
All convention synonyms

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noun convention

  • practice β€” habitual or customary performance; operation: office practice.
  • meeting β€” an assembly, as of persons and hounds for a hunt or swimmers or runners for a race or series of races: a track meet.
  • show β€” to cause or allow to be seen; exhibit; display.
  • code β€” A code is a set of rules about how people should behave or about how something must be done.
  • law β€” software law
  • rule β€” a principle or regulation governing conduct, action, procedure, arrangement, etc.: the rules of chess.
  • pact β€” an agreement, covenant, or compact: We made a pact not to argue any more.
  • covenant β€” A covenant is a formal written agreement between two or more people or groups of people which is recognized in law.
  • protocol β€” the customs and regulations dealing with diplomatic formality, precedence, and etiquette.
  • confab β€” A confab is an informal, private conversation.
  • assembly β€” An assembly is a large group of people who meet regularly to make decisions or laws for a particular region or country.
  • congress β€” Congress is the elected group of politicians that is responsible for making the law in the United States. It consists of two parts: the House of Representatives and the Senate.
  • convocation β€” A convocation is a meeting or ceremony attended by a large number of people.
  • powwow β€” a large gathering organized by North American Indians for socializing, dancing, singing, and celebrating their culture.
  • delegation β€” A delegation is a group of people who have been sent somewhere to have talks with other people on behalf of a larger group of people.
  • council β€” A council is a group of people who are elected to govern a local area such as a city or, in Britain, a county.
  • meet β€” greatest lower bound
  • rally β€” to ridicule in a good-natured way; banter.
  • assemblage β€” An assemblage of people or things is a collection of them.
  • representatives β€” a person or thing that represents another or others.
  • clambake β€” A clambake is a picnic at which clams and other food are served.
  • fashion β€” a prevailing custom or style of dress, etiquette, socializing, etc.: the latest fashion in dresses.
  • form β€” external appearance of a clearly defined area, as distinguished from color or material; configuration: a triangular form.
  • formality β€” condition or quality of being formal; accordance with required or traditional rules, procedures, etc.; conventionality.
  • habit β€” an acquired behavior pattern regularly followed until it has become almost involuntary: the habit of looking both ways before crossing the street.
  • canon β€” A canon is a member of the clergy who is on the staff of a cathedral.
  • understanding β€” mental process of a person who comprehends; comprehension; personal interpretation: My understanding of the word does not agree with yours.
  • precept β€” a commandment or direction given as a rule of action or conduct.
  • propriety β€” conformity to established standards of good or proper behavior or manners.
  • usage β€” a customary way of doing something; a custom or practice: the usages of the last 50 years.
  • custom β€” A custom is an activity, a way of behaving, or an event which is usual or traditional in a particular society or in particular circumstances.
  • percept β€” the mental result or product of perceiving, as distinguished from the act of perceiving; an impression or sensation of something perceived.
  • compact β€” Compact things are small or take up very little space. You use this word when you think this is a good quality.
  • transaction β€” the act of transacting or the fact of being transacted.
  • concord β€” Concord is a state of peaceful agreement.
  • bargain β€” Something that is a bargain is good value for money, usually because it has been sold at a lower price than normal.
  • contract β€” A contract is a legal agreement, usually between two companies or between an employer and employee, which involves doing work for a stated sum of money.
  • treaty β€” a formal agreement between two or more states in reference to peace, alliance, commerce, or other international relations.
  • stipulation β€” a condition, demand, or promise in an agreement or contract.
  • bond β€” A bond between people is a strong feeling of friendship, love, or shared beliefs and experiences that unites them.
  • concordat β€” a pact or treaty, esp one between the Vatican and another state concerning the interests of religion in that state
  • principle β€” an accepted or professed rule of action or conduct: a person of good moral principles.
  • practise β€” habitual or customary performance; operation: office practice.
  • tradition β€” the handing down of statements, beliefs, legends, customs, information, etc., from generation to generation, especially by word of mouth or by practice: a story that has come down to us by popular tradition.
  • get together β€” an offspring or the total of the offspring, especially of a male animal: the get of a stallion.
  • gathering β€” a drawing together; contraction.
  • conference β€” A conference is a meeting, often lasting a few days, which is organized on a particular subject or to bring together people who have a common interest.
  • reunion β€” an island in the Indian Ocean, E of Madagascar: an overseas department of France. 970 sq. mi. (2512 sq. km). Capital: St. Denis.
  • get-together β€” an informal and usually small social gathering.
  • caucus β€” A caucus is a group of people within an organization who share similar aims and interests or who have a lot of influence.
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