
All adulthood synonyms

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noun adulthood

  • youth β€” the condition of being young.
  • maturity β€” the state of being mature; ripeness: The fruit will reach maturity in a few days.
  • life β€” the condition that distinguishes organisms from inorganic objects and dead organisms, being manifested by growth through metabolism, reproduction, and the power of adaptation to environment through changes originating internally.
  • old age β€” the last period of human life, now often considered to be the years after 65.
  • advancement β€” Advancement is progress in your job or in your social position.
  • improvement β€” an act of improving or the state of being improved.
  • increase β€” to make greater, as in number, size, strength, or quality; augment; add to: to increase taxes.
  • progress β€” a movement toward a goal or to a further or higher stage: the progress of a student toward a degree.
  • boldness β€” not hesitating or fearful in the face of actual or possible danger or rebuff; courageous and daring: a bold hero.
  • nobility β€” the noble class or the body of nobles in a country.
  • courage β€” Courage is the quality shown by someone who decides to do something difficult or dangerous, even though they may be afraid.
  • fortitude β€” mental and emotional strength in facing difficulty, adversity, danger, or temptation courageously: Never once did her fortitude waver during that long illness.
  • bravery β€” Bravery is brave behaviour or the quality of being brave.
  • infancy β€” the state or period of being an infant; very early childhood, usually the period before being able to walk; babyhood.
  • milestone β€” a stone functioning as a milepost.
  • senility β€” the state of being senile, especially the weakness or mental infirmity of old age.
  • dotage β€” a decline of mental faculties, especially as associated with old age; senility.
  • majority β€” the greater part or number; the number larger than half the total (opposed to minority): the majority of the population.
  • boyhood β€” Boyhood is the period of a male person's life during which he is a boy.
  • lifetime β€” the time that the life of someone or something continues; the term of a life: peace within our lifetime.
  • seniority β€” the state of being senior; priority of birth; superior age.
  • childhood β€” A person's childhood is the period of their life when they are a child.
  • adolescence β€” Adolescence is the period of your life in which you develop from being a child into being an adult.
  • girlhood β€” the state or time of being a girl.
  • progression β€” the act of progressing; forward or onward movement.
  • addition β€” An addition to something is a thing which is added to it.
  • reinforcement β€” the act of reinforcing.
  • augmentation β€” the act of augmenting or the state of being augmented
  • hike β€” to walk or march a great distance, especially through rural areas, for pleasure, exercise, military training, or the like.
  • flowering β€” bearing flowers.
  • advance β€” To advance means to move forward, often in order to attack someone.
  • boost β€” If one thing boosts another, it causes it to increase, improve, or be more successful.
  • buildup β€” praise or favorable publicity, esp. when systematic and intended to make something popular, well-known, etc.
  • spread β€” to draw, stretch, or open out, especially over a flat surface, as something rolled or folded (often followed by out).
  • developing β€” If you talk about developing countries or the developing world, you mean the countries or the parts of the world that are poor and have few industries.
  • ontogenesis β€” the development or developmental history of an individual organism.
  • maturation β€” the act or process of maturating.
  • ontogeny β€” the development or developmental history of an individual organism.
  • chrysalis β€” A chrysalis is a butterfly or moth in the stage between being a larva and an adult.
  • resoluteness β€” firmly resolved or determined; set in purpose or opinion: Her parents wanted her to marry, but she was focused on her education and remained resolute.
  • machismo β€” a strong or exaggerated sense of manliness; an assumptive attitude that virility, courage, strength, and entitlement to dominate are attributes or concomitants of masculinity.
  • chivalry β€” Chivalry is polite, kind, and unselfish behaviour, especially by men towards women.
  • daring β€” People who are daring are willing to do or say things which are new or which might shock or anger other people.
  • valor β€” boldness or determination in facing great danger, especially in battle; heroic courage; bravery: a medal for valor.
  • sturdiness β€” strongly built; stalwart; robust: sturdy young athletes.
  • honor β€” honesty, fairness, or integrity in one's beliefs and actions: a man of honor.
  • gallantry β€” dashing courage; heroic bravery; noble-minded behavior.
  • forcefulness β€” full of force; powerful; vigorous; effective: a forceful plea for peace.
  • determination β€” Determination is the quality that you show when you have decided to do something and you will not let anything stop you.
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