
ALL meanings of clearing

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  • countable noun clearing A clearing is a small area in a forest where there are no trees or bushes. 3
  • noun clearing an area with few or no trees or shrubs in wooded or overgrown land 3
  • noun clearing a making clear or being cleared 3
  • noun clearing an area of land cleared of trees 3
  • noun clearing the exchanging of checks, etc. and balancing of accounts between banks 3
  • noun clearing the procedure for doing this 3
  • noun clearing the amount of the balances thus settled 3
  • noun clearing Clearing is the time that is taken between starting a transaction and finishing it. 3
  • noun clearing a clear or unobstructed space. 1
  • noun clearing plaintext. 1
  • noun clearing a piece of clear lumber. 1
  • adjective clearing free from darkness, obscurity, or cloudiness; light: a clear day. 1
  • adjective clearing transparent; pellucid: clear water. 1
  • adjective clearing without discoloration, defect, or blemish: a clear complexion; a clear pane of glass. 1
  • adjective clearing of a pure, even color: a clear yellow. 1
  • adjective clearing easily seen; sharply defined: a clear outline. 1
  • adjective clearing distinctly perceptible to the ear; easily heard: a clear sound. 1
  • adjective clearing free from hoarse, harsh, or rasping qualities: a clear voice; clear as a bell. 1
  • adjective clearing easily understood; without ambiguity: clear, concise answers. 1
  • adjective clearing entirely comprehensible; completely understood: The ultimate causes of inflation may never be clear. 1
  • adjective clearing distinct; evident; plain: a clear case of misbehavior. 1
  • adjective clearing free from confusion, uncertainty, or doubt: clear thinking. 1
  • adjective clearing perceiving or discerning distinctly: a clear mind. 1
  • adjective clearing convinced; certain: He was not clear on the first point that she made but agreed with the others. 1
  • adjective clearing free from anything that would disturb or blame: a clear conscience. 1
  • adjective clearing free from suspicion of guilt or complicity: She was entirely clear of the crime until one of her accomplices turned informer. 1
  • adjective clearing serene; calm; untroubled: a clear brow. 1
  • adjective clearing free from obstructions or obstacles; open: a clear view; a clear path. 1
  • adjective clearing free from entanglement or contact: He kept clear of her after the argument. She managed to keep her dress clear of the mud. 1
  • adjective clearing without limitation or qualification; absolute: a clear victory. 1
  • adjective clearing free from obligation, liability, or debt: After twenty years, our house is clear of the mortgage. Municipal bonds were returning as much as 9 percent, clear of taxes. 1
  • adjective clearing without deduction or diminution: a clear $1000 after taxes. 1
  • adjective clearing freed or emptied of contents, cargo, etc. 1
  • adjective clearing (of tree trunks or timber) free from branches, knots, or other protruding or rough parts: The trunk was clear for 20 feet above the ground. 1
  • adjective clearing Phonetics. (of an l- sound) having front-vowel resonance; situated before a vowel in the same syllable. Compare dark (def 16a). (of a speech sound) produced without frication or aspiration. 1
  • adjective clearing (in cryptography) not coded or enciphered. Compare plaintext. 1
  • adjective clearing bright; shining: a clear flame. 1
  • adjective clearing Obsolete. illustrious. 1
  • adverb clearing in a clear or distinct manner; clearly. 1
  • adverb clearing so as not to be in contact with or near; away (often followed by of): Stand clear of the closing doors. 1
  • adverb clearing entirely; completely; clean: to cut a piece clear off; to climb clear to the top; to run clear off the road. 1
  • verb with object clearing to remove people or objects from (usually followed by of): to clear a courtroom of photographers; to clear the table of dishes. 1
  • verb with object clearing to remove (people or objects) (usually followed by from): to clear the photographers from the courtroom; to clear the dishes from the table. 1
  • verb with object clearing to make clear, transparent, or pellucid; free from cloudiness or impurities: to clear a liquid by means of a filter. 1
  • verb with object clearing to make free of confusion, doubt, or uncertainty: He spoke to his supervisor to clear his mind about their working relationship. 1
  • verb with object clearing to make understandable or lucid; free from ambiguity or obscurity: She rephrased the report in order to clear the essential points. 1
  • verb with object clearing to make (a path, road, etc.) by removing any obstruction: He had to cut away the underbrush to clear a path. 1
  • verb with object clearing to eat all the food on: to clear one's plate. 1
  • verb with object clearing to relieve (the throat) of some obstruction, as phlegm, by forcing air through the larynx, usually producing a rasping sound. 1
  • verb with object clearing to make a similar rasping noise in (the throat), as to express disapproval or to attract attention. 1
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