
All fall synonyms

F f

verb fall

  • surrender β€” to yield (something) to the possession or power of another; deliver up possession of on demand or under duress: to surrender the fort to the enemy; to surrender the stolen goods to the police.
  • crash β€” A crash is an accident in which a moving vehicle hits something and is damaged or destroyed.
  • dwindle β€” to become smaller and smaller; shrink; waste away: His vast fortune has dwindled away.
  • ease β€” freedom from labor, pain, or physical annoyance; tranquil rest; comfort: to enjoy one's ease.
  • stumble β€” to strike the foot against something, as in walking or running, so as to stagger or fall; trip.
  • settle β€” to appoint, fix, or resolve definitely and conclusively; agree upon (as time, price, or conditions).
  • sink β€” to displace part of the volume of a supporting substance or object and become totally or partially submerged or enveloped; fall or descend into or below the surface or to the bottom (often followed by in or into): The battleship sank within two hours. His foot sank in the mud. Her head sinks into the pillows.
  • diminish β€” to make or cause to seem smaller, less, less important, etc.; lessen; reduce.
  • go down β€” to move or proceed, especially to or from something: They're going by bus.
  • depreciate β€” If something such as a currency depreciates or if something depreciates it, it loses some of its original value.
  • land β€” Edwin Herbert, 1909–91, U.S. inventor and businessman: created the Polaroid camera.
  • die β€” When people, animals, and plants die, they stop living.
  • give up β€” the quality or state of being resilient; springiness.
  • become β€” If someone or something becomes a particular thing, they start to change and develop into that thing, or start to develop the characteristics mentioned.
  • occur β€” to happen; take place; come to pass: When did the accident occur?
  • take place β€” a particular portion of space, whether of definite or indefinite extent.
  • wane β€” to decrease in strength, intensity, etc.: Daylight waned, and night came on. Her enthusiasm for the cause is waning.
  • lessen β€” to become less.
  • pitch β€” to smear or cover with pitch.
  • trip β€” a group of animals, as sheep, goats, or fowl; flock.
  • droop β€” to sag, sink, bend, or hang down, as from weakness, exhaustion, or lack of support.
  • buckle β€” A buckle is a piece of metal or plastic attached to one end of a belt or strap, which is used to fasten it.
  • subside β€” to sink to a low or lower level.
  • backslide β€” to lapse into bad habits or vices from a state of virtue, religious faith, etc
  • totter β€” to walk or go with faltering steps, as if from extreme weakness.
  • topple β€” to fall forward, as from having too heavy a top; pitch; tumble down.

noun fall

  • loss β€” detriment, disadvantage, or deprivation from failure to keep, have, or get: to bear the loss of a robbery.
  • disaster β€” a calamitous event, especially one occurring suddenly and causing great loss of life, damage, or hardship, as a flood, airplane crash, or business failure.
  • downfall β€” descent to a lower position or standing; overthrow; ruin.
  • failure β€” an act or instance of failing or proving unsuccessful; lack of success: His effort ended in failure. The campaign was a failure.
  • collapse β€” If a building or other structure collapses, it falls down very suddenly.
  • decline β€” If something declines, it becomes less in quantity, importance, or strength.
  • plunge β€” to cast or thrust forcibly or suddenly into something, as a liquid, a penetrable substance, a place, etc.; immerse; submerge: to plunge a dagger into one's heart.
  • spill β€” to cause or allow to run or fall from a container, especially accidentally or wastefully: to spill a bag of marbles; to spill milk.
  • drop β€” a small quantity of liquid that falls or is produced in a more or less spherical mass; a liquid globule.
  • slump β€” to drop or fall heavily; collapse: Suddenly she slumped to the floor.
  • recession β€” a return of ownership to a former possessor.
  • reduction β€” the act of reducing or the state of being reduced.
  • decrease β€” When something decreases or when you decrease it, it becomes less in quantity, size, or intensity.
  • dip β€” to plunge (something, as a cloth or sponge) temporarily into a liquid, so as to moisten it, dye it, or cause it to take up some of the liquid: He dipped the brush into the paint bucket.
  • breakdown β€” The breakdown of something such as a relationship, plan, or discussion is its failure or ending.
  • death β€” Death is the permanent end of the life of a person or animal.
  • humiliation β€” an act or instance of humiliating or being humiliated.
  • degradation β€” You use degradation to refer to a situation, condition, or experience which you consider shameful and disgusting, especially one which involves poverty or immorality.
  • abasement β€” to reduce or lower, as in rank, office, reputation, or estimation; humble; degrade.
  • capitulation β€” the act of capitulating
  • surrender β€” to yield (something) to the possession or power of another; deliver up possession of on demand or under duress: to surrender the fort to the enemy; to surrender the stolen goods to the police.
  • resignation β€” the act of resigning.
  • ruin β€” ruins, the remains of a building, city, etc., that has been destroyed or that is in disrepair or a state of decay: We visited the ruins of ancient Greece.
  • destruction β€” Destruction is the act of destroying something, or the state of being destroyed.
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