrate, thwart, etc., one's own intention or interests: His behavior was certainly self-defeating.
  • self-diagnosis — the diagnosis of one's own malady or illness.
  • self-dominance — rule; control; authority; ascendancy.
  • self-expanding — to increase in extent, size, volume, scope, etc.: Heat expands most metals. He hopes to expand his company.
  • self-generated — made without the aid of an external agent; produced spontaneously.
  • self-hardening — noting or pertaining to any of various steels that harden after heating without quenching or other treatment.
  • self-impedance — Electricity. the total opposition to alternating current by an electric circuit, equal to the square root of the sum of the squares of the resistance and reactance of the circuit and usually expressed in ohms. Symbol: Z.
  • self-initiated — initiated or begun by oneself.
  • self-laudation — an act or instance of lauding; encomium; tribute.
  • self-mediating — to settle (disputes, strikes, etc.) as an intermediary between parties; reconcile.
  • self-parodying — given to or involving self-parody
  • self-regarding — consideration for oneself or one's own interests.
  • semantic field — an area of human experience or perception, as color, that is delimited and subcategorized by a set of interrelated vocabulary items in a language.
  • semi-dominance — incomplete dominance.
  • semi-legendary — somewhat legendary; having something of the nature of a legend; almost legendary
  • semipolar bond — type of chemical bond
  • send a message — to convey or communicate one's feelings, desires, etc. in a subtle or indirect manner
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