
All clear away antonyms

clear aΒ·way
C c

verb clear away

  • permit β€” to allow to do something: Permit me to explain.
  • welcome β€” a kindly greeting or reception, as to one whose arrival gives pleasure: to give someone a warm welcome.
  • insert β€” to put or place in: to insert a key in a lock.
  • remain β€” to continue in the same state; continue to be as specified: to remain at peace.
  • ratify β€” to confirm by expressing consent, approval, or formal sanction: to ratify a constitutional amendment.
  • include β€” to contain, as a whole does parts or any part or element: The package includes the computer, program, disks, and a manual.
  • hire β€” to engage the services of (a person or persons) for wages or other payment: to hire a clerk.
  • combine β€” If you combine two or more things or if they combine, they exist together.
  • unite β€” to join, combine, or incorporate so as to form a single whole or unit.
  • sow β€” to scatter (seed) over land, earth, etc., for growth; plant.
  • allow β€” If someone is allowed to do something, it is all right for them to do it and they will not get into trouble.
  • add β€” ADD is an abbreviation for attention deficit disorder.
  • put in β€” to move or place (anything) so as to get it into or out of a specific location or position: to put a book on the shelf.
  • hold β€” to have or keep in the hand; keep fast; grasp: She held the purse in her right hand. He held the child's hand in his.
  • keep β€” to hold or retain in one's possession; hold as one's own: If you like it, keep it. Keep the change.
  • continue β€” If someone or something continues to do something, they keep doing it and do not stop.
  • accept β€” If you accept something that you have been offered, you say yes to it or agree to take it.
  • load β€” anything put in or on something for conveyance or transportation; freight; cargo: The truck carried a load of watermelons.
  • retain β€” to keep possession of.
  • fill β€” to make full; put as much as can be held into: to fill a jar with water.
  • put on β€” a throw or cast, especially one made with a forward motion of the hand when raised close to the shoulder.
  • fix β€” to repair; mend.
  • place β€” a particular portion of space, whether of definite or indefinite extent.
  • stay β€” (of a ship) to change to the other tack.
  • plant β€” any member of the kingdom Plantae, comprising multicellular organisms that typically produce their own food from inorganic matter by the process of photosynthesis and that have more or less rigid cell walls containing cellulose, including vascular plants, mosses, liverworts, and hornworts: some classification schemes may include fungi, algae, bacteria, blue-green algae, and certain single-celled eukaryotes that have plantlike qualities, as rigid cell walls or photosynthesis.
  • create β€” To create something means to cause it to happen or exist.
  • preserve β€” to keep alive or in existence; make lasting: to preserve our liberties as free citizens.
  • construct β€” to draw (a line, angle, or figure) so that certain requirements are satisfied
  • bear β€” If you bear something somewhere, you carry it there or take it there.
  • save β€” to rescue from danger or possible harm, injury, or loss: to save someone from drowning.
  • build β€” If you build something, you make it by joining things together.
  • weaken β€” to make weak or weaker.
  • drop β€” a small quantity of liquid that falls or is produced in a more or less spherical mass; a liquid globule.
  • lower β€” to cause to descend; let or put down: to lower a flag.
  • spend β€” to pay out, disburse, or expend; dispose of (money, wealth, resources, etc.): resisting the temptation to spend one's money.
  • raise β€” to move to a higher position; lift up; elevate: to raise one's hand; sleepy birds raising their heads and looking about.
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